Trusting God In Isaiah 59 (July 20)

God’s Words Hold Good

Backgrounder on Isaiah 58-62:
Isaiah catches a glimpse of the
Glorious Future awaiting the people
of God. A day is coming when
darkness will be swept away,
affliction will cease and the
glad tidings of salvation shall
be proclaimed throughout Zion.
God has not forsaken His people
& groaning has given way to glory.

Lord, Your Words Hold Good:
Behold the LORD’s hand is not
shortened, that it cannot save;
Nor His ear heavy, that it can’t hear.
But your iniquities have separated
you from your God; your sins
have hidden His face from you,
so that He will not hear (Isa 59:1-2).
He saw that there was no one,
He was apalled there was
no intercessor. (Therefore)…
He himself stepped in to save them.
He put on righteousness as his
body armour & placed the helmet
of salvation on his head (v16-17).
The Redeemer will come to those
who turned from transgression…
This is My Covenant with them,
says the Lord. My Spirit Will Not
Leave them and Neither Will These
Words I have given you (v20-21).

Lord, our lives may not work that
well when we are not living Your way.
Help me to stay undeceived about
my own sin so that I can confess it
immediately and be cleansed of it.
For I don’t want anything to separate
me from You and hinder my prayers
by causing You to not hear them.
Show me Lord how to tear down
any wall of separation that may arise
because of sin in my heart. Amen.

Lord, You Promise Protection
when I wear Your armour. Help me
hold on to the truth that You died
for me & I have Your righteousness.
I am also grateful for the helmet
of salvation and its protection.
Pray that the assurance of salvation
will guard my thoughts and mind,
even as difficulties come and
doubts attempt to creep in. Amen.

Lord, thank You for promising
Your Spirit Is With me forever and
that Your Words will Not Fade away.
Help me gracious Lord to grab
hold of Your promises in faith.
In a constantly shifting world,
help me stand firm in Your Words.
And let Your Words sink deep
into my heart and not be affected
by the shaking around me. Amen.