Reflection on Isaiah 1-30 (Sep 4)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the prophetic book
of Isaiah is to call the nation of Judah back to God and to tell of God’s salvation through the Messiah.
On Monday, we learn from Isaiah 1 to
Be Grateful & Repent to Gracious God.
On Tuesday, we learn from Isaiah 6
that God Reveals and Calls You.
On Wednesday, we learn from Isaiah 7
that Immanuel God Is With Us.
On Thursday, we learn from Isaiah 25
to Come to the Shelter from the Storm.
On Friday, we learn from Isaiah 26
to Trust God for Giving Peace.
On Saturday, we learn from Isaiah 30
that the Lord Strengthens & Directs U.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face. Help us O Lord
to be disciples who are grateful,
earnestly long for Your presence,
receptive to Your revelation,
seek Your direction and trust in You.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Seeking God In Isaiah 30 (Sep 3)

The Lord Strengthens & Directs

Isaiah’s prophecies begin to focus
on the approach of the Assyrians.
Ephraim (northern kingdom) reels
like a drunkard, oblivious to the
danger & falsely confident in Egypt
to deliver her in time of trouble.
Ariel (Jerusalem, symbol of the
southern kingdom) stands next
in line for judgment if her citizens
follow Ephraim’s sorry example by
relying upon Egypt for protection.

Lord, You Strengthen & Direct Us:
This is what the Sovereign Lord
says: In repentance & rest is your
salvation, in quietness and Trust
is your Strength (Isaiah 30:15).
The Lord longs to be gracious
to you; therefore He will rise
up to show you compassion.
Blessed are all Who Wait for Him…
He will be very gracious to you
at the sound of your cry; When He
hears it, He will answer you (v18-19)
Whether you turn to the right
or to the left, your ears will
hear a voice behind you saying:
This is the Way, Walk in it (v21).

Lord, forgive me for trusting
in anyone or anything but You.
Give me wisdom to see a satisfying
life is possible only when I look to U.
Sensitive my spirit to Your voice; for
I have set my heart to listen to You.
And I set aside my anxieties, plans
and impatience to hear from You.
So in my quietness, be my Strength;
deliver me from trouble; and grant
me grace to wait & Trust You. Amen.

Lord, thanks for being true & faithful
and that You are Waiting to show me
love and compassion. Forgive me
for looking elsewhere for help; and
acting as though I am in charge.
Lord, You reward those who seek
You and I want to turn to You.
Give me the resolve, the courage
and the tenacity to Wait for You.
And Strengthen my faith to see
Your faithfulness in my life. Amen.

Lord, Your Will is a place of safety
for me and I need to know I am
headed in the right direction.
So speak to me about Your Will
so that I can aspire to walk in it.
Help me hear Your voice speaking
to my heart telling me what to do,
how to do, when to do and especially
important decisions I need to make.
In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

Seeking God In Isaiah 26 (Sep 2)

Trust God for Giving Peace

In Isaiah 24-27, Isaiah steps back to
survey the landscape & what he sees
causes him to respond in jubilation.
Earth and heaven experience God’s
sifting judgment. The redeemed ones,
vindicated at last, break forth in spontaneous song, exalting the Lord.
Though downcast, the people of God
now have something worth singing
about refuge, deliverance and ultimate
triumph in the Holy One of Israel.

Lord, You Give Peace to the Trusting:
You will keep in Perfect Peace
those whose minds are stayed
on You because they Trust in You.
Trust in the Lord forever, for
the Lord, the Lord Himself is
the Rock eternal (Isaiah 26:3-4).
O upright One, You make the way
of the righteous smooth. Yes Lord,
walking in the way of Your laws,
we Wait for You; The desires of
our souls is for Your name and for
the remembrance of You (v7-8).
Lord, You will establish peace
for us, for You have also done
all our works in us (v12) Amen.

Lord, You promise Peace to those
who Trust in You & set their minds
on You. Lord, You are my rock, You
are dependable and worthy of my
full trust. And I know as long as
I look to You, I cannot be shaken.
Though my heart may be troubled,
I choose to focus on You, believe
Your Word, pray Your Word & stand
by it. Help me make Your promises
the foundation each day. Amen.

Lord, in accordance to Your Word,
I can have peace about the future
because I Wait upon You. Although
I don’t know all the details about
what is to come, You know every-
thing & my future is in Your hands.
Help me Lord to walk faithfully with
You each day in Your Word and in
prayer so that I can move into the
purposes You’ve for my life. Amen.

Lord, thank You for promising to Establish peace for us & Your perfect
peace will guard our heart and mind.
In Christ I can be relaxed and be at peace in midst of perplexities of life.
I need Your peace as the list of tasks
and challenges replay in my head.
Help me do these things and trust
You with all my heart; and keep me
praying instead of worrying. Amen.

Seeking God In Isaiah 25 (Sep 1)

Come to the Shelter from the Storm

In Isaiah 24-27, Isaiah steps back to
survey the landscape & what he sees
causes him to respond in jubilation.
Earth and heaven experience God’s
sifting judgment. The redeemed ones,
vindicated at last, break forth in spontaneous song, exalting the Lord.
Though downcast, the people of God
now have something worth singing
about refuge, deliverance and ultimate
triumph in the Holy One of Israel.

O Lord, You are my God.
I will exalt You, I will praise Your name,
For You have done wonderful things.
You planned them long ago, and now
You have accomplished them (Isa 25:1)
For You have been a strength to
the poor, a strength to the needy
in his distress, a refuge from the
storm, a shade from the heat (v4).
You, Lord God, will swallow up death
forever, and You will wipe away
the tears from every face; You will
remove the reproach of Your people
from the earth. And it will be said
in that day: “Behold, this is our
God; we have waited for Him and
He will save us” (Isaiah 25:8-9).

Lord, You the one who provides,
bring to my mind all the good You
have caused in my life, so that I can
fully honour and praise Your name.
I humbly thank You for helping me
to stop living a lie and for silencing
mean people who surround me.
And thank You Lord for all You
still plan to accomplish through
me for Your kingdom. Amen.

Lord, by faith I make You my Shelter,
accept Your protective presence and receive all other blessings You offer.
Grow my faith O Lord to be as
big as the gifts You want to give.
And having experienced You Lord,
I will declare to everyone, what
wonderful things You’ve done for me.
I love and adore You Lord for You are
more precious than anything. Amen

Lord, Your word affirms that
we will rise from death and that
death is not the end of existence.
We praise You because You are
the resurrection and the life; and
those who believe in You will never die;
at least not in the ultimate sense.
Thank You Lord for the hope of
the gospel; for because of You,
death has indeed lost its sting.
In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.