Seeking God In Acts 14/15 (Nov 1)

God Acts on Prayer with Fasting

Backgrounder on Acts 13-15:
Acts 13 marks the beginning
of Paul’s missionary career.
Returning to Antioch at the end
of their first missionary journey,
Paul and his travelling companion
Barnabas report to their home
church and seek to resolve
the issue of including Gentiles in
the previously all-Jewish church.

Lord, we Seek You In Earnest Prayer:
Paul & Banabas returned to Lystra,
Iconium and Antioch, strengthening
the souls of the disciples, exhorting
them to continue in the faith… So
when they had appointed elders
in every church and Prayed With
Fasting, they commended them
to the Lord… Now… they reported
all that God had done with them,
that He had opened the doors of
faith to the Gentiles (Acts 14:21-27).
It pleased the apostles and elders…
to send chosen men… to Antioch
with Paul and Barnabas… They wrote
this letter… For it seemed good to
the Holy Spirit and to us, to lay upon
you no greater burden than these
necessary things: that you abstain
from things offered to idols, from
blood… and from sexual immorality.
If you keep yourselves from these,
you will do well (Acts 15:22-28).

Lord, the strenuous missionary work
facing the apostles called for great
intensity of spiritual life of which
prayer with fasting are the norms.
Paul and Barnabas recognised
these two acts as necessary prep
for the solemn work of appointing
people to key spiritual functions.
Holy Spirit, please influence our
thoughts, discussions & decision
making, for You are our Guide. Amen.

Lord, we notice whenever important
decisions had to be made, prayer
are often accompanied by fasting.
Lord, we know when we fast and pray
our prayers can gain new power.
Prompt me Lord to do that whenever
I have to make important decisions
and need to have Your guidance.
Help me to restart the discipline of
fasting & make me ready to handle
the opportunities ahead. Amen.

Lord, I will come to You in prayer
I will seek Your face.
I will stand within the gap
There will I intercede…
For every time I pray
I move the hand of God.
My prayer does the things
My hands cannot do.
For every time I pray
The mountains are removed;
The paths are made straight
And nations turn to You…
I am weak and helpless Lord
You, my strength shall be.
Guide me with Your gracious hand
There will my victory be… Amen.