Trusting God In Ruth 2/4 (Mar 28)

God Is Faithful & Redeems Us

Set in the context of unrest during
time of Judges & faced with famine,
Ruth a young widow, leaves her
native land to travel with her
mother-in-law to Bethlehem.
There she gleans in the field of
Boaz, who grows to love her and
becomes her kinsman-redeemer.
In their marriage, Ruth and Boaz
become ancestors of Jesus.
With twin themes of faithfulness
and redemption, the book of Ruth
shows God’s love to mankind.

Lord, You’re Faithful & Redeems Us:
Boaz said to Ruth: Do not glean
in another field but stay close by…
She said Why have I found favour
in your eyes? Boaz answered;
it has been fully reported to me
all that you have done for your
mother-in-law since the death
of your husband. The Lord repay
your work and a full reward be
given you by the Lord God of
Israel, under whose wings you
have come for refuge(Ru 2:8-12).
Boaz married Ruth. When he slept
with her, the Lord enabled her to
become pregnant and she gave
birth to a son. The women of the
town said to Naomi: Praise the Lord
who has given u a family redeemer!
May this child care for you in your
old age. They named him Obed.
He became the father of Jesse and
the grandfather of David(Ru 4:13-17)

Lord, we see Your loving care over
the lives of Naomi and Ruth as well as Your control over circumstances.
You guide the minds and action
of people to fulfill Your purpose;
like impressing Boaz of Ruth’s
loyalty that he gave her favour.
Grant us Lord faith that no matter
how tough our situation may be,
our hope is You God for Your power
and resources are infinite. Amen.

Lord Our Redeemer, we learn the
story is never over until it’s over.
For what looks hopeless can turn
around when You God is at work.
For God who loves us with His
redeeming love & in control will work
out His good purpose in our life.
So we trust in You in times of pain
and whenever facing challenges.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, in Ruth we see You At Work
behind the scene orchestrating
events and working thru willing
people towards Your perfect plan.
Although we may not know exactly
the future, but we can Trust God
who does and You care for us.
And we know all things will work
together for good according to
Your purpose. In Jesus’ name.