Seeking God In Psalm 119 (July 22)

God’s Word Directs Our Path

Psalm 119 is the longest psalm
 and the longest chapter of the 
longest book in the Bible. And
it provides the multifaceted Word
of God. Just as the psalm seems
 to go on endlessly as you read its
 176 verses, so let your praise and
love for God’s Word be endless
as you make it the focus of your
devotional time today & every day.

Lord, Your Word Directs Our Path:
With my whole heart I have sought
You; Your Word I have hidden
in my heart that I might Not Sin
against You. (Psalm 119:10-11).
Your Word is a lamp for my feet
and a Light for my Path. I have…
confirmed that I will keep Your
righteous (laws). I am afflicted
very muvh; Revive me O Lord
according to Your word (v105-7).
You are my refuge and my shield;
Your Word is my only Source of hope.
Lord, sustain me as You promised,
that I may live! Do not let my hope
be crushed (v114-116) Amen.

Lord, even as I Hide Your Word in
my heart, help me Keep From Sin.
Grant me the wisdom to seek You
and to hide Your Word in my heart.
Grant me discernment to apply
Your truth to everyday situations.
Grant me the perseverance and
faith to trust Your Word when l am
going through difficult times. Amen.

Lord, I want to delight in Your Word,
to obey it and to commit myself
to walking in the Light it provides.
I praise You that Your Word Lights
the Path at my feet so that I don’t
have to wander in the darkness.
Guide me each day with Your
wonderful Word so that I will not
copy the customs of this world;
but instead be transformed into
a new person in Christ. Amen.

Lord, how grateful I am that You
are my Refuge and my Shield.
Although my perspective is often
focused on the circumstances
around me, You already know the
outcome of Your plans for my life.
In the midst of difficulties, Your
Word is my only Source of Hope.
Help me Lord to Trust in You and
gain an eternal perspective. Amen.