Trusting God In Matthew 10 (Feb 7)

Christ Empowers the Called

Jesus came to earth to begin His
kingdom. Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt8&9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to
act, then warns them of the
dangers they will face, as He calls
them to committed discipleship.

Lord, we Trust Your Care of us:
When He had called His twelve
disciples… He gave them power
over unclean spirits, to cast them
out and to heal all kind of sickness
and all kinds of diseases (Mt 10:1).
Don’t Worry about… What to say.
God will give you the Right words
at the right time… It is not you
who will be speaking – it will be
the Spirit…speaking thru you (v19-20).
Not even a sparrow can fall to
the ground without your Father
knowing it. And the very hairs
on your head are all numbered.
So Don’t Be Afraid; you are
more valuable to Him than a
whole flock of sparrows (v29-31).

Lord, give me the Words to say,
not just in pressure situations
but in every relationship I have.
Let my words be seasoned with
grace, truth and even power.
Use my mouth liberally as
You wish speaking through me.
And help me Lord make the
most of every opportunity for
Your purpose and glory. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for loving me 
more than any other person.
Grateful for assurance You don’t
intend us to live in fear or worry.
Thankfuk for Your Watchful Care
and I have no need to be afraid.
Remind me Lord that You the
Almighty God are always with me.
Let me go about with confidence
that I am safe in Your hand. Amen.

Lord, You may allow challenges 
in our lives to test our Faith in You.
But thank You for Your assurance
that You do not ever intend
for us to live in fear or worry.
I know You Lord will never leave me
alone and that You will surely fulfill
Your promise to provide a way out.
For You are a good good God; and
I Trust You’ll take care of me. Amen