Seeking God In Heb 10 (Dec 13)

Prayer of Faith & Perseverance

The writer of Hebrews highlighted
the superiority of Christ by pointing
out the heart of the human problem
is the problem of the human heart.
The old covenant was inadequate
for it was unable to deal with sin.
But God’s new covenant written in
Christ’s own blood which He shed
on the cross – makes full provision
for the forgiveness of sins.

Lord, You’ll Renew Our Mind to Faith:
This is the covenant I will make
with them… I Will Put my laws in
their hearts, and I Will Write them
on their minds. Then…their sins…
I’ll remember no more(Heb10:16-17)
Let us Go Into the Presence of God
with sincere hearts fully trusting
Him. Let us hold fast the confession
of our hope without wavering, for
He who promised is faithful. And let
us consider one another to Stir Up
Love and good works (v22-24).
Do not throw away this confident
trust in the Lord. Remember the
great reward it brings you! Patient
endurance is what you need now,
so that you will continue to do God’s
will. Then you will receive all that
He has promised. For in a little while,
the Coming One will come (v35-37).

Father God, Thank You for Your
new covenant which is not only
gracious but also encouraging.
Guide me according to the truth
and instructions that You have
Written on my Heart and Mind.
Even as I purpose to obey Your
Word, grant me the grace to be
willing to do Your will each day.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father, empower me to hold tightly
to hope in You without wavering.
Grant me breakthrough so that
I can testify of Your greatness and
encourage others towards faith.
Give me creative ideas to spur
others to love and good deeds.
Show me who I can encourage
to discipleship, devotion & prayer.
And I give You all the glory. Amen.

Lord Jesus, all through the ages,
Christians have been looking
forward to Your second coming.
Thank You Lord for helping me to
press on; and I purpose to endure
by faith, holding out to do God’s
will and claiming the promises.
With Your help Lord, I pupose
to run the race with endurance.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Seeking God In Heb 4 (Dec 12)

Prayer for Mercy & Favour of God

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. In order to bring salvation,
the Son of God willingly became
a little lower than the angels. And
by His suffering and death, He made
it possible to lift mankind above
the angels into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve as High Priest for sinful mankind. And He will bring His people into eternal rest.

Lord,we Approach with confidence:
The word of God is… powerful…
piercing even to the soul and spirit
and is a discerner of the thoughts
and intent of the heart (Heb 4:12).
Seeing then that we have a Great
High Priest… Jesus the Son of God,
let us hold fast our confession.
For we do not have a High Priest
who cannot sympathise with our
weakness, but was in all points
tempted as we are, yet without sin.
Let us therefore Come Boldly to
the throne of Grace, that we may
Obtain Mercy and Find Grace to
help in time of need (Heb 4:14-16).

Lord, breathe Your Words into me;
don’t just teach me Your truth,
fill me with it. Let it shape me
in every way so that I can hear
Your voice in it. Lord, I invite You
to sharply and decisively divide
my own thoughts from Yours and
distinguish Your voice within me.
And let Your Words burn powerfully
in my heart and mind. Amen.

Lord, thanks for facing temptations
and problems and thus understand
our challenges and weaknesses.
Thank You for pouring out Your
life on the cross, for rising again
and reigning at the right hand of
the Father. Your throne is a place
of grace for Your people, where
we can receive Your mercy and
help when we most need it. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You that You
understand my weaknesses,
for You have been tempted in
every way and yet did not sin.
Because You understand my
struggles, I know I can come
to You and receive mercy.
Help me Lord approach You with
confidence, knowing You will help
me in my time of need. Amen.

Thought for the Week: 1 Timothy 2

Prayer for All & those In Authority

Timothy ministered alongside
Paul as missionary & later received
the challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building the church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we’ll Pray For People In Need:
I exhort First of all that… prayers,
Intercessions and giving of thanks
be made of ALL men. (1Tim 2:1).
(Pray for those) in authority so that
we can live peaceful & quiet lives…
… This pleases God, who wants
everyone to be saved (v2-4).
I desire therefore that… men pray
everywhere, lifting up holy hands,
without wrath and doubting (v8).

Merciful God, we bring before You,
the troubles of peoples & nations,
the needs of the helpless refugees,
the hopelessness of the starving,
the frustrations of prisoners,
the helplessness of the weak,
the despondency of the weary,
the failing powers of the aged.
Draw near to each of them for
the sake of Christ our Lord, Amen.

Lord, it’s Your desire for all people
to be saved; and it is Your will that
believers could enjoy peace thus
enabling them to share the gospel.
Have mercy on Ukraine, and bring
about a quick end to the conflict.
Cause us Lord remember to pray
for civil authorities so that they
govern well and there be peace.
And may we use the opportunity
to share Christ to the lost. Amen.

Lord, we realise that sometimes
Christians quarrel among ourselves.
We get caught up in unimportant
debates and useless arguments.
Help us be so devoted to You that
we maintain oneness of the Spirit,
even if we differ on certain things.
Help us to be unified in our belief
in Your Word so that we’ll be unified
in our prayers before You. Amen.

Reflection on 1&2 Timothy (Dec 11)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of 1&2 Timothy is to
encourage and give instructions
to Timothy who is the young
pastor of the church at Ephesus.
On Monday, we learn from 1Tim 1
to Thank God for Being Patient.
On Tuesday, we learn from 1Tim 2
on Prayer for All & those In Authority.
On Wednesday, we learn fr 1Tim 4
on Prayer to Be Thankful & Godly.
On Thursday, we learn from 1Tim 6
to Be Content and Eternal Minded.
On Friday, we learn from 2Tim 1
on Prayer for Blessing Ministry.
On Saturday, we learn from 2Tim 4
to Be Faithful Witnesses of Christ.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O God
to be Christ’s disciples who purpose
to be thankful, content, prayerful,
faithful & share the gospel; for You
are good, patient & bless us. Amen.

Seeking Go In 2Tim 4 (Dec 10)

Be Faithful Witnesses of Christ

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
Paul, who has stood Faithfully for
the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
There is no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we’ll Share Your Good News:
A time is coming when people will
no longer listen to sound teaching.
They will follow their own desires &
reject the truth…Don’t Be Afraid of
suffering for the Lord (2Tim4:3-5).
I have Fought the good fight,
I have Finished the race, and
I have Remained FAITHFUL.
And now the prize awaits me,
which the Lord..the Righteous Judge
will give me on… His return (v7-8).
The Lord STOOD with me and gave
me Strength so that I might preach
the Good News for all to hear. And
the Lord will Deliver me (v17-18).

Lord, we are living in the end times
as we see more pestinences, earth
quakes & climatic disasters as well
as lawlessness around the world.
Living for Jesus and sharing the
good news can be challenging.
Cause us Lord to remember Your
commission; not slack in our
responsibility and the grace to
share Your love. In Jesus’ name.

Lord Jesus, Thank You for all that
You have done for us. In gratitude
we want to further Your kingdom.
Help me influence others toward
You & steer them to Your direction.
Help me speak words of edification
as well as utter prayers for others.
Help me Remain Faithful running the
race to receive Your crown. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise to
bring us to Your heavenly Kingdom.
You will bring us through difficulties
in a way that allows us to triumph.
We know You Lord are watching
as You use us to impact the world.
Stand by us, give us strength and
grant us deliverances that boost
our confidence to persevere
and Share Your Good News. Amen.

Seeking God In 2Tim 1 (Dec 9)

Prayer for Blessing Ministry

Paul writes his 2nd letter to Timothy
from prison with imminent death.
Yet the focus of Paul is not his own
needs but the needs of Timothy
who is pastor of church at Ephesus.
The apostle who has stood faithfully
for the Lord through his life, passes
on that same challenge to Timothy.
And there’s no need to fear when
You serve the Lord of the universe
and endure hardship for His sake.

Lord, we will Hold On to You:
I thank God whom I serve with a
clear conscience… as I constantly
remember you in prayers…
greatly desiring to see you…that
I may be filled with joy (2Tim 1:3-4)
Stir up the gift of God which is in u..
For the Spirit God gave us does not
make us timid, but gives us power,
love and self-discipline (v6-7).
Therefore do not be ashamed
(to testify) for our Lord… but take
your share of the suffering… of
the Gospel in the power of God…
For I know whom I have believed
and am persuaded that He is able
to keep what I have committed
to Him until that Day (v8 & 12).

Lord, help us to not forget anyone
in prayers, especially those who
are lonely and feel forgotten.
Bring specific people to our mind
who need a miracle or deliverance.
Show us Lord who needs to
hear Your voice guiding them.
And enable the people we pray to
sense Your love in their lives. Amen.

Lord, grateful that we need not
be timid or fearful of challenges
for You promise empowerment.
Grant us grace when we turn to You,
we find the motivation of Your love,
the needed strength of Your power
and the discipline to do Your will.
And we do so in a way that draws
people to You Lord and brings
You all the glory. In Jesus’ name.

Father God, You are my provider;
Lord Jesus, You are my saviour;
Holy Spirit, You are my sanctifier.
And I dedicate and yield my whole
self to You God freely and forever.
At the cross Lord, You saved me;
and in the future, You will lead me.
I believe whatever I entrust to You,
You’re Able to keep what You have
Committed against that day. Amen!!

Seeking God In 1Tim 6 (Dec 8)

Be Content and Eternal Minded

Timothy ministered alongside
Paul as missionary & later received
the challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building the church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we’ll Fight the Good Fight:
Godliness with Contentment is
great gain…We can take nothing
out of (this world). If we have food,
we’ll be content (1 Tim 6:6-8).
Pursue righteousness, godliness,
faith, love, patience, gentleness.
Fight the Good Fight of Faith…
I urge you… that you keep this
commandment until our Lord
Jesus Christ’s appearing… the King
of kings and Lord of lords (v11-15)
Command those who are rich…
to do good… to be generous and
willing to share. By doing this
they will be storing up treasure
for the future so that they may
experience true life (v17-19).

Lord, You want Contentment to be
the virtue and goal for Your people.
Forgive me Lord for the times
when I get discontented with life.
Teach me to focus on all I have,
rather than on the things that I seem
to lack when comparing with others.
Teach me Lord to make connected
relationship with You and others be
priority over material things. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise
of eternal life in Your presence.
I realise that the road ahead
may not be easy; but I purpose
to hold fast and stay the course.
Help me not grow weary in battles;
seek and abide in You continually
as well as to Fight the good fight.
And grant me faithfulness and
perseverance. In Jesus name, Amen.

Lord, thank You for all You have
given including material provision.
Keep me from being covetous,
greedy or being selfish minded.
Help me Lord find balance in
the stewardship of the resources
that You have put in my care.
Show me practical ways to use the resources to do good, bless others and further Your kingdom. Amen.

Seeking God In 1Tim 4 (Dec 7)

Prayer to Be Thankful & Godly

Timothy ministered alongside
Paul as missionary & later received
the challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building the church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we aim Be Godly Example:
Everything God created is Good
and nothing is to be rejected if
it is received with Thanksgiving,
because it is consecrated by the
word of God & prayer (ITim 4:4-5).
Train yourself to Be Godly. For
physical training is of some value,
but godliness for all things (v7-8).
Be An Example to all believers in
what you teach, in the way you live,
in your love, faith and purity….
Be diligent in these matters;
give yourself wholly to them so that
everyone may see your progress.
Watch your life and doctrine closely.
Persevere in them (1Tim 4:12-16).

Lord, Thank You for the wonderful
pleasures You’ve created for us.
Thank You Lord for Your beautiful
creation; for wind, rain & sunshine.
Thank You for the joy of friendship
and the intimacy of marriage.
Thank You for the enjoyment of
good, tasty and nourishing food.
Above all these joys, Thank You
for Your gift of salvation. Amen.

Lord, You want us to Be Godly,
though the world sees and thinks
external image is everything.
Forgive me for the times I’m overly
concerned with external things.
Grant me discipline to expend more
time & energy to care for the Soul.
Grant me grace so that You will be
pleased with my thots & intentions
as well as words & actions. Amen.

Lord, enable me to Be Example
of Your love, faith and purity.
Help me not to shy away from
using the gifts that You give me.
Thankful that Your opinion of me
is more important than any other.
Pray that the work You do through
me will be effective for I purpose
to depend wholly on You. Amen.

Seeking God In 1 Tim 2 (Dec 6)

Prayer for All & those In Authority

Timothy ministered alongside
Paul as missionary & later received
the challenging assignment of
pastoring the church at Ephesus.
Paul’s 1st letter resembles a manual
for building the church leadership.
It also contains many principles
to impact the lives of others.

Lord, we’ll Pray For People In Need:
I exhort First of all that… prayers,
Intercessions and giving of thanks
be made of ALL men. (1Tim 2:1).
(Pray for those) in authority so that
we can live peaceful & quiet lives…
… This pleases God, who wants
everyone to be saved (v2-4).
I desire therefore that… men pray
everywhere, lifting up holy hands,
without wrath and doubting (v8).

Merciful God, we bring before You,
the troubles of peoples & nations,
the needs of the helpless refugees,
the hopelessness of the starving,
the frustrations of prisoners,
the helplessness of the weak,
the despondency of the weary,
the failing powers of the aged.
Draw near to each of them for
the sake of Christ our Lord, Amen.

Lord, it’s Your desire for all people
to be saved; and it is Your will that
believers could enjoy peace thus
enabling them to share the gospel.
Have mercy on Ukraine, and bring
about a quick end to the conflict.
Cause us Lord remember to pray
for civil authorities so that they
govern well and there be peace.
And may we use the opportunity
to share Christ to the lost. Amen.

Lord, we realise that sometimes
Christians quarrel among ourselves.
We get caught up in unimportant
debates and useless arguments.
Help us be so devoted to You that
we maintain oneness of the Spirit,
even if we differ on certain things.
Help us to be unified in our belief
in Your Word so that we’ll be unified
in our prayers before You. Amen.

Seeking God In 1Tim 1 (Dec 5)

Thank God for Being Patient

Timothy ministered alongside
with Paul as a missionary and
later received the challenging
assignment of pastoring the church
at Ephesus. Paul’s first letter
resembles a manual for building
church leadership. More generally,
it’s rich in principles for anyone who
wishes to impact the lives of others.

Lord, You are Patient towards Us:
This is a faithful saying that Christ
Jesus came into the world to save
sinners (and) display His Immense
Patience as an example for those
who would believe in Him and
receive eternal life (1Tim 1:15-16).
Now to the King eternal, immortal,
invisible, to God who alone is Wise,
be honour and glory forever (v17).
(May) the prophetic words spoken
earlier…help you fight well in the
Lord’s battles; having Faith and a
good conscience (v18-19). Amen.

Lord, Thank You for showing mercy
and not treating me as my sins
deserve. Just as You are Patient
toward sinners; help me to Be
Patient towards others. Help me
use my testimony to encourage
others to seek Your mercy and
Your grace. For I know that
what You have done on my life,
You will also do for others. Amen.

Lord, You alone is wise and worthy
of all glory; thank You for all that
You have done for us; and out of
gratitude we want to serve You.
But we realise that right beliefs
and right behaviour are critical.
Help us be wholly committed to You,
help us Be Patient as You are; and
help us Hold On in Faith to Your
Word for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, with all the distractions
and obstacles coming against us,
it will be difficult to stay on course
following the Master. When the
going gets tough, I’ll purpose to
Hold on to Your Word for my life.
I won’t depart from it, no matter
what contradictions I hear or think.
Help me to keep focused & pursue
the calling You’ve given me. Amen