Seeking God In Nehemiah 13

Defend Purity in the Lord (May 21)

With the walls in place and the
spiritual condition of the nation
revived, Nehemiah now sets about
the task of organising the populace.
One-tenth of the people are chosen
to relocate within the city walls
while the rest remains in suburbs.
The walls are dedicated and temple
officers commissioned to oversee
the function of national worship.
Nehemiah then returns from Babylon
to find the people disregarding God’s
laws regarding marriage and Sabbath.
Assuming again the role of reformer,
Nehemiah labors to restore natl purity.

Lord, we’ll be Distinctly Your People:
I was not in Jerusalem at that time,
for I had returned to King Artaxerxesɉ۬When I arrived in Jerusalem, I learnt
about Eliashib’s evil deed in providing
Tobiah a room in the courtyards of the
Temple of God. I became very upset
and threw all of Tobiah’s belongings
out of the room (Nehemiah 13:6-8)
I gave orders to purify the rooms, and
put back the equipment of the house
of God, with the offerings and incense.
I also learned the portions assigned
to the Levites had not been given to
them, and all the Levites… had gone
back to their fields. So I asked… Why
is the house of God neglected? Then
I stationed them at their posts (v9-11).
Remember me, O my God… and
do not wipe out good deeds that
I have done for the house of Godɉ۬I saw men of Judah treading out their
wine press on the Sabbath. They were
also bringing… all sorts of produce
to Jerusalem to sell on the Sabbath…
So I confronted the nobles: Why are
you profaning the Sabbath? (v14-17).

Lord, You know our heart for our
children to walk in Your ways.
You have heard our prayers and
You have witnessed our work.
But our children are ultimately
Your children; and they need
much more than godly parents.
For they need You to keep them
from compromises. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, we note Nehemiah to do what
is right and holy, set apart for You.
All along Nehemiah was personally
seeking to please God and wants
to ensure God’s people remain
distinctive from their neighbours.
Help us Lord the desire to be holy
and to stand up for what us true
in Your eyes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we learn that Nehemiah is
a faithful servant leader, leading the
Israelites in rebuilding the city walls
& establishes policies for its residents.
He also helps renew the covenant
& keeps Israelites on track with God.
Help us Lord learn from Nehemiah
what good leaders should do. 
Grant us the wisdom and strength
to do what You have told us to do.
Remember us O God for the good
we’ve done for Your house. Amen.