Trusting God In Neh 1/2 (Mar 30)

God Puts His Word In Your Heart

In ancient times, a city was only
as secure as its walls. In the case
of Jerusalem, the temple stands
in glistening splendour but the
walls lie in ruin. Enter Nehemiah,
cupbearer to the king of Persia
and God’s choice to rebuild the
city defenses. Armed with a burden
and a blueprint, Nehemiah shares
his request with the king and
receives more than he asked for!

Lord, we Open our Heart to You:
I asked about the Jews who had
returned from captivity and about
how things were in Jerusalem.
They said: Things are not well.
They’re in great trouble & disgrace.
The walls of Jerusalem has been
torn down.When I heard this,I wept.
For days I mourned,fasted & prayed.
O Lord, look down & see me praying
night & day for Your people(N1:1-6)
The king asked: How can I help you?
With a Prayer Neh replied: send me
to Judah to rebuild the city(N2:4-5)
So I came to Jerusalem and was
there three days…. I told no one
what my God Had Put In My Heart…
And I went out by night… and viewed
the walls which were broken (v11-13)
Then I said to (the Jewish leaders):
Come let us build the wall of Jer…
And I told them of the hand of God…
& also of the king’s words… So they
said: Let us rise up & build (v17-18)

Lord, sometimes my heart is
gripped by the things that grip
Your heart for Your purposes.
Make me Lord to be sensitive
to the Stirring of Your Spirit and
the sound of Your voice. And
when I have sought Your Will
and direction, make me joyfully
eager to participate in Your plan.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we learn Nehemiah’s example
on how to respond to bad news.
Following initial grief, he prayed,
pouring his heart out to You God.
Then he gathered all the information
he needed to assess the situation.
Only after careful planning would
Neh Share his mission to others.
Help us Lord to confront challenges
with Trust in God and constructive
action. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, help me sort out the burdens
in my heart whether they’re Yours;
and which one I should follow.
Lead me to fulfil the purposes
You have placed within my heart;
Clarify vision and secure my steps.
Lead me Lord through open doors
to accomplish Your Kingdom mission
wherever You lead & wherever I can.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.