Seeking God In Psalm 116 (July 20)

God Listens to Your Prayers

Backgrounder on Psalms 111-118:
Praise permeates nearly every
line of these eight psalms. God is
praiseworthy for His care (Ps 111),
His commandments (Ps 112),
His name(Ps 113), His power(Ps 114),
His uniqueness (Ps 115),
His Deliverance (Ps 116), His truth
(Ps 117) and His mercy (Ps 118).
What other response could there
be thankful to Praise the Lord.

Lord, You Hear Our Prayers:
I love the Lord, for He Heard
my voice; He Heard my cry
for mercy. Because He turned
His ear to me, I will call on Him
as long as I live (Psalm 116:1-2).
The Lord is gracious & righteous;
our God is full of Compassion…
Be at rest… O my soul, for the Lord
has been good to you (v5-7).
And so I walk in the Lord’s
presence as I live here on earth!
I believe in You, so I prayed, (for)
I am deeply troubled Lord (v9-10).

Lord, I take great comfort in
knowing You Hear my prayers.
Your Word tells me You Listen
and Hear when I call upon You.
Help me to be patient to wait for
Your answers, to not lose heart and
to not fear that You have never heard.
Help me Lord to trust You enough to
pray for all that concerns me. Amen.

Father, You take care of us for You
are Compassionate & full of mercy.
You are good to Your children,
taking care of their every need.
Thank You gracious Lord for
not treating me as I deserve; and
for being so gentle and loving.
Enable me in tough time to fix
my mind on Your proven track
record of kindness. Amen.

Lord, when I am troubled,
help me to run to You the way
little children run to their fathers
when they don’t know what to do.
Increase my belief in Your fatherly
heart and Your tenderness to me.
And Increase my faith in the power
of prayer to You when I’m troubled.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.