Seeking God In 2 Samuel 7

When God Says No (April 6)

With the death of Ish-Bosheth,
the people of Israel transfer their
allegiance to David as their rightful
king. As his first official act, David
conquers the strategic Jebusite
stronghold of Jerusalem and makes
it the new capital of the nation.
But something more than political
and military reform is necessary.
The worship of God must be
returned to its place of primacy.
Knowing this, David makes plans
to bring the ark of the covenant
to Jerusalem and build a fitting
place for it. In the process, he learns
some hard lessons about doing God’s
Will in God’s Way and in God’s Timing.

Lord, we’ll Submit to Your Will:
The king said to Nathan… See…
I dwell in a house of cedar, but the
Ark of God dwells inside tent curtains. 
Nathan replied to the king: Go ahead
and do whatever you have in mind…
But that same night the Lord said
to Nathan: Go and tell my servant
David… Are you the one to build
a house for Me? (2 Sam 7:2-5).
When your days are over and you
rest with your fathers, I will raise
up your offspring to succeed you…
and I will establish his kingdom.
He is the one who will build a
house for my Name (v12-13).
Your house and your kingdom
will continue for all time, and your
throne will be secure forever… Then
King David… said: Who am I, O Lord
God? And what is my house, that
You have brought me this far(v16-18)
Let Your name be magnified forever…
The Lord of hosts is the God of Israel.
And let the house of Your servant
David be established before You (v26)

Lord, we realise when we listen
for Your voice, sometimes we may
misunderstand some things; but 
trust that You are okay with that.
Thank You for the grace and
patience as I learn Your voice.
Help me learn to recognise it
immediately; and guide me clearly
when I don’t. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, I trust You and accept Your
answers to my prayers, even when
the answer is not what I want.
Help me to always understand
Your will, especially when the
answers to my prayers are not
what I expected they would be.
I’m grateful that You know what is
best for me and will not allow me to
seek after things I shouldn’t. Amen.

Lord, when You say no, it does
not mean You don’t care for me.
It may mean You have a greater
purpose; or what I ask for may be
unwise, second-best or wrong.
Lord when You say no, help me
to trust Your wisdom; for You may
be signaling a yes in another way.
And I look forward Lord to the
good that You will send. Amen.