Trusting God in Psalm 30

God Is Wise & Brilliant (Jun 17)

It’s rare to hear anyone admit
to ignorance but Agur does that.
Yet with his questions about nature,
he leads the reader to understand
something of God’s brilliance
in contrast to the limits of
human understanding.

Lord, we will Put Trust in You:
I am too ignorant to be human,
and I lack common sense. I have
not mastered human wisdom
nor do I know the Holy One.
Who holds the wind in his fists?
Who wraps up the oceans? Who
has created the whole world? Tell
me if u know! Every word of God
is pure; He is a shield to those who
put their trust in Him (Prov 30:2-5)
Lord, we will Be Contented:
O God, I beg two favours from You…
First, help me never to tell a lie.
Second, give me neither poverty
nor riches! Give me just enough
to satisfy my needs. For if I grow
rich, I may deny You and say:
“Who is the Lord?” And if I am
too poor, I may steal & thus insult
God’s holy name (Prov 30:7-9).

Lord, thank You for Proverbs 30
that contains wise words on
Gratitude to God for protection
and providing all that we need.
You’re the key to Wisdom for there’s limit to human understanding.
Help us to Apply Your Truth;
Help us to Put Trust In You;
Help us to Be Contented; and
Grant us Wisdom & Courage. Amen.

Lord, who holds the wind and the
oceans? It is You Almighty God!
You still the wind with Your voice.
You orchestrate the changing
of the seasons. And it is You who
created me and give me purpose
in life. Look into my heart & make
me a willing instrument in Yr hand
trusting You. For it is not about
our abilities, it’s all about You God
who does great things. Amen.

Lord, thank You that You care for
us and that You are Jehovah Jireh,
the one who provides all our needs.
Help us to be contented with what
You give us so that we do not fall
into temptation & dishonour U God.
For our materialistic culture creates
dissatisfaction with what we have.
Help us Lord to depend on You 
rather than in constant pursuit of
saving and spending more. Amen.