Trusting God In 1 Chron 21 (Mar 16)

God Is Holy Yet Also Gracious

David’s greatest dream is to build
a house for God. God makes it
clear through Nathan to David that
only in the lifetime of Solomon will
the dream actually come to fruition.
Though David is not permitted to
build a house for God, God will build
a house and a perpetual dynasty for
David. Through times of faithfulness
and faltering in David’s life, God
remains true to His promise
by preserving the line of David.

Lord, we Repent before You:
David gave orders to Joab…
Take a census: But Joab replied:
Why my lord do you want to do this?
Why must you cause Israel to sin?
But the king insisted (1 Chr 21:2-4)
David said to God: Was it not I
who ordered the fighting men
to be counted? I am the one
who has sinned… O Lord my God,
let Your hand fall upon me and
my family, but do not let this
plague remain in your people (v17).
O LORD… as You have promised
concerning me and my family may
it be a promise that will last forever…
And David built there an altar
unto the Lord, and offered burnt
offerings… and called upon the Lord;
and He answered from heaven
by fire upon the altar (v23-26).

Lord, we find ourselves so easily
justifying actions that are motivated
mainly by pride. And because
we live in a world filled with pride
over what we have accomplished,
it seems normal and not sinful.
Give us Lord eyes to see our pride,
lips willing to confess it, and hearts
that are changed and made clean
by the sacrifice of Your Son. Amen.

Lord, I see in Your word the
terrible consequences of pride.
I don’t want to experience those
consequences in my life, and not let
my family suffer because of my sin.
Reveal any pride in me so that
I can confess and repent of it.
And help me Lord to always have
a humble and contrite heart. Amen.

Lord, through David’s successes
and his failures, we learn the
importance of giving our whole
heart to You God and letting
You be the focus of our lives.
We entrust our dreams to You
Lord as You fulfil Your perfect plan.
We purpose to walk in Your way; and
we Repent when we fail You. Amen.