Seeking God In 1 Kings 17 (Apr 14)

Trust God for His Provision:

Backgrounder to 1 Kings 15-19:
1 Kings 15 begins a pattern that will
extend through the rest of 1 & 2 Kings.
The writer flip-flops his account
between the nations of Israel & Judah,
first describing the reigning power
in the North, then moving to the
South and so on. He traces the parallel
stories of two nations in spiritual
decline; taking time occasionally to
highlight a prophet (such as Elijah)
or a king (like Ahab) who contributes
significantly to the spiritual rise
or fall of one of the nations.
Today’s reading centers around
Elijah the prophet who courageously
faces a heathen Israelite king
and 850 pagan prophets of Baal.

Lord, we Trust Your Provision:
And Elijah…said to Ahab: As the Lord
God of Israel lives, before whom
I stand, there shall not be dew nor
rain these years except at my word.
Then the Lord came to Elijah
saying: Hide by the Brook, which
flow into the Jordan. You shall drink
from the brook & I’ve commanded
the ravens to feed you there…
Widow did as Elijah said. And she,
her son & Elijah continued to eat
from her supply of flour and oil
for many days. For no matter how
much they used, there was always
enough left in the containers,
just as the Lord had promised
through Elijah (1 Kgs 17:1-4, 15-16)
O Lord my God, have You brought
tragedy on the widow with whom
I lodge, by killing her son? And he
stretched himself upon the child
three times, and cried out… O Lord
my God I pray, let this child’s soul
come back to him. Then the Lord
heard the voice of Elijah; and the
soul of the child came back (v20-22)

Lord, I know You are God of miracles
and nothing is impossible for those
who pray in the power of Your Spirit.
Help me to pray boldly and believe
for miracles in answer to my prayers.
Teach me how to not pray too small;
for I don’t want my prayers to stop
short of what You God want to see
happen in my life and in the lives
of those for whom I pray. Amen.

Father God, remind us of Your
amazing provision for Elijah and
the widow because they followed
Your way instead of their own.
Grateful for Your constant care
& for Your plan in uncertain times.
But it is so easy to panic and do
what seems most reasonable
rather than to trust You & follow
Your pleading in those times.
Remind us Your deeds and assures
us that Your way is best. Amen.

Lord Jesus, we note that You favour
Elijah greatly by his presence at
Your transfiguration and greatest
number of answered prayers.
Elijah supplicated You God for
the widow as his heart directed,
though in rather bizzare manner.
But we learn a prayer for miracle
is a prayer without limitations,
a prayer of faith. O Gracious Lord,
let Your children be sure of Your
answers to prayers of faith. Amen.