Trusting God in 1 Chronicles 4

God Answers Bold Prayers (Mar 13)

Chronicles give a priestly account
on the history of God’s people,
a sort of divine commentary on
the kingdom period. It carefully
weds the nation’s history with the
active hand of God in Israel’s affairs.
Chronicles centers on the southern
kingdom of Judah. First Chronicles
opens with a lengthy genealogy
tracing the line of David all the way
back to Adam. The genealogies
provide clear evidence of God
at work throughout history,
by selecting a people for Himself
and then protecting a family within
that people to provide leadership.

Lord, we Boldly Seek Your Blessing:
The sons of Judah were Perez,
Hezron, Carmi, Hur and Shobai.
And Reaiah the son of Shobai
begot Jahath, and Jahath
begot Ahumai (1Chr 4:1-2).
Now Jabez was more honourable
than his brothers, and his mother
called his name Jabez, saying:
“Because I bore him in pain.”
And Jabez called on the God
of Israel saying: “Oh,
that You would bless me indeed
and enlarge my territory,
that Your hand would be with me &
that You would keep me from evil,
that I may not cause pain!”
So God granted him what
he requested (1 Chron 4:9-10).

Lord, thank You for putting Jabez
and his bold prayer in scripture.
Thank You Father for loving us
and being accessible to us
as You were to Jabez of Judah.
Thanks for Your good plans and thru
prayer we can appropriate them.
Let me Lord never take the privilege
of prayer for granted; and thank
You for hearing my prayers. Amen.

Lord, I thank You for Your goodness
and all that You’ve been giving me.
I pray for Your continued blessings,
provision, guidance and protection.
I pray Lord that Your presence will
always be with me wherever I go.
Grateful You are pleased to share
Yourself and Your kingdom with me.
Prompt me Lord to give back to You
by helping & blessing others. Amen.

Lord, I will love an easy life, free of
trouble but You don’t promised that.
For Your goal for us is not purely
earthly bliss, but Your glory
brought about thru our maturity.
So give me wisdom and courage
Lord so that I am willing to walk
with You wherever You may lead.
Trust that when I seek You and
Your kingdom, all these things
will also be given to me. Amen.

Thought for the Week: 1 Kings 8

God’s Plan Will Surely Be Fulfilled

Before his death, David had
charged his son Solomon with the
responsibility of building a house
for God in Jerusalem. Now at last
it’s time to make that dream a reality.
For seven years Solomon plans and
prepares the Temple. When at last
the ark of the covenant is installed
in the Holy Place, the cloud of
God’s presence fills the house of
the Lord. Once again, God’s glory
dwells in the midst of His people.

Lord, we trust You Fulfil Your Plan:
It came to pass when the priests
came out of the holy place, that the
cloud filled the house of the Lord…
So the Lord has fulfilled His word…
and I have built a temple for the
name of the Lord (1 Kgs 8:10,20).
But will God indeed dwell on earth?
Behold, heaven… can’t contain You.
How much less this temple which
I have built! Yet regard the prayer
of Your servant and his supplication,
O Lord my God, and listen to the cry
and the prayer which Your servant
is praying before You (v27-28).
Praise the Lord who has given
rest to His people Israel, just as He
promised. Not one word has failed
of all the wonderful promises He
gave through His servant Moses.
May the Lord our God be with us…
may He never forsake us. May He
give us the desire to do His will
in everything and to obey
all the commands (v56-58).

Lord, noticed that it wasn’t until the
temple was completed that God’s
glory took residence there – God’s
stamp of approval of a job well done.
We remember Your past deeds in
our life showing Your faithfulness.
And we trust that You will fulfil
Your promises in Your way and time.
Though sometimes it may seem late
to us, it will still be on time. Amen.

Lord, I thank You for Your presence,
and I am humbled that You through
Your Holy Spirit live inside of me.
Help me to never be full of myself,
but rather to always be freshly filled
with more of You Lord each day.
Help me to have a sense of Your
presence, especially as I read Your
Word and pray and live in obedience
to Your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we praise You for keeping
covenant & fulfilling Your purposes!
Grant me O Lord the desire to do
Your will in more spheres of life.
Trust in Your infinite faithfulness
that You will fulfill Your promise
and purpose in my life just as You
fulfilled all Your promises to Moses.
Not one of them failed and neither
will Your promises to me. Amen.

Reflection on 1&2 Kings (Mar 12)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of 1&2 Kings is to show
the result when God is forgotten.
Because David had a heart for
the Lord, his son Solomon was able
to lead Israel into a glorious season.
His reign was marked by wealth,
prosperity and wisdom. It also
describes the history of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and
the Southern kingdom of Judah,
focussing on the spiritual successes
and many failures of each kingdom.
On Monday, we learn from 1Kgs 8
that God’s Plan Will Be Fulfilled.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1Kgs 17
that God Provides for His Servants.
On Wednesday, we learn fr 1Kgs 18
that God Acts on Persistent Prayer.
On Thursday, we learn from 2Kgs 4
that God of Miracles to be Trusted.
On Friday, we learn from 2Kgs 6
that God’s Strength Is Greater.
On Sat, we learn from 2Kgs 13
that God Rescues His People.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You;
for You truly keep Your promises;
for Your strength is greater,
for You provide for His people,
act on persistent prayers, perform
miracles & rescue His people. Amen

Trusting God In 2 Kings 13

God Rescues His People (Mar 11)
Time is running out for the nation of
Israel. Though God’s patience with
His wayward people is enormous,
His hand of judgment is poised
and will not be stayed much longer.
Following the death of Elisha,
Israel’s downward spiral accelerates.
Inspite of the able rule of Jeroboam
II, the kings who succeed him
lead the people ever deeper into
idolatry and immorality. Not one
of the last nine monarchs looks to
God for direction in earthly affairs.

Lord, You are a God who Rescues:
Jehoahaz the son of Jehu became
king over Israel in Samaria and
reigned 17 years. And he did evil
in the sight of the Lord, and followed
the sins of Jeroboam… who had
made Israel sin… Then the anger of
the Lord was aroused against Israel
and He delivered them into the hand
of Hazael king of Syria (2Kgs 13:1-3)
Jehoahaz prayed for the Lord’s
help & the Lord heard his prayer.
The Lord could see how terribly
the king of Aram was oppressing
Israel. So the Lord raised up a
deliverer to rescue the Israelites
from the tyranny of the Syrians.
Then Israel lived in safety again
as they had in former days (v4-5).

Lord, we noted even though
Jehoahaz had lived an evil life
as a king, when he sought the
Lord’s help, You God intervened.
You raised up a deliverer and
rescued the Israelites from tyranny
and they lived in safety and peace.
If God will help an evil king when
he called on Him, how much more
will He hear and respond to the
prayers of His children. Amen.

Lord, I thank You that Your ear
is open to the cry of Your children
and that You will act on our behalf.
With that knowledge, we should
not hesitate to cry out to You for
help and intervention in our lives.
What a wonderful Father You are
as a God who comes to our rescue.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, thank You for listening to
our prayers and answering not
according to our character but
according to Your goodness.
Help us not let anything discourage
us from coming to You in prayer,
thinking we dont deserve blessing.
Remind us You are a good God;
and we come entirely because You
are full of grace and mercy. Amen.

Trusting God In 2 Kings 6 (Mar 10)

God’s Strength Is Greater

Backgrounder on 2 King 4-8:
Elisha, the great miracle worker
of God performs eight miracles
in these 5 chapters, including
providing an oil well for a widow,
giving new life for a deaf boy,
multiplying bread for hungry crowd,
curing a leprous army captain and
enabling a servant to see angels.
In each case, God’s power at work
shows His readiness to do the same
in the nation He has called His own.

Lord, Grant us Eyes of Faith:
When the king of Syria was at war
with Israel, he would confer with
his officers: Wewill mobilize our
forces at such and such a place.
But immediately Elisha, the man of
God, would warn the king of Israel:
Do not go near that place, for the
Syrians are planning to mobilise
their troops there (2 Kings 6:8-9).
When the servant of the man of God
got up early the next morning, there were troops & chariots
What will we do now? Elisha’s
servant cried out to Elisha (v15).
Don’t be afraid ! Elisha told him.
For there are more on our side
than on theirs! Then Elisha prayed:
O Lord, open his eyes and let him
see! The Lord opened his servant’s
eyes and when he looked up,
he saw that the hillside around
Elisha was filled with horses and
chariots of fire (2Kings 6:16-17).

Lord, In difficult circumstance,
I purpose not to fear for You are
my God and You are with me.
You will Strengthen me, You will
help me and You will uphold me
with Your righteous right hand.
For God has not given me
a spirit of fear, but of Power.
And I can do all things through
Christ who Strengthens me Amen

Lord, grant me the light to see
in the unseen realm how Your
strength is greater than any foe.
Remind me of Your awesome
power and unlimited resources.
Open my eyes Lord, let me
look through the eyes of Faith
and show me Your resources.
And let me take courage because
You are fighting for me. Amen.

Almighty God, open my eyes to
see the truth about my situation.
Give me clear understanding,
especially when I am facing
the enemy, of all You are doing.
Enable me to see things from
Your perspective so that I can
stand strong and be courageous.
Help me Lord to trust Your hand of
protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Trusting God In 2 Kings 4 (Mar 9)

God of Miracles to be Trusted

Elisha, the great miracle worker
of God, performs no fewer
than eight miracles: providing
an “oil well” for a destitute,
giving new life for a dead boy,
making poisoned stew harmless,
multiplying bread for hungry crowd,
curing a leprous army captain,
making an ax head defy gravity,
reading mind of an enemy king,
enabling servant to see angels of
God & closing eyes of the enemy.
In each case, God’s power at work
shows His readiness to do the same
in the nation He has called His own.

Lord, we Trust Your Provision:
The widow of one of Elisha’s fellow
prophets came to Elisha and (said):
My husband who served u is dead.
What can I do to help? Elisha asked.
Tell me what you have in the house?
Nothing at all, except a flash of
olive oil, she replied (2 Kings 4:1-2).
And Elisha said: Borrow as
many empty jars as you can…
Pour olive oil from your flask into
the jars. So she Did as she was told.
Her sons brought many jars to her
and she filled one after another.
Soon every container was full to
the brim! And then the olive oil
stopped flowing (2Kings 4:3-6).
Elisha said to her as she stood in
the doorway: Next year at this time
you will be holding a son in yr arms!
She cried: O man of God, don’t
deceive me & get my hopes up
like that. But sure enough the woman
soon became pregnant. And at that
time the following year she had a
son, just as Elisha had said (v15-17).

Lord, thank You for the lessons from
Elisha’s mighty miracles showing
that You God in full control and
You care for those who follow You.
Help us Think from Your Angle and
help us Look with Eyes of Faith.
And even as we listen, follow and
obey Your instructions, please
show us Your Power to transform
any situation for U care for us. Amen

Lord, give me a Vision of all
that You want to do in my life.
Help me to think not in terms
of what is humanly achievable
but what is Divinely Achievable.
I avail to whatever You’ve installed
for me & not limit Your blessings by
being not prepared to receive them.
Enlarge my mind to understand
how You can take what I have and expand
it beyond what I can imagine. Amen.

Lord, some of us need the miracle
for our friends and loved ones
to be brought from death to life.
We are helpless to breathe spiritual
life into the lives of those we care;
but You Lord of resurrection can.
Won’t You warm our loved ones
to the wonderful truth of the gospel.
Won’t You Lord speak to them and
call them to awaken to You. Amen.

Trusting God In 1 Kings 18 (Mar 8)

God Acts on Persistent Prayer

From 1 Kings 15 onwards show
the two nations of Israel & Judah
in spiritual decline; taking time
occasionally to highlight a prophet
(such as Elijah) or a king (like Ahab)
who contributes significantly to the
spirituality of one of the nations.
Prophet Elijah courageously faces
a heathen Israelite king and 850
pagan prophets of Baal, prayed
persistently for rain, only to flee
for his life from Queen Jezebel.

Lord, we’ll Pray Earnestly In Faith:
Elijah said: How long will you
falter between two opinions?
If the Lord is God follow Him;
but if Baal follow him (1Kgs 18:21).
Elijah prayed: O Lord, answer me!
Answer me so these people will
know that You, O Lord are God…
The fire of the Lord flashed down
from heaven & burned up the young
bull. It even lick up all the water
in the ditch! And when the people
saw it, they fell on their faces and
cried out: The Lord is God! (v37-39)
Then Elijah said to Ahab: there is
the sound of abundance of rain…
And Elijah… said to his servant:
Go up, look toward the sea…There
is nothing. And 7 times he said:
Go again… Now it happened.. that
the sky became black with clouds
and there was a heavy rain (v41-45).

Lord, You are the one true God
and we praise You! Thank You
for going to such great length
to demonstrate Your power and
to bring people back to You.
Those great lengths led Your Son
to the cross because of Your love.
Show Yourself powerful and show
that You are the God who acts on
Your word. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, I pray You will help me to have
 strong faith to believe You will do
great things in response to prayers.
  Your word tells of the miracles
You had done for Your people,  
          and I know You are the same
these days as You’re in the past.
 I believe You can do magnificent
 and miraculous things in response
 to our prayers today as well. Amen.

Lord, Your Word in James 5:16 says
the earnest prayer of a righteous
person produces wonderful results.
Grant us the faith & persistency of
Elijah: that when he prayed earnestly
that no rain would fall, none fell for
3 & half years! Then when he prayed
again, the sky sent down rain.
Lord, fill our hearts with Your desire
   so that when we pray out of the
overflow of our heart, we are praying
Your will and heart desires. Amen.

Trusting God In 1 Kings 17 (Mar 7)

God Provides for His Servants

Backgrounder to 1 Kings 15-19:
1 Kings 15 begins a pattern that will
extend thro the rest of 1 & 2 Kings.
The writer flip-flops between
the nations of Israel and Judah,
first describing the reigning power
in the North, then moving to the
South. He traces the parallel
stories of two nations in spiritual
decline; taking time occasionally to
highlight a prophet (such as Elijah)
or a king (like Ahab) who contributes
significantly to the spiritual rise
or fall of one of the nations.

Lord, we Trust Your Provision:
And Elijah…said to Ahab: As the Lord
God of Israel lives, before whom
I stand, there shall not be dew nor
rain these years except at my word.
Then the Lord came to Elijah saying
Hide by the Brook, which flow into
the Jordan. You shall drink from the brook & I’ve commanded the ravens to feed you there (1Kgs 17:1-4).
Widow did as Elijah said. And she,
her son & Elijah continued to eat
from her supply of flour and oil
for many days. For no matter how
much they used, there was always
enough left in the containers,
just as the Lord had promised
through Elijah (1 Kgs 17:15-16).
O Lord my God, have You brought
tragedy on the widow with whom
I lodge, by killing her son? O Lord
my God I pray, let this child’s soul
come back to him. Then the Lord
heard the voice of Elijah; and the
soul of the child came back(v20-22)

Lord, I know You are God of miracles
and nothing is impossible for those
who pray in the power of Your Spirit.
Help me to pray boldly and believe
for miracles in answer to my prayers.
Teach me how to not pray too small;
for I don’t want my prayers to stop
short of what You God want to see
happen in my life and in the lives
of those for whom I pray. Amen.

Father, remind us of Your amazing
provision for Elijah and the widow
because they followed Your way. 
Grateful for Your constant care
& for Your plan in uncertain times.
But it is so easy to panic and do
what seems most reasonable
rather than to trust You & follow
Your pleading in those times.
Remind us Your deeds and assures
us that Your way is best. Amen.

Lord, You bless those whose hearts
are in tune with You and trust You.
Teach us live in abundance of
Your promise instead of in the
evaluation of our circumstances.
Grant us the grace to turn to You
in every adversity, to trust You
when the future looks uncertain.
Remind us that You are Able and
Good and that You are Jehovah
Jireh who Provides our needs. Amen

Trusting God In 1 Kings 8 (Mar 6)

God’s Plan Will Surely Be Fulfilled

Before his death, David had
charged his son Solomon with the
responsibility of building a house
for God in Jerusalem. Now at last
it’s time to make that dream a reality.
For seven years Solomon plans and
prepares the Temple. When at last
the ark of the covenant is installed
in the Holy Place, the cloud of
God’s presence fills the house of
the Lord. Once again, God’s glory
dwells in the midst of His people.

Lord, we trust You Fulfil Your Plan:
It came to pass when the priests
came out of the holy place, that the
cloud filled the house of the Lord…
So the Lord has fulfilled His word…
and I have built a temple for the
name of the Lord (1 Kgs 8:10,20).
But will God indeed dwell on earth?
Behold, heaven… can’t contain You.
How much less this temple which
I have built! Yet regard the prayer
of Your servant and his supplication,
O Lord my God, and listen to the cry
and the prayer which Your servant
is praying before You (v27-28).
Praise the Lord who has given
rest to His people Israel, just as He
promised. Not one word has failed
of all the wonderful promises He
gave through His servant Moses.
May the Lord our God be with us…
may He never forsake us. May He
give us the desire to do His will
in everything and to obey
all the commands (v56-58).

Lord, noticed that it wasn’t until the
temple was completed that God’s
glory took residence there – God’s
stamp of approval of a job well done.
We remember Your past deeds in
our life showing Your faithfulness.
And we trust that You will fulfil
Your promises in Your way and time.
Though sometimes it may seem late
to us, it will still be on time. Amen.

Lord, I thank You for Your presence,
and I am humbled that You through
Your Holy Spirit live inside of me.
Help me to never be full of myself,
but rather to always be freshly filled
with more of You Lord each day.
Help me to have a sense of Your
presence, especially as I read Your
Word and pray and live in obedience
to Your ways. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we praise You for keeping
covenant & fulfilling Your purposes!
Grant me O Lord the desire to do
Your will in more spheres of life.
Trust in Your infinite faithfulness
that You will fulfill Your promise
and purpose in my life just as You
fulfilled all Your promises to Moses.
Not one of them failed and neither
will Your promises to me. Amen.

Thought for the Week: 1 Sam 7

God Is Our Mighty Helper

When faith in God wavers, faith
in man-made objects increases.
The people of Israel carry the
ark of the covenant into battle,
confident that its presence will
ensure victory over the Philistines.
Instead they suffer a shattering
defeat in which 30,000 lives were
lost the ark of covenant captured.
Upon hearing the news prophet
Eli falls back and breaks his neck.
It remains for Samuel to assume
the reins of leadership and guide
the people back to repentance.

Lord, we Call on You for Help:
And Samuel said: Gather all Israel
to Mizpah and I will pray to the
Lord for you… And they fasted
that day and said: We have sinned
against the Lord (1Sam 7:5-6).
(Samuel) pleaded with the Lord
to help Israel & the Lord answered.
Just as Samuel was sacrificing
the burnt offering, the Philistines
arrived for battle. But the Lord
spoke with a mighty voice of
thunder… and the Philistines were
thrown into confusion that the
Israelites defeated them (v9-10).
Then Samuel took a stone… set it
up and called its name Ebenezer,
saying: Thus far the Lord has helped
us. So the Philistines were subdued,
and they did not come anymore
into the territory of Israel (v12-13).

Lord, we realized You are more
ready to hear the prayers of Your
people when they are repentant.
You listened to Your servants’
intercession for divine favour.
We note Samuel’s good practice
of erecting Ebenezer memorial as
Thanksgiving, which reminds us
of Your goodness and power that
we can call on You for help. Amen.

Lord, I praise You because You
are a God who hears and answers.
Just as You answered and moved
on behalf of Israel as they battled
their enemies, You move and work
these days on behalf of Your people.
Thank You for calling all of Your
people – young and old, to pray
and seek Your help these days.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, Thou fount of every blessing,
tune my heart to sing Thy grace.
Streams of mercy never ceasing,
call for songs of loudest praise.
Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wondering from the fold of God.
He, to rescue me from danger,
interposed His precious blood…
Lord, I raise my Ebenezer;
hither by Thy help I come.
Let Thy goodness like a fetter,
bind my wandering heart to Thee.
Prone to wander Lord I feel it;
prone to leave the God I love.
Here’s my heart, O take and seal it;
Seal it for Thy courts above. Amen.