Trusting God In Psalm 146

God the Promise Keeper (Jun 10)

Backgrounder on Psalms 146-150:
Like the dramatic crescendo of
a symphony, the book of Psalms
builds to a climax of Praise.
Praise God from one generation
to the next (Ps 146); praise God
for His tender care (Ps 147);
praise God for his creation(Ps148);
praise God for His justice (Ps 149);
praise God for His greatness(Ps150)
Praise the Praiseworthy Lord!

Lord, You Keep Promise Forever:
Don’t put your confidence in
powerful people; there is no help
for you there. When their breathing
stops all their plans come to an
end. But happy are those who have
God as their helper, whose hope is
in the Lord their God (Ps 146:3-5)
He is the one who made heaven
and earth… He is the one who
Keeps every Promise forever (v6)
Praise the Lord!
Praise Him for His mighty acts;
Praise Him according to
His excellent greatness!…
Let everything that has breadth
praise the Lord (Ps 150:1-2, 6).

Lord, forgive me for putting my
confidence in people instead of
in You. You made heaven & earth,
the sea and everything in them.
You are unchanging & all powerful,
You give justice to the oppressed,
and help those who are heavyladen.
You keep all Your promises. I put my hope in You and I praise You, Amen

Lord, I gratefully thank You that
Your promises are eternally rock
solid and that Your nature and
character stand firmly behind them.
Thank You Lord that I can trust
in Your promise of constant
presence caring and protecting us.
And grant me the faith to believe
in Your words and to act on it. Amen.

Dear Lord, thank You for giving us
the book of Psalms that teaches us
how to pray and how to praise You.
And we want to praise You more
for You are completely Great,
for You can & will do mighty acts,
for You are caring & compassionate,
for You are the Promise Keeper
for You are our Best Hope.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.