Trusting God In Isaiah 25 (July 6)

God Shelters You from the Storm

In Isaiah 24-27, Isaiah steps back
to survey the landscape and
what he sees causes him to respond
in jubilation. Earth and heaven
experience God’s sifting judgment.
The redeemed ones, vindicated
at last, break forth in spontaneous
song, exalting the Lord. Though
downcast, the people of God now
have something worth singing about
refuge, deliverance and ultimate
triumph in the Holy One of Israel.

O Lord, You are my God.
I will exalt You, I will praise Yr name,
For You have done wonderful things.
You planned them long ago, and now
You hv accomplished them (Isa 25:1)
For You have been a strength to
the poor, a strength to the needy
in his distress, a refuge from the
storm, a shade from the heat (v4).
You, Lord God, will swallow up death
forever, and You will wipe away
the tears from every face; You will
remove the reproach of Your people
from the earth. And it will be said
in that day: “Behold, this is our
God; we have waited for Him and
He will save us” (Isaiah 25:8-9).

Lord, You the one who provides,
bring to my mind all the good You
have caused in my life, so that I can
fully honour and praise Your name.
I humbly thank You for helping me
to stop living a lie and for silencing
mean people who surround me.
And thank You Lord for all You
still plan to accomplish through
me for Your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, by faith I make You my Shelter,
accept Your protective presence and
receive all other blessings You offer.
Grow my faith O Lord to be as
big as the gifts You want to give.
And having experienced You Lord,
I will declare to everyone, what
wonderful things You’ve done for me
I love and adore You Lord for You are
more precious than anything. Amen

Lord, Your word affirms that
we will rise from death and that
death is not the end of existence.
We praise You because You are
the resurrection and the life; and
those who believe in You’ll never die;
at least not in the ultimate sense.
Thank You Lord for the hope of
the gospel; for because of You,
death has indeed lost its sting.
In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

Trusting God In Isaiah 9 (July 5)

God Provides Your Needs

In the face of trouble and anguish,
Isaiah proclaims a note of hope.
The people that walked in darkness
have seen A Great Light (Isa 9:2).
There is coming a Child whose very
names instil hope and confidence.
Though shadows of judgment
darken the horizon, the redeemed
ones can sing, for the ultimate
victory is already assured.

Lord, You’re Everything We Need:
Time of darkness will not go on
forever… The people who walk in
darkness will see A Great Light…
For God will break the chains
that binds His people…
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given…
And His name will be called
Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
… He will reign over His Kingdom,
establishing and upholding it…
The Passionate Commitment
and zeal of the Lord Almighty will
guarantee this! (Isa 9:1-7) Amen.

Lord Jesus, we claim Isaiah 9:6 that
says: Nothing will stand in Your way
& nothing is outside Your authority.
We pray for resilience in hard times;
for we know that it is through trial
that people grow and mature. But in
Your mercy, don’t test beyond what
we can bear. And grant us grace
to live in peace & favour of break-
through for a new season. Amen.

Lord Jesus, You are our Prince of
Peace. Help us learn to rest in You,
to draw near to You in good times
and bad. Thank You for the promise
of deliverance & victory over trials.
In tough times teach me Lord to
look to You and to lean on You.
And make me a good example
of Your supernatural peace;
for You are my Peace. Amen.

Lord, help me to join You at work
to further Your Kingdom on earth.
Help me display Your character
as well as demonstrate Your way.
Teach me to trust in Your zeal
for my life and to know that Your
purposes cannot be stopped.
Expand Lord Your kingdom in me;
and let me feel Your passion for
me and for Your purposes. Amen.