Seeking God In Psalm 43 (July 5)

Prayer as Door of Hope

Psalms 42-49 are attributed to
the sons of Korah, descendants
of the man who died for his
rebellion against Moses (Num 16).
One part of this family became
the temple doorkeepers (1Chr 9:19)
while another became temple singers
and musicians (1 Chr 6:31-33, 37).
Psalms 42-49 presents aspects
of tribulation faced by the godly
and the final deliverance.

Praise God My Exceeding Joy:
Vindicate me O God, and plead
my cause… Oh deliver me…
For You are the God of my strength…
Oh Send out Your light and
Your truth! Let them lead me…
Then I will go to the altar of God,
To God, my exceeding joy
(El Simchath Gili); and I will praise You,
O God, my God (Psalm 43:1-4).
Why are you cast down, O my soul?
Hope in God; for I shall yet
praise Him, the help of my
countenance and my God (v5).

Lord El Simchath Gili, all that
is on earth belongs to You.
Because of this and more,
You are indeed our exceeding joy.
We praise Your glorious name,
for in Your hand are power & might.
The depth of Your truth is deep and
we find joy in learning new things.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, all things come from
You and are created by You.
Forgive me for seeking joy
in other sources than You.
Pardon me for turning to things
outside of You to seek what
can be found only in You; for
You are the source of my joy.
In Jesus precious name, Amen.

Lord, like the Hebrews in exile,
we may go through seasons of
despair, but we choose to hope in You.
I will choose Your truth and will
adamantly tell my soul to embrace it.
For my perceptions and feelings
aren’t always accurate & reliable.
But You are the truth; Your Word
is trustworthy; and I purpose to
put my hope in You God. Amen.

Seeking God In Psalm 42 (July 4)

Thirst for God & Hope In God

As the Deer is a well-known hymn
song written by Martin Nystrom
in 1984. He was a school teacher
in Seattle who went to Bible College
at Dallas Christ for Nations Institute
for summer term. I was challenged by
a roommate at CFNI to go on a fast
and to reading the Bible and prayer.
On the 19th day of the fast, I was
at the piano trying to write a song,
when I noticed a Bible on the music
stand of the piano open to Psalm 42.
My eyes fell on the first verse of that
chapter: As the deer panteth after
the water brooks, so panteth my soul
after thee… After reading the verse
I began to sing its message right off
the page. And I wrote the first verse
and chorus in a matter of minutes.

Lord, we Hope & Remember You:
As the deer pants for streams of
water, so I long for You, O God.
I Thirst for God, the living God…
Why am I discouraged? Why is
my heart so sad? I will Put My
Hope in God! I will Praise Him
again – my Saviour and my God…
O my God, my soul is cast
down within me; therefore
I will remember You (Ps 42:1-6).
I will say to God my Rock: Why
have You forgotten me? (v9).
Why am I discouraged?
Why so sad? I will put my Hope
in God! I will praise Him again – my
Saviour and my God! (v11) Amen.

Lord, satisfy this relentless Thirst
for You. Quench it with streams
of Your wisdom and inspiration.
Let Your words fulfill my deepest
desires; for I need You desperately.
Lord, I want to Connect with the
deepest part of Your Spirit in the
depths of mine. And let me hear
clearly the sound of Your voice. Amen

Lord, I bring the places of my soul
where I am downcast over to You.
For You are my Hope; You are my
salvation and I will Hope in You.
I purpose to trust and not be afraid;
and I have no good reason to fear;
for You Lord are my strength.
Send Your grace to help me,
that I may glorify You openly. Amen.

Lord, as the deer panteth for the
water, so my soul thirsts after You.
I love our relationship Lord, but
I am not content with remaining
as it is. Cause my soul to want and
long to have even more of You.
Satisfy this thirst for You Lord.
Quench it with gushing streams
of Your wisdom and inspiration.
And let Your Words & my prayers
fulfil our deepest desires. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Psalm 37

Delight, Trust & Wait on the Lord

Psalms is not only a book of praise;
it is also a book of practical counsel.
And in the last 5 chapters of Book 1
written by David, you will learn
how to deal with fretfulness (Ps 37)
and failing strength (Ps 38-39);
as well as how to rest in
God’s faithfulness (Ps 40)
and how to rightly respond to
a friend’s unfaithfulness (Ps 41).

Lord, we’ll Delight & Trust in You:
Trust in the Lord… do good;
and feed on His faithfulness.
DELIGHT yourself also in the Lord,
and He Shall Give you the desires
of your heart. COMMIT your way
to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, and
He shall bring it to pass (Ps 37:3-5).
Rest in the Lord and
wait patiently for Him…
Do not fret, it only causes harm…
But those who Wait on the Lord,
they shall inherit the earth (v7-9).
The steps of a good man are
ordered by the Lord, and He delights
in his way. Though he fall, he shall
not be utterly cast down; for the Lord
upholds him with His hand (v23-24)

Lord, help me to Delight in You;
to centre my heart in knowing You
more & loving You more day by day.
Grant me grace so that my heart
Desires You above everything else.
Help me to discover that there is
fullness of joy in Your presence.
And stir up holy passion within me
so that the things I want are the
things You want to give me. Amen

Lord, help me Commit my way
to You. Give me wisdom to sort
the precious from the worthless.
Give me the knowledge of You
that causes me to cling to You.
Fashion my heart Lord so that
it reflects Yours more each day.
Mold me into Your likeness so that
You are the desire of my heart.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You promise to help me
if I will Trust You. It goes against
our old sinful nature to wait
on Your leading and to rely on
Your strength. The tendency is
to get busy in our own strength.
Lord, change me to Trust You more,
be willing to be still & Wait on You.
Encourage me Lord and I trust You
will uphold me with Your hand. Amen.

Reflection on Psalm 31-40 (July 3)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the book of Psalms is
to provide poetry for the expression of
praise, worship & confession to God.
This week we see the importance
of Seeking God in tough times
and that Trusting Him has much
to do with Waiting upon the Lord.
On Monday, we learn from Psalm 31
that the God of Truth Leadeth Me.
On Tuesday, we learn from Psa 32 on
Prayer for Forgiveness & Deliverance.
On Wed, we learn from Psalm 33
that This Is My Father’s World.
On Thursday, we learn from Ps 34
on Seeking the Lord for He Delivers.
On Friday, we learn from Psalm 37
to Delight, Trust & Wait in the Lord.
On Sat, we learn from Psalm 40
that God Delivers those who Wait.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face… In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God in Ps 39/40 (Jul 2)

God Delivers Those Who Wait

Psalms is not only a book of praise;
it is also a book of practical counsel.
And in the last 5 chapters of Book 1
written by David, you will learn
how to deal with fretfulness (Ps 37)
and failing strength (Ps 38-39);
as well as how to rest in
God’s faithfulness (Ps 40)
and how to rightly respond to
a friend’s unfaithfulness (Ps 41).

Lord, we Wait Patiently for You:
Lord what do I wait for? My hope is
in You. Deliver me… Hear my prayer
O Lord, and give ear to my cry; do
not be silent at my tears (Ps 39:7-12)
I waited patiently for the Lord
to help me, and He turned
to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the pit of
despair, out of the miry clay.
He set my feet on solid ground
and steadied me (Psalm 40:1-2).
Be pleased O Lord to deliver me;
O Lord make haste to help me!
You are my help and my deliverer;
Do not delay (Psalm 40:13-17).

Lord, You see me and hear me
when I have lost all hope.
Remind me to wait patiently
for You and let You deliver me.
Give me the power to curb my
tongue and control what to say.
For Lord You are the one who
will lift me out of the pit of despair
for You are Good and Caring.Amen

Lord, we look to You to work
within us a spirit of Patient Waiting.
Grant me gracious Lord hope and expectation as I watch for You
to display Your favour in my life.
Keep me from losing heart or becoming impatient, and cause
me to continue to pray as I wait
to see Your powerful hand at work.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You for hearing our
every sigh; so we will cry out to
You and cast our burdens to You.
We also Commit everything to You,
not to worry but instead trust You.
Grant us spirit of patient waiting
with certain hope and expectation
as we watch and pray for You to
display Your grace in our lives. Amen

Seeking God In Psalm 37 (Jul 1)

Delight, Trust & Wait on the Lord

Psalms is not only a book of praise;
it is also a book of practical counsel.
And in the last 5 chapters of Book 1
written by David, you will learn
how to deal with fretfulness (Ps 37)
and failing strength (Ps 38-39);
as well as how to rest in
God’s faithfulness (Ps 40)
and how to rightly respond to
a friend’s unfaithfulness (Ps 41).

Lord, we’ll Delight & Trust in You:
Trust in the Lord… do good;
and feed on His faithfulness.
DELIGHT yourself also in the Lord,
and He Shall Give you the desires
of your heart. COMMIT your way
to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, and
He shall bring it to pass (Ps 37:3-5).
Rest in the Lord and
wait patiently for Him…
Do not fret, it only causes harm…
But those who Wait on the Lord,
they shall inherit the earth (v7-9).
The steps of a good man are
ordered by the Lord, and He delights
in his way. Though he fall, he shall
not be utterly cast down; for the Lord
upholds him with His hand (v23-24)

Lord, help me to Delight in You;
to centre my heart in knowing You
more & loving You more day by day.
Grant me grace so that my heart
Desires You above everything else.
Help me to discover that there is
fullness of joy in Your presence.
And stir up holy passion within me
so that the things I want are the
things You want to give me. Amen

Lord, help me Commit my way
to You. Give me wisdom to sort
the precious from the worthless.
Give me the knowledge of You
that causes me to cling to You.
Fashion my heart Lord so that
it reflects Yours more each day.
Mold me into Your likeness so that
You are the desire of my heart.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You promise to help me
if I will Trust You. It goes against
our old sinful nature to wait
on Your leading and to rely on
Your strength. The tendency is
to get busy in our own strength.
Lord, change me to Trust You more,
be willing to be still & Wait on You.
Encourage me Lord and I trust You
will uphold me with Your hand. Amen.