Trusting God In 1 Chron 28 (Mar 17)

God With You Boosts Courage

David ends his life the same way
he began it with humble confidence
in God. In spite of his numerous
accomplishments, David never
let greatness go to his head.
Rather, his final words to Solomon
reflect the same wholehearted
devotion to God that characterised
the young shepherd of Judea.

Lord, we’ll Be Strong & Courageous:
I made the necessary preparations
for building it; but God said to me:
You must not build a temple to honor
my name, for you are a warrior and
have shed much blood(1Chr 28:2-3)
My son Solomon, know God… and
serve Him with a loyal heart and
with a willing mind… Consider now,
for the Lord has chosen you to
build a house for the sanctuary;
be Strong and do it(1Chr 28:9-10).
Every part of this plan, David
told Solomon, was given to me in
writing from the hand of the Lord.
Then David continued: Be Strong
and Courageous, and do the work.
Don’t Be Afraid or discouraged
by the size of the task, for the
Lord God, my God, is With you.
He will not fail you nor forsake you.
He will see to it that all the work
related to the Temple of the Lord
is finished correctly (1Chr28:19-20)

Lord, when You call us to serve,
enable us to hear clearly as David
when U gave him the Temple plans.
Help us to be willing to accept
God’s will when He does not allow
us to serve Him in the way desired.
When we’re disheartened or fearful
be our friend Lord to encourage us.
And when we think we have failed,
give us peace in our hearts. Amen.

Lord, when David was surrounded,
he slept well knowing he plus God
outnumbered an intimidating army.
Lord, while Your presence can turn
situation around, it isn’t automatic.
For it requires us not be discouraged
by the size of the task; it requires
us to be strong and courageous.
Help us be aware of Your Presence
so that we can face our situation
with confidence & trust in You.Amen

Lord, we trust You with the
mountains we face periodically.
They are often overwhelming
but You Lord are infinitely larger.
Help us put more confidence
in You God than in the obstacles.
Lead us Lord into Your Presence,
for that is where we are strong.
And when we experience You are
with us, nothing is impossible. Amen