Reflection on 2 Chronicles (Mar 26)

Trusting God thru His Promises

The purpose of 2 Chronicles is
to unify the nation around the
true worship of God by showing
His standard for judging kings.
The righteous kings of Judah and
the religious revivals under their
rule are highlighted, and the sins
of their evil kings are exposed.
On Monday, we learn from 2Chron 7
that God Hears Prayers for Blessing.
On Tues, we learn from 2Chr 15/16
that God Strengthens t Committed.
On Wednesday, we learn fr 2Chr 18
that God Hears Prayers & Delivers.
On Thursday, we learn from 2Chr 20
that God Helps the Overwhelmed.
On Friday, we learn from 2Chron 32
that God On Our Side Helping Us.
On Sat, we learn from 2Chr 33-36
that God’s Mercy to be Seeked.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
be Christ’s disciples who trust You;
for You truly keep Your promises;
for You’re merciful & gracious to us;
for You long to bless, strengthen, deliver and help us. In Jesus’ name.