Seeking God In Acts 17 (Nov 3)

Seek God who Is Near You

Paul’s second missionary journey
begins with a new companion
– Silas. The team soon doubles
in size as Timothy and Luke are
added. Initially given a warm
reception in Philippi, Paul & Silas
soon experience flogging and
imprisonment for disrupting the
profitable soothsaying business.
But God uses even this to bring
a jailer and his family to salvation.

Lord, You Are Always Near Us:
He is the God who made the world
and everything in it… From one man
He created all the nations throughout
the whole earth. God decided
beforehand when (nations) should
rise and fall, and He determines
their boundaries (Acts 17:24-26).
His Purpose in all of this was that
the nations should Seek After God
and perhaps feel their way towards
Him and find Him – though He Is
Not Far from any one of us (v27).
For In Him We Live and move
and have our being (v28).

Lord, help me to live with a strong
sense of purpose; and be open
to Your Purpose You have for me.
Help me to slow down enough
to see opportunities; not just big
things but also in everyday things.
Help me to be sensitive to people
and their needs; and be willing
to be Your hands & feet to them.
Help me Lord fulfill the spiritual
assignment You have for me. Amen.

Lord, You may seem nearer to
us when we draw near to You.
But the reality and today’s passage
remind us that You’re always Near us.
Help me Lord notice Your Presence
in every situation, watching over me.
Praise You Lord for being my Provider,
Guide, Shield, Healer and Comforter.
And even when it seems You are far
away, You are actually Nearby. Amen.

Lord, we want You to be the one
In Whom We Live & have our being.
We want to hear Your voice Lord,
above all other voices in our lives.
But we get bogged down in routine
and things that want our attention.
And we relegate You to Sundays and
times when we need You to rescue us.
Lord, with all our human failings,
help us recognize Your presence.
Challenge, inspire & make us into
the people You want us to be. Amen.