Seeking God In Jeremiah 18 (Sep 17)

Master Potter Moulds You

Jeremiah himself becomes an
object lesson to his nation, for
his very life models the reality
of what is soon to befall Judah.
The prophet is commanded to
remain celibate & avoid feast days
– a reminder to his countrymen
that they will soon experience
involuntarily what Jeremiah is
called to experience voluntarily.
Discipleship is often costly,
but it is also always profitable.

Lord, Have Thine Own Way:
The word which came to Jeremiah
from the Lord, saying… Go down
to the potter’s house and there
I will cause you to hear My words…
I found the potter working at his
wheel. But the jar he was making
did not turn out as he had hoped,
So he crushed it into a lump of clay
again and started over (Jer 18:1-4).
Then the Lord gave me this message:
Israel, can I not do to you as
this potter has done to his clay?
As the clay is in the potter hand,
so are you in my hand (v5-6).
Give heed to me O Lord
and listen to the voice of
those who contend with me!…
Remember that I stood before You
to speak good for them (v19-20).

Lord, like clay in the potter’s hand,
we are imperfect but You can mold
us into something beautiful & useful.
Draw us, guide us and teach us Lord
to live all of our lives thru Your eyes.
We may be pressured; but You say:
Fear not, for I am with you. I will help
you, strengthen you and uphold you.
So, take us, mould us, fill us, lead us
and walk beside us as we give our
lives to You,the master potter. Amen.

O Sovereign God, we acknowledge
Your will is good; even as You shape
us to the people You want us to be.
We may struggle from time to time
due to self will; but You Lord wants
to reshape us to a beautiful creation.
O Holy Spirit help us to be soft
and receptive to Your hand on us.
As we yield to You God to shape us,
we ask for grace and mercy. Amen.

Have Thine own way, Lord!
Have Thine own way!
Thou art the potter; I am the clay.
Mold me and made me after Thy will
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
Have Thine own way Lord!
Have Thine own way!
Hold o’er my being absolute sway!
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only always living in me! Amen