Seeking God In 2 Kings 17 (Apr 21)

Worship God Wholeheartedly

Time is running out for the nation
of Israel. Though God’s patience
with His wayward people is deep,
His hand of judgment is poised
and will not be stayed much longer.
Following the death of Elisha,
Israel’s downward spiral accelerates.
Despite the able rule of Jeroboam ll,
the kings who succeeds him lead
the people ever deeper into idolatry
and immorality. Not a single one
of the last nine monarchs looks to
God for direction. At last Assyria
captures and disperses God’s
disobedient people and brought
the northern kingdom to an end.

Lord, we pledge to Worship You:
In the ninth year of King Hosea’s
reign, Samaria fell and the people
of Israel were exiled to Assyria.
The disaster came upon the nation
of Israel because the people
worshipped other gods, sinning
against the Lord their God (2K17:6-7)
Then they… sold themselves
to do evil in the sight of the Lord,
provoking Him. So the Lord was
very angry with Israel (2Kgs 17:17-18).
They feared the Lord, yet they
served their own gods, according
to the rituals of the nations from
among whom they were carried away…
They do not fear the Lord, nor do
they follow the law…which the Lord
had commanded the children
of Jacob (2 Kings 17:33-34).

Lord, we learnt from 2 Kings 13-17
that whilst You’re patient & merciful,
ever wanting your people to repent;
You are also holy, just & sovereign.
Help us not be concern of outward
radiance; but be watchful of moral
corruption and spiritual bankruptcy.
Help us to remain faithful to You;
help us to pledge worship only You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Dear Loving Lord, I pray You will
keep me from having a divided heart.
I don’t want to weaken allegiance
to You God by showing any allegiance
to the false gods of this world.
Help me Lord to stay in close touch
with You through regular meditation
of Your holy word & constant prayer.
And unite my heart with Yours Lord
so that it won’t stray from You. Amen.

Lord, we know a day is coming
when You will pour out Your anger
on those who live for themselves,
who refuse to obey the truth
and instead lead wicked lives.
But we also know that You poured
out Your anger on Christ so that
all who find refuge in Him will not
be swept away from Your presence
but will be brought safely home to You.
In Your mercy, draw our friends and
loved ones into Your fold. Amen.