Trusting God In Psalm 145

God Saves His People (Jun 9)

Backgrounder on Psalms 140-145:
Your enemies will either drive you
from God or drive you to God.
In David’s hour of need he found
a sure Refuge (Ps 140, Ps 142),
a trustworthy Friend (Ps 141),
a listening Ear (Ps 143),
a strong Arm (Ps 144),
a Merciful King (Ps 145);
and You Can Too !! Amen.

Lord, You’re Merciful & Will Save Us:
The Lord is kind and Merciful…
He showers compassion on all…
Your faithful followers will bless You.
They will talk about the glory of
Your kingdom; they will celebrate
examples of Yr power (Ps145:8-11)
The Lord is faithful to all His
promises & gracious in all He does.
The Lord Upholds all who fall & lift
up all who are bowed down(v13-14)
The Lord Is Near to all who call on
Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire
of those who fear Him; He also will
Hear their cry & Save them (v18-19)

Lord, You are all Merciful, full of
loving-kindness and compassion.
You are good to all, full of grace;
and You do what You promise!
Reveal more of Yourself to me.
For I want to tell others about
the glory of Your kingdom
and examples of Your power.
Help me tell of Your mighty deeds
and praise You forever, Amen.

Lord, You promise to Help those
who fall; and sometimes I feel like
I spend too much time in trouble.
You promise lifting those who are
beneath their loads, so Come to my
aid or my situation will not change.
When I am weary and worn-down,
prompt me to look to You in faith.
And make me Lord to be sensitive to
others who are heavy-laden. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says when I call
on You in truth, You will be close by.
I confess the times when I doubted
You heard my prayers, because
they seemed went unanswered.
Help me pray more fervently when
concerned nothing changes still.
For You Lord the Sovereign God
does things Your Way & Your Time.
Help us to wait upon You & surely
You Will Come & Save Us. Amen.