Seeking God In Mark 8(May31)

Trust the Bread of Life

As opposition to Jesus’ ministry 
        increases, it is no longer safe
to move openly in Galilee. So
Jesus traverses the regions of
Decapolis, Caesarea & Perea,
thereby avoiding the crowds and
deadly plots of religious leaders.
In the concluding days of His
earthly ministry, Jesus begins
to prepare His disciples for the
faithful journey to Jerusalem
that will mark the end of His life
and the beginning of their role
as bearers of the glad tidings.

Lord, You are our Bread of Life:
Another great crowd had gathered,
and the people ran out of food again.
Jesus called his disciples and told
them: I feel sorry for these people…
How many loaves of bread do you
have? He asked. (Mark 8:2-5).
When the Pharisees heard that
Jesus had arrived, they came to
argue with him. Testing him to see if
he was from God, they demanded:
Give us a miraculous sign to prove
       yourself. When he heard this, he
sighed and said: Why do you keep
 demanding a miraculous sign(v11-12)
Whoever desires to come after Me,
let him deny himself, and take up
his cross & follow Me… Whoever
loses his life for My sake and the
gospel’s will save it. For what will it
profit a man if he gains the whole
world, and loses his soul? (v34-36)

Lord, we are amazed by the miracle
U performed to feed the multitude.
         Thank You Lord for the ways You
are still providing for our needs
even as we put our trust in You.
There are many people who are
         physically and spiritually hungry.            
Prepare us, strengthen us and
use us to partner with You in
what You are doing on earth. Amen

Lord, forgive me when I demand
                         evidence of Your power instead
of thanking You for all that You do.
Open my eyes to see the works
of Your hand everywhere I look.
With all my heart I welcome
Your presence however You
choose to reveal Yourself to me.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, You promise that we will
find true life by denying ourselves.
Help me Lord not to be too
preoccupied with myself; and
grant me the humility to do so.
Help me instead to focus on You,
Your kingdom & Your purposes.
As I trust and follow You Lord
let me experience You fully.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Seeking God In Mark 7 (May 30)

Be Sincere & Humble

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At first even His companions are
perplexed by His power & authority,
wondering: What manner of man
is this, that even the wind and
the sea obey Him. But patiently –
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even raising the dead
the Master Servant works to
convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we aim to Be Sincere & Humble:
Then the Pharisees… asked Him: Why
do your disciples not walk according to
the tradition… but eat with unwashed
hands? He answered: Well did Isaiah
prophesy of you Hypocrites: These
people honour me with their lips, but
their hearts are far from me (Mk 7:5-6)
You are not defiled by what u eat;
you are defiled by what you say & do!
It is the thought-life that defiles you.
For from Within, out of a person’s
heart, come evil thoughts… greed,
wickedness, deceit… slander, pride…
All these vile things come from within;
they are what defile you and made
you unacceptable to God (v15-23).
A woman whose young daughter had
an unclean spirit came… Jesus said:
Let the children be filled first, for it is
not good to take the children’s bread
and throw it to the little dogs. And she
answered; Even the little dogs eat from
the children’s crumbs. Then He said:
Go your way; the demon has gone
out of your daughter (v25-29).

Lord, we see in Mark gospel, Your 
ministry of power and authority
and yet with a servant mindset.
Help us Lord beware of traditions
that can clutter up our minds
and crowd out important things.
Lift us out of mere tradition into
the freedom and life of Your Spirit.
Help us Lord to focus on those
things that You value dearly. Amen

Lord, create a pure heart in me
and put a loyal spirit within me.
Give me a heart that is in tune
with You so that love motivates
daily decisions and behaviour.
Help me pay attention to Inner Life
and be transformed into Your image.
Help me think about what is true,
right, pure and lovely. Amen.

Lord, help us learn from the Greek
woman to have the right attitude
in approaching You with Humility
not asking for rights but mercy.
Help us Lord to have Persistence
of pushing through all barriers,
thus showing her Sincere Faith.
Help us not focus on ourselves,
our problems but solely on You.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Thought for the Week: Mark 3

Put the Lord In Priority

Mark begins his gospel without
genealogy, birth narrative or
any prologue. He begins with the
ministry of John the Baptist, the
forerunner who would prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
Servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout is on Christ’s works
rather than His words, as befitting
a Servant. Numerous miracles
of healing and exorcism precede
the personal calls of five disciples
– Andrew, Peter, James, John
and Matthew – and His choosing
of the seven other disciples.

Lord, we’ll Prioritise Time with You:
And He went up on the mountain
& called to Him those He Himself
wanted. And they came to Him.
Then He appointed twelve,
that they might Be With Him and
that He might send them out
to preach, and to have power
to heal sickness and to cast
out demons (Mark 3:13-15).
Then Jesus’ mother and brothers
arrived. Standing outside they
sent someone in to call Him.
A crowd was sitting around Him
and they told Him: Your mother
and brothers are outside looking
for You… Then he looked up at
those seated in a circle and said:
Here are my mother and brothers!
Whoever does God’s will is my
brother, sister & mother (v31-35)

Lord Jesus, You did not come as
a conquering king but as a Servant.
May Your example cause us to
be willing to serve God & others.
Lord, we note worthy examples
in Mark 3 to be God Seeki
and putting You first & foremost.
Help us Prioritise Time With You; and
help us Prioritise Your Will including
helping people. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, we note that the twelve
were chosen not because of
their abilities but their willingness
to follow Jesus and obey You.
We also note the twelve were
chosen to Be With You which
is priority and all good things
are built upon this foundation.
Thank You Lord Jesus that You
have chosen me to Be With You.
Help me to stay close to You. Amen

Lord, we learn that we need to
Put You God first and foremost
even before our loved ones,
including our spouse & children;
so that it will free us from
the bondage of idolising them.
Help us Lord to worship only You,
our creator; and to love our families
with Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Reflection on Mark (May 29)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of the Gospel of
Mark is to present the person,
work and teachings of Jesus…
For the Son of Man did not come
to be served but to serve and to
give His life as a ransom for many.
This week we see the importance
of Trusting God & Doing His Work.
On Monday, we learn from Mark 1
on Seeking God’s Purpose & Will.
On Tues, we learn from Mark 2
on Being People of Faith In God.
On Wed, we learn from Mark 3
on Putting the Lord In Priority
On Thursday, we learn from Mark 4
on Wholly Trusting God’s Word.
On Friday, we learn from Mark 5
on Don’t be Afraid, Only Believe.
On Saturday, we learn from Mark 6
on Emulating Prayer Life of Christ.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face… In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Mark 6 (May 28)

Emulate Prayer Habit of Christ

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At first even His companions are
perplexed by His power & authority,
wondering: What manner of man
is this, that even the wind and
the sea obey Him. But patiently –
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even raising the dead
the Master Servant works to
convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we Emulate Your Prayer Habit:
(Jesus) said to them: Come with
me by yourself to a quiet place
and get some rest. There were
many coming & going and they did
not even have time to eat (Mk6:31)
When Jesus landed and saw a large
crowd, He had compassion on them,
because they were like sheep
without a Shepherd. So he began
teaching them many things (v34).
By this time it was late in the day,
so his disciples said: Send the pple
away so that they can buy food to
eat. But Jesus answered: You give
them something to eat. (v35-36).
Immediately He made His disciples
get into the boat and go before Him
to the other side… while He sent
the multitude away. And when He
had sent them away, He departed
to the mountain to pray (v45-46).

Lord, we see in the creation story
the work-rest rhythm drawn by God.
When we violate this natural order by
excessive work, we’ll soon burnout.
And no wonder Jesus scheduled
retreat for Himself & his disciples.
We realise that we can’t be effective
for You if we are running on empty.
And we want the rest You offer and
the direction of the Father. Amen.

Lord, You know needs of people
and You responded accordingly.
We are to care for the weak
and to encourage the timid.
Grant us Lord wisdom to respond
correctly with the right words
and at the right time. Above all
grant us compassion like Yours;
so that when we reach out to
others, they may see You. Amen.

Lord, You created in our soul,
mind, will and also emotion.
Let us be renewed in our mind
as we meditate on Your Word.
Let us be yielded to the Holy
Spirit as we respond to the Word.
And let our emotions be under
the control of the Holy Spirit for
Lord we want to feel Your emotions.
As You had promised a new heart
do also put Your feelings within us,
even the compassion of Jesus. Amen.

Seeking God In Mark 5 (May 27)

Don’t Be Afraid, Only Believe

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At first even His companions are
perplexed by His power & authority,
wondering: What manner of man
is this, that even the wind and
the sea obey Him. But patiently –
through the miracles of exorcism,
healing and even raising the dead
the Master Servant works to
convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we will place our Faith In You:
Now a certain woman had a flow of
blood for 12 years, and had suffered
many things of many physicians and
was not better…. When she heard
about Jesus,she came from behind
Him in the crowd and touched His
garment. For she said: If only I may
touch His clothes, I shall be made
well. Immediately her blood was
dried up and she felt in her body
she was healed of the affliction.
And Jesus said to her: your Faith
has made you well (Mark 5:21-34).
While He was still speaking, some
came from the ruler of synagogue
said: Your daughter is dead. As
soon as Jesus heard the message,
He said to the ruler of synagogue:
Do not be afraid, only Believe.
Then He came to the house, took
the child and said: Little girl, I say
to you, arise. Immediately the girl
arose and walked (Mark 5:35-43)

Lord, even these days, there’re cases
that doctors give up as incurable.
But You Jesus is greatest physician
and nothing is really beyond You.
Grateful that some of us have
experienced Your divine healing
bringing us even nearer to You.
Thank You Lord for experiencing
Your love and power, with renewed
faith and reverence of You. Amen.

Lord of Compassion, I have needs
and only You God can meet them.
Some people might be appalled at
my boldness but I am shamelessly
asking You to give me what I need.
From scripture I know of Your
generous heart and I am waiting
and ready to risk everything on it.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, the same power that raised
Jairus’ daughter from the dead
and raised Jesus from the dead
is available to us through the Spirit.
Just as You turned dry bones alive
in times of Ezekiel, You can also
turn dead things to life these days.
Open the eyes of our hearts to see
and know the working of Your power
in and for us who believe. Amen.

Seeking God In Mark 4 (May 26)

Wholly Trust God’s Word

Through both His words and works,
Christ proclaims His true identity
to the disciples and the multitudes.
At 1st even His closest companions
are perplexed by His power and
authority, wondering: What manner
of man is this, that even the wind
and the sea obey Him (4:41). But
patiently through the miracles of
exorcism, healing and even raising
the dead the Master Servant works
to convince His followers of the
nature of His person and mission.

Lord, we’ll Wholly Trust Your Word:
Listen, a sower went out to sow…
The one sown among thorns; they
are the ones who hear the word
and the cares of this world…choke
the word and it becomes unfruitful.
But the ones sown on good ground,
those who Hear the Word, Accept
It and Bear fruit (Mark 4:1, 18-20).
Jesus said to his disciples: LET US
Cross to the east side… Suddenly
a storm struck the lake. Waves
started splashing into the boat
and it was about to sink. Jesus
was in the back of the boat asleep.
His disciples woke him and said:
Teacher don’t You care that we’re
about to drown? Jesus got up and
ordered the wind and waves to
be quiet. The wind stopped and
everything was calm. Jesus asked
His disciples: Why are u So Fearful?
How is it you have No Faith?(v35-40)

Lord, worldly worries and desires
can affect us, especially when our
routine is overcrowded; and material
pursuits can deafen us to God’s Word.
Help us Lord to stay free so that
we can Hear God when You speak.
Lead us not to have divided heart
but instead be Wholehearted to
You by Responding to Your Word.
And mould our hearts to see things
from Your perspective so that we
will be ready to produce fruit. Amen

Lord, help us to remember clearly
Your Instructions like what You
told the disciples: “Let Us Cross.”
Remind us to Rely On Your Word
and Not Focus on situation we’re in.
Remind us Your Presence and
help us to stay focussed on You.
Remind us no storm can take us
off course, for You Can Do all things
and Your plan cannot be thwarted.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Mark gospel,
which captures two purposes of
Christ coming to earth: to minister
and give His life a random for many.
Grant us Lord the grace to be like
Jesus in having a servant mindset. 
Grant us the grace to Love God’s
Word, to Respond to God’s Word,
to Accept & Trust Fully His Word.
Grant us the grace and strength
to Live By Your Word. Amen.

Seeking God In Mark 3 (May 25)

Put the Lord In Priority

Mark begins his gospel without
       genealogy, birth narrative or any
prologue. He begins with the
ministry of John the Baptist,         the
forerunner who would prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
Servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout is on Christ’s works
rather than His words, as befitting
a Servant. Numerous miracles
of healing and exorcism precede
the personal calls of five disciples
– Andrew, Peter, James, John
and Matthew – and His choosing
of the seven other disciples.

Lord, we’ll Prioritise Time with You:
And He went up on the mountain
& called to Him those He Himself
wanted. And they came to Him.
Then He appointed twelve,
that they might Be With Him and
that He might send them out
to preach, and to have power
to heal sickness and to cast
out demons (Mark 3:13-15).
Then Jesus’ mother and brothers
arrived. Standing outside they
sent someone in to call Him.
A crowd was sitting around Him
and they told Him: Your mother
and brothers are outside looking
for You… Then he looked up at
those seated in a circle and said:
Here are my mother and brothers!
.     Whoever does God’s will is my
brother, sister & mother (v31-35)

Lord Jesus, You did not come as
a conquering king but as a Servant.
May Your example cause us to
be willing to serve God & others.
Lord, we note worthy examples
in Mark 3 to be God Seeking
and putting You first & foremost.
Help us Prioritise Time With You; and
help us Prioritise Your Will including
helping people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we note that the twelve
were chosen not because of
their abilities but their willingness
to follow Jesus and obey You.
We also note the twelve were
chosen to Be With You which
is priority and all good things
are built upon this foundation.
Thank You Lord Jesus that You
have chosen me to Be With You.
Help me to stay close to You. Amen

Lord, we learn that we need to
Put You God first and foremost
even before our loved ones,
including our spouse & children;
so that it will free us from
the bondage of idolising them.
Help us Lord to worship only You,
our creator; and to love our families
with Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Seeking God In Mark 2 (May 24)

Be People of Faith In God

Mark begins his gospel without
genealogy, birth narrative or any
prologue. He begins with the
ministry of John the Baptist, the
forerunner who would prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
Servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout is on Christ’s works
rather than His words, as befitting
a Servant. Numerous miracles
of healing and exorcism precede
the personal calls of five disciples
– Andrew, Peter, James, John
and Matthew – and His choosing
of the seven other disciples.

Lord, help us be People of Faith:
When He had come home, many
gathered that there was No Room
left, not even outside the door.
Some men bringing a paralytic
could not get him to Jesus due to
the crowd, they made an opening
in the roof above Jesus & lowered
the mat the paralysed man was
lying. When Jesus saw their Faith,
He said to the paralytic: Son your
sins are Forgiven… Take up your
mat and go home. Immediately
he arose, took up the mat and
went out in the presence of them
all, so that all were amazed and
glorified God (Mk 2:1-12). Amen.

Lord, we are inspired by the
act of the four faithful friends.
They had heard You healing many
in the Galilean region and they were
determined to get their friend to You
despite difficulty they were facing.
Help us Lord to be compassionate
and Trust You enough to help
others the way they do. Amen.

Lord, if You were nearby in the 
neighbourhood, I would also want 
be in the crowd trying to see You.
For I have needs that only You
can meet; and I have desires
that only You can satisfy them.
And I want Your personal touch 
that I need to experience so that
my faith be boosted more than
ever before. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, usually when we come to U
God with a request, it’s for some-
thing practical including a miracle.
And You tend to meet our practical
needs beside our spiritual needs.
Because as the God of compassion,
You want us to know Your heart.
So Jesus I seek Your face with all my
needs – spiritual, physical, relational.
And Thanks for Your comprehensive
touch in my total being. Amen.

Seeking God In Mark 1 (May 23)

Seeking God’s Purpose & Will

Mark begins his gospel without
genealogy, birth narrative or
any prologue. He begins with
the ministry of John the Baptist,
the forerunner who will prepare
the way for Jesus’ ministry of
Servanthood. Mark’s emphasis
throughout is on Christ’s works
rather than His words, as befitting
a Servant. Miracles of healing and
exorcism precede the calls of five
disciples – Andrew, Peter, James,
John and Matthew – and His
choosing of seven other disciples.

Lord, we aspire to Seek Your Will:
This messenger was John Baptist.
He was preaching that people
should be baptised to show that
they had turned from their sins
and turned to God (Mark 1:4).
Then Jesus said: Follow Me & I will
make you become fishers of men.
They immediately left their nets
and Followed Him (v17-18).
After sunset the whole town
gathered at the door and Jesus
healed many of various diseases.
He also drive out many demons.
Very early in the morning, while
it was still dark, Jesus went
off to a solitary place to Pray.
Simon and his companions went
to look for him and when they
found him they said: Everyone
is looking for you! Jesus replied:
Let Us Go to the next towns that
I May Preach there also (v32-38).

Lord, thank You for the ministry
You have entrusted to each of us.
Help me remember my key purpose
should be that Your gospel is
proclaimed and You are exalted.
In everything I do, make me
be a stepping stone instead of
a stumbling block so that others
may come to know You as
their Saviour and Lord. Amen.

Lord, we carry a lot of things
around with us – responsibilities,
attachments, and to-do lists.
You alone know all the issues; but 
I hold them loosely as I come to You.
Grant me Lord the willingness to
be prepared to Let Go & Follow You.
And as You increase in importance,
let other things decrease. Amen.

Lord, we note You know exactly
what to do after a very successful
ministry time. Help us to follow
Your example to seek the Father’s
Will rather than rely on common sense.
For I’m constantly thinking of things
I have to do. Help me set aside time
with You, help me focus and reward
my solitude with Yr company. Amen.