Seeking God In Jer 32 (Sep 21)

God Bigger Than Our Problems

God pledges to reestablish the
nation after it has been purified
by the discipline of exile. As a sign
of His promise, He orders Jeremiah
to buy a field that would soon belong
to the conquering Babylonians.
That land would one day become
part of the restored nation to be
ruled by the Righteous Branch,
David’s Messianic descendant.

Lord, You are Almighty & Good:
I prayed… saying: Ah Lord God!
Behold You have made the heavens
& the earth by Your great power and
outstretched arm. There is nothing
too hard for You (Jer 32:16-17).
Then the word of the Lord came
to Jeremiah saying: Behold, I’m the
Lord, the God of all flesh. Is there
anything too hard for Me (v26-27).
They will be My people and I will
be their God. And I will give them
one heart and one purpose: to
worship me forever… I will never
stop doing good for them (v38-40)

Lord, thank You that nothing
in my life is beyond Your reach.
Nothing is too large or difficult
for Your powerful hand at all.
Help me to remember that
You display Your power best in
impossible situations. Give me
greater understanding of who
You are so that my trust in You
will grow and be complete. Amen.

Lord, when my faith is shaky,
remind me of Your Almighty power.
Give me a fresh glimpse of who
You really are: You made heavens
and the earth and You made us.
Increase my faith O Lord, for
Nothing is impossible with You.
Supply the confidence I need
to believe fully in this truth
and promise, especially when
I’m facing hopeless situation. Amen

Lord, You are truly great, good
and always concern of our welfare;
and I purpose to always worship
You and move people towards You.
When things are going well in my
life, remind me not to accept praise
without giving You the glory or
at least point people toward You.
And when time is hard, remind me
that You God will make everything
good & beautiful in Your time. Amen.

Seeking God In Jer 29 (Sep 20)

God Has Good Plan For Us

Jeremiah’s messages of judgment
arouse opposition in the palace.
During Jehoiakim’s reign, Jeremiah
is threatened with a death sentence.
While Zedekiah rules, Jeremiah don
a wooden yoke to portray Jerusalem
surrendering to Babylon. In midst of
turmoil, Jeremiah sends the exiles
in Babylon an encouraging letter;
urging them to settle down for
an extended period of captivity.

Lord, You have Good Plans For Us:
Thus says the LORD of hosts,
the God of Israel, to all who were
carried away captive, whom I have
caused to be carried away from
Jerusalem to Babylon (Jer 29:4).
After 70 years are completed at
Babylon, I will visit you & perform
My Good Word toward you and
cause you to return to this place.
For I know the Plans I have
for you, declares the Lord,
Plans toprosper you and not
to harm you, plans to give you
hope and a future (Jer 29:10-11).
Then you Will Call upon me and
come and Pray to me, and I will
listen to you. And you Will Seek Me
and Find Me, when you Search
for Me with all your heart. I will
be found by you, says the Lord,
and I will bring you back from
your captivity (Jer 29:12-14).

Lord, thank You for planning
a future and a hope for my life.
Because of Your Power and Your
Faithfulness, I know that nothing
in my life is outside Your Control.
Help me to willingly submit to Your
will for my future, draw me to look
for You and to pray wholeheartedly.
And grant that my hope be grounded
in Your Unchanging character. Amen

Lord, thank You that Your plans
for me are for good to prosper me
and give me a Future and a Hope.
Lord, I realise that Your good plan
requires our participative prayer.
I seek You about my future and ask
You to help me to hear Your voice
leading me each step of the way.
Help me Obey You and not do any
thing that hinders Your plan. Amen.

Lord, noted that despite the depth
of Judah’s faithlessness, so great
is Your love that You Promised
to bring Your people home again.
Thank You Lord for Your Plans,
  though I may not fully understand.
Thank You  for the promise to listen
when I pray. Help me persevere
in seeking You; for in seeking You,
I know I will find You & You’ll fulfil
Your plan for me in Your time. Amen.