Trusting God In Neh 8-10 (Mar 31)

God Strengthens & Gracious

The first half of Nehemiah teaches
lessons about working for God; the 2nd emphasises worshipping Him.
Beginning with chap 8 the account
centers on the spiritual rather than
physical well-being of the people.
The public reading and explanation
of God’s Word bring a sweeping
revival to the city. Rejoicing at the
sound of God’s precious laws as
preached by Ezra the priest, the
people respond with prayers of
confession, worship to God and
a fresh resolve to live godly lives
in keeping with their commitment.

Lord, we Seek Your Strength &
Your Mercy to follow after You:
Nehemiah who was the governor,
said: Do not mourn nor weep…
Don’t be dejected and sad, for the
Joy of the Lord is yr Strength… So
the pple went away to eat & drink &
to celebrate with great joy because
they had heard God’s words and
understood them (Neh 8:9-12).
Yet for many years U had patience
with them, & testified against them
by Your Spirit in Your prophets.
Yet they would not listen. Therefore
You gave them into the hand
of the peoples of the lands. But
in Your great mercy, You did not…
abandon them, for You’re a Gracious
and merciful God (Neh 9:30-31).
All who had separated themselves
from the pagan people of the land in
order to serve God… now all heartily
bound themselves with an oathɉ۬They solemnly promised to carefully
follow all the commands, laws…
of the Lord their God(Neh 10:28-29)

Lord, we rejoice in the grace that
You have poured out in our lives.
Thank You that it is never too late
to come back to You in repentance.
Thank You God that You’re gracious
and that the Lord is my strength.
The past can be difficult to let go
of, but with Your Joy helping us,
we can move forward into what
You have prepared for us. Amen.

Lord, thanks for Your great mercy
that You have never judged me
according to what I have deserved.
Thank You that Your grace toward
me that is beyond comprehension.
Thank You that You will never
forsake me; and Help me to never
forsake You in any way either.
Pray that my attitude will be right
before You, and that I will not take
Yr grace & mercy for granted. Amen

Lord, following building the wall,
the work wasn’t complete until the
people rebuilt their lives spiritually.
Ezra taught the people God’s Word.
They admitted the sins in their lives, and took steps to remove them.
Admitting sin is not enough; for God doesnt want halfhearted measures.
Help us remove sin from our lives
and help us to be Christ-Centered.
Lord, we Seek Yr Strength & Grace
and we Seek to Follow You. Amen.