Trusting God In Psalm 62 (May 8)

God Is Our Rock & Refuge

Backgrounder on Psalm 60-66:
In this segment, we read five
psalms of lament (Psalm 60, 61,
63-65; watch for the cry: O God)
in which the psalmist stands
upon the promises of God
in the face of discouragement,
deceit and defeat. Through it all
the psalmist finds that God is
praiseworthy refuge(Ps 62,66).

Lord, we Come to You Our Refuge:
I Wait Quietly before God,
for my victory comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my
salvation, my fortress where
I will never be shaken (Ps 62:1-2).
My soul wait silently for God,
for my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my
salvation; He is my defense;
I shall not be moved. Trust
in Him at all times, you people;
pour out your hearts to Him,
for God is our refuge (v5-8).
Power O God belongs to You;
Mercy O Lord is Yours (v11-12).

Lord, I lift my eyes up to You, the
Almighty God: my rock, my refuge,
my fortress and my salvation.
Quieten my heart Lord to Wait
upon You for my hope is in You.
Let my confidence not be shaken
by what my circumstances may say,
my mind may think or heart may feel.
Trust that my confidence rests on
the One who is my rock and that
You will never be shaken. Amen.

Lord, You are our refuge and
You are absolutely trustworthy.
Thank You for shielding us as
we face life’s troubles and for
going through them with us.
And we can rise and stand
upright despite what life may
send us for You are our refuge.
We praise You in Jesus’ name.

Lord Almighty, I lift my eyes to You,
for my confidence rests on the
One who is the Solid Rock, for
You are both powerful & merciful.
Lord, Rock of Ages cleft for me,
let me hide myself in Thee.
When I rise to worlds unknown
and behold Thee on Thy throne.
Rock of Ages cleft for me
Let me hide myself in Thee. Amen