Trusting God In Psalm 103 (May 26)

God Blesses His People

In Psalm 103, the psalmist urges
you to count your blessings.
And Psalm 98-102 provide plenty
of ideas to help you do just that
by focusing on the many things
for which you should be thankful:
your salvation (Psalm 98),
answered prayer (Psalm 99),
God’s goodness and mercy (Ps 100),
God’s justice & holiness (Ps 101) and
God’s care the downcast (Ps 102).

Lord, You Bless Your People:
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and
Forget Not All His Benefits –
who forgives all your sins,
who heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life fr destructn,
who crowns u with lovingkindness,
who satisfies your desires with
Good things (Psalm 103:2-5).
The Lord is Merciful and Gracious,
slow to anger & abounding in mercy.
He will not always strive with us, nor
will He keep His anger forever(v8-9)
The Lord is like a father to His
children, tender & Compassionate
to those who fear Him. For He
knows how weak we are (v13-14).

Lord, You are worthy of praise,
for You do countless Good things
for Your children. Forgive us Lord
for the times we fail to acknowledge
Your many blessings in our lives.
Forgiveness, healing, rescue,
love and mercy, You indeed fill our
lives with undeserved blessings.
Teach us Lord the wonderful habit
of counting our blessings. Amen.

Lord, You are Merciful & Gracious,
full of unfailing love; and we ask You
to reveal these in our lives each day.
Grateful for revealing Your wondrous
attributes to us in Your Word.
Open our eyes to who You really are
so that our prayers will rest on the
solid foundation of Your character.
And may our prayers have dunamis
power because they are based on
the truth about You Lord. Amen.

Lord, in Your mercy, do not leave
us exposed to lack or danger.
Remember we are weak and
we can get easily discouraged.
Please do not test us too long,
beyond what we are able to bear.
Instead encourage us with ready
manifestation of Your presence.
Strengthen us Lord in the spirit
when we are deeply discouraged.
Help us see Your Compassion and
loving kindness toward us. Amen.