Seeking God In 1Sam 3 (Mar 23)

Speak Lord Your Servant Listening

Israel has been ruled by judges
for over 200 yrs. Eli and Samuel
are the last of those judges.
Samuel grows up in the tabernacle
as a priest-in-training under Eli
and is well qualified to serve
Israel as both a priest and a judge.
Although the nation had fallen
away from God, it is clear that
He is preparing Samuel to lead
the nation back to right living.

Lord, we aspire a Listening Heart:
One night, Samuel was sleeping
in the Tabernacle. Suddenly the
Lord called out: Samuel ! Yes?
Samuel replied: What is it? He
got up and ran to Eli: Here I am…
Eli realised it was the Lord who was
calling the boy. So he said to Sam
If someone calls again, say: Yes
Lord, Your servant is listening…
And the Lord came and called
as before: Samuel ! Samuel !
And Samuel replied: Yes, Your
servant is listening (1Sam 3:1-10).

Lord, call me out of my slumber;
speak for I want to hear what
You have to say into my life.
Make my heart come alive by
the power of Your word of life.
I don’t just listen to You in
order to consider my options
for I need Your direction and You
are my master and Sovereign God.
Speak Lord for Your servant
is listening. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, listening and responding are
vital in the relationship with You.
Quieten my mind and my heart
so that I can hear You clearly.
Remove Lord any distractions
that will keep me from being
attentive and open to what Your
Spirit is impressing on my heart.
Make me ready to Listen to You
and willing to answer obediently
when You call on me. Amen.

Father God, You are almighty and in
control to execute Your perfect plan.
And You Lord desire our devotion
to You of our mind and our heart.
Having learn from the experience
of Hannah, priest Eli and Samuel;
we want to pray earnestly in faith,
we purpose to honour You and
we aspire to have a Listening Heart.
For nothing can substitute Your
rule in our heart and life. Amen.

Seeking God In 1Sam 2 (Mar 22)

Gratitude for Answered Prayer

The period of the judges is nearly
at an end. One last judge remains:
Samuel, a man of godly character
and integrity who will guide the
nation from judgeship to kingship.
Samuel is the offspring of barren
woman and the answer to fervent
prayer; and he is consecrated
to the Lord’s service from birth.
He enters a society marked by
moral decline and spiritual apathy.

Lord, we will Honour You:
Hannah prayed: My heart rejoices
in the Lord! Oh how the Lord
has blessed me! Now I have
an answer for my enemies,
as I delight in Your deliverance.
No one is holy like the Lord!
There is no one besides You; there
is no Rock like our God (1Sam 2:1-2)
The sons of Eli were worthless men.
They did not know the Lord…
When any man offered sacrifice,
the priest’s servant would come…
with a fork… All that the fork
brought up the priest would
take for himself (1 Sam 2:12-14).
Notice that the promise to those
who fear the Lord is that all their
needs will be met. Or as God
puts it in another place: Those
who honour me I will honour (v30)

Lord, there is no one like You;
there is no rock like our God.
You accomplish Your plan in
Hannah’s and Samuel’s lives
in Your own perfect time.
We trust You, good almighty God &
in control of all things to accomplish
Your perfect plans in our lives.
Then our hearts too will overflow
in praise & gratitude for all the
ways You have blessed us. Amen.

Lord, save our children from
growing up without knowing You.
Help them to value Your sacrifice
for sin and to fear abusing it.
And give us the courage to not
merely complain about sinful
behaviour but to confront it,
rebuke it and do what is right to
restrain it. May You be honoured
in our home and in our hearts. Amen

Lord, You meet the needs of those
who treat You with reverence.
Forgive us Lord for the times
when we fail to truly honour You.
You are the majestic king of
the universe – high and lifted up.
As we trust in You & honour You,
grant that You fill our lives with
good things. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Seeking God In 1Sam 1 (Mar 21)

Earnestly Implore the Lord

The period of the judges is nearly
at an end. One last judge remains:
Samuel, a man of godly character
and integrity who will guide the
nation from judgeship to kingship.
Samuel is the offspring of barren
woman and the answer to fervent
prayer; and he is consecrated
to the Lord’s service from birth.
He enters a society marked by
moral decline and spiritual apathy.

Lord, we Cast Cares Upon You:
Hannah was in bitterness of soul,
and prayed to the Lord and wept
in anguish. Then she made a vow:
O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed…
give Your maidservant a male child,
then I will give him to the Lord all
the days of his life (1Sam 1:10-11).
… So Eli thought she was drunk.
But Hannah answered: No my lord,
I am a woman of sorrowful spirit.
I’ve poured my soul before the Lord..
Then Eli answered: Go in peace
and the God of Israel grant your
petition which you’ve asked of Him…
So the woman went her way, ate,
and was no longer sad (v14-18).
I asked the Lord to give me this boy
and He has granted my request.
Now I am giving him to the Lord,
and he will belong to the Lord
his whole life (1 Sam 1:27-28).

Lord, although we are not in the
position to barter with Almighty God,
You may choose to answer a prayer
that has an attached promise to it.
You God keep Your promises and
will expect us also to keep ours.
Help us Lord to be earnest by
asking ourselves whether we will
follow thru on the promise we make
if God grants our request. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says in 1Pet 4:7
to Cast all our anxieties on You
God because You care for us.
Yet sometimes we take back the
worries we claim to give to You.
Help us learn from the example of
Hannah to rest the full weight of
our worry in Your capable hands.
Help us know You care for us and
thanks for the peace You give. Amen

Lord, grateful in our hour of need,
we can enter Your throne of grace.
Realize that our children are God’s
gift and that we should prepare
them for His service and glory.
We purpose not to forget our vows
but remember to perform them.
And when You God answers us
favourably, we’ll be mindful to give
You all the praise and glory. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Jdgs 1/2

Seek & Obey God’s Direction

By faithfully obeying the Lord,
Joshua led the Israelites to military
victory. After his death, the tribes
failed to clear the inhabitants from
the land, so the Lord withdrew his
promise to help drive people out
and bless the Israelites in battle.
The new generation abandoned
God and worshiped idols.

Lord, we Seek Your Direction:
Now after the death of Joshua
it came to pass that the children
of Israel asked the Lord saying:
Who shall be first to go up for us
against the Canaanites to fight
against them? And the Lord said:
Judah shall go up. I have delivered
the land into his hand (Jdgs 1:1-2).
The Lord was with Judah and they
took possession of the hill country.
But they failed to drive out the
people living in the plains because
the pple there had iron chariots (v19)
Another generation arise who did not
know the Lord nor the work which
He had done for Israel. Then the
children of Israel did evil & served
the Baals. And the Lord delivered
them to plunderers…Nevertheless
the Lord raised up judges who
delivered them. But when the judge
is dead, they reverted and behaved
more corruptly (Jdgs 2:8-19).

Lord, we note the children of Israel
enquired for direction, which is
a good practice for us to follow.
We note that You God chose the
tribe of Judah which means Praise.
Praise is Your chosen troops
against the enemy. For Praise
leads the way and clears the way.
King Jehoshaphat learn this truth
years later in another campaign.
Help us Lord to remember to seek
Your direction and obey it. Amen.

Lord, we note Judah failed to drive
out the people in the plain because
their courage and faith failed
when they saw the iron chariots.
Help us Lord to fully trust and
obey Your instruction; not to
fear, doubt or compromise
but instead follow through
to complete Your assignment.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, we don’t want to fall away
in laziness, temptation and sin.
Help us not to neglect spending
regular time with You each day.
Guide us to Know You better, to
become more like U & to obey You.
Lead us Lord to teach our children
about You when they are young
and to encourage them in Your
way even as they mature. Amen.

Reflection on Judges (March 20)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Judges is to show
that God’s judgment against sin
is certain; and His forgiveness of sin and restoration to relationship are
just as certain for those who repent.
This week we see God urging us
to Repent, Seek and Worship Him.
On Monday, we learn fr Jdgs 1/2
about Prayer for Direction.
On Tuesday, we learn fr Jdgs 3/5
about Prayer in time of Danger.
On Wed, we learn from Jdgs 6
on Prayer for Signs of Deliverance
On Thursday, we learn from Jdgs 10
on Prayer in time of Calamity.
On Friday, we learn from Jdgs 11
about Prayer as a Bargain.
On Sat, we learn from Jdgs 13-16
about Prayer in Perilous Times.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Judges 13-16

Prayer in Perilous Times (Mar 19)

Even before his birth, Samson’s
destiny is clearly announced.
He is to be separated unto the Lord
for a divine mission, requiring him
to abstain from certain defilements.
Miraculous in his birth and equipped
with supernatural strength for the
task of delivering Israel fr Philistine
domination, Samson Instead spends
much of his life violating his Nazirite
vow. Because of lack of self-control,
he loses his secret, his hair, his
strength, his sight & eventually his
life; but not before God uses him in
a mighty way to avenge the Israelites
of their Philistine oppressors.

Lord, we Trust & Seek You for Help:
Again the Israelites did evil… so the
Lord delivered them into the hands
of the Philistines for forty years…
Maniah had a wife who was sterile…
The angel appeared to her and said:
you are going to have a son. See that
you drink no wine… not eat anything
unclean… not shave his head, for
the boy is set apart to God & he will
begin deliverance of Israel (J13:1-5)
Samson’s father & mother objected:
Why must you go to the pagan
Philistines to find a wife?… (They)
didn’t realise the Lord was at work in
this, creating an opportunity to work
against the Philistines (Jdgs 14:3-4).
Now the Philistines gathered to offer
a great sacrifice to Dagon their god..
Samson called to the Lord; O God
Strengthen me, just this once that
I may with one blow take vengeance
on the Philistines. And he pushed
with all his might & the temple fell.
So the dead that he killed at his
death were more than he had
killed in his life (Judges 16:23-30).

Lord,thanks for being compassionate
and gracious, having a good plan for
Your people & never giving up on us.
There are many things about
You Lord and Your promises that
are beyond our understanding.
But that doesn’t mean that they
are not true. For it just mean we
need to bring them to You in prayer,
in Trust and Wait upon You. Amen.

Lord, when we consider our own
sinful tendencies and inadequacies,
we find comfort we often can’t see
the full picture of what You’re doing.
We praise You Lord for being
sovereign over our lives; and
that You can cause even foolish
choices to work together for good.
We choose to trust You’re working
in ways we can’t yet see. Amen.

Lord, we realize Samson made
many mistakes; but then he came
to repentance, had a great sense
of need of God and Your strength.
Thank You that it’s never too late
to call on the Lord and that You are
ready to hear & restore relationship.
All Praise that You God are bigger
than all our failings and limitations.
Let Your purposes for Your people
be accomplished. In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Judges 11

Prayer as a Bargain (Mar 18)

Gideon’s son Abimelech has such
strong aspirations for his father’s
position that he attempts to murder
all his brothers. His rash actions
are a prelude to three stormy years
in power – a reign cut short by a
divinely guided millstone.By contrast
Jephthah, the illegitimate son of
a harlot, zealously leads Israel
in the ways of God – though his
zeal also gets him into trouble.

Lord, we Prudently Promise You:
Jephthah sent messengers to the
king of Ammon: What do you have
agst me that you’ve come to fight?
I’ve not wronged u but you’re doing
me wrong by waging war against me.
Let the Lord, the Judge decide the
disputes… between the Israelites
and Ammonites (Jdgs 11:12, 27).
Jephthah made a vow to the Lord.
He said: If you give me victory
over the Ammonites, I will give
to the Lord the first thing coming
out of my house to greet me when
I return in triumph. I will sacrifice it
as a burnt offering (Jdgs 11:30-31)
When Jephthah returned home…
his daughter… ran out to meet him…
When he saw her, he tore his clothes
in anguish… She said to her father…
Let me alone for 2 mths (to) bewail
my virginity… And he carried out
his vow. She knew no man (v34-39)

Holy Lord, praise You for being
a righteous God, offended
by evil and devoted to justice.
When wrongly accused, I ask You
as Judge to bring the truth to light.
As my advocate, Defend me
when I am unjustly opposed.
Grant me self control in speech.
I ask for peace with the person and
pray You bring peace swiftly. Amen.

Lord Hashipey the Judge, I confess
that when I am wronged, I don’t
always turn to You for Your justice.
Help me know the confidence I can
feel in Your execution of judgment.
You are able to render justice on my
behalf far better than I ever could.
Please forgive me when I forget
to call on You for Your judgments.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we realize human sacrifice was
abominable to God and Jephthah
offered his daughter as a spiritual
offering, set apart for Your service.
We learn from this episode, the need
to be mindful when making vows
even as an expression of gratitude.
Help us for what we solemnly vow to
You to perform it, so long it is lawful,
though so difficult to us. Amen.

Seeking God In Jdgs 9/10 (Mar 17)

Prayer in time of Calamity

Often when a ruler dies, his son
succeeds him to the throne.
But what happens when the ruler
has many sons? Trouble! Especially
when one of the sons has such
strong aspirations for his father’s
position that he attempts to murder
all his brothers. Gideon’s son
Abimelech attempts such a coup.
His rush actions are a prelude to 3
stormy years in power, a reign cut
short by a divinely guided millstone.

Lord, we Come to You for Help:
Abimelech killed his 70 brothers.
After Abimelech reigned Israel 3 Yrs,
God sent a spirit of ill-will between
Abimelech & men of Shechem that
the crime done to 70 be settled…
Thus God repaid the wickedness of
Abimelech (Jdgs 9:5,22-24,55-56).
And the children of Israel cried out
to the Lord: we have sinned against
You because we have forsaken
our God and served the Baals.
So the Lord said… Did I not deliver
you from the Egyptians, Amorites…
and from the Philistines? Also…
and Amalekites and… Yet you have
forsaken Me and served other gods.
So I will deliver you no more. Cry out
to the gods u chose (Jdgs 10:10-14)
But the Israelites cry to the Lord:
We have sinned. Do whatever
You think best, but pls rescue us.
Then they got rid of foreign gods
and served the Lord. And He could
bear Israel’s misery no longer(15-16)

Lord, sometimes we wonder why
evil seems to prevail and God did
not punish evil and restore justice.
But we realise God often spares
immediate punishment and allows
people time to turn from their sins.
Help us Sovereign God even as
we trust You to administer justice
that we wait for Your timing. Amen

Lord, we note the constant refrain
in Judges is Israel cried to the Lord.
But You became weary of their cries
and told them to approach the
heathen gods they had chosen.
We see confession is connected
with calamity; for suffering is
the impulse to self-examination.
Help us Lord to be specific in our
confession of sin, naming it and
seek to be purged from it. Amen.

Lord, we do not want anything
to ever separate us from You;
for there’s Nothing worth that.
Lead us to confess anything
we have done wrong and anything
that is not pleasing in Your eyes.
When I’ve worshiped other gods
or an idol, reveal it to me so that
I will confess and repent of it;
for I want to serve You only. Amen

Seeking God In Jdgs 6 (Mar 16)

Prayer for Signs of Deliverance

Gideon, Israel’s 5th judge, receives
God’s call while hiding in a wine-
press secretly threshing wheat.
Midian’s oppression is severe, and
Gideon is God’s man to lead His
people out of bondage, a mission
Gideon is not anxious to accept!
But once convinced of his calling
through two miraculous signs,
Gideon leads a humble army of 300
men, equipped only with pitchers,
torches & trumpets, in a stunning
victory against the mighty Midianite
forces. Israel’s unusual weapons
and battle plan leave no room for
doubt that the victory is the Lord’s!

Lord, we Seek Your Will.
When the angel of the LORD
appeared to Gideon, he said: The
LORD Is With you, mighty warrior.
But sir, Gideon replied, if the LORD
is with us,why has all this happened
to us? Where are all His wonders…?
the LORD has abandoned us and
put us into the hands of Midian.
The LORD turned to him and said:
Go in the strength you have and
Save Israel out of Midian’s hand.
Am I not sending you?… I Will Be
With you, and you will strike down
all the Midianites (Jdgs 6:12-16).
So Gideon said to God: If You
will save Israel by my hand as
You Said… if there is dew on the
fleece only… I shall know that
You will save Israel… as You said…
Then Gideon said to God: Do not
be angry with me, but… let me test…
just once more with the fleece;
let it now be dry only on the fleece
but on all the ground let there
be dew. And God did so (v36-40)

Father, we learn from Gideon’s
encounter with Angel of the Lord
the elements of a proper prayer.
Help us to realize Your presence
and bring all our troubles and
perplexities of life to You God.
Help us recognise our weakness
and be assured of Your strength.
Help us receive divine cheer
as we receive our assignment.
Help us transit from anxiety to
confident faith in Jesus’ name.

Lord, our perceptions tend not
to judge You well as it should.
Like Gideon, we tend to focus
on what God hadn’t done; that
He hadn’t delivered His people yet.
We note Your reply to Gideon:
to go with the strength he has.
Lord, grateful for all You’ve done;
and help us to focus on what
You have said You’ll do. Amen.

Lord, we note Gideon was not
afraid to remind You of what
You had promised and to even
challenged You to keep Your word.
Pardon us when we do so for
it’s confidence based on nothing
less than Your own commitment.
Pardon us also when we are
skeptical like Gideon to put You
to the test to receive assurance
of Your unique calling for us. Amen.

Seeking God In Jdgs 3/5 (Mar 15)

Prayer in time of Danger

Despite God’s persistent commands,
the Israelites chose to accommodate
rather than annihilate the Canaanites
thereby surrounding themselves
with godless influence. So, they
began series of cycles of sinning,
worshipping idols, being punished,
crying for help, being rescued by a
judge, obeying God for a while, then
falling back into idolatry. They were
conquered by Syria, Moab, Canaan,
Midian, Ammon and Philistia.

Lord, we’ll Seek You for Help:
These people were left to test the
Israelites – to see whether they
would obey the commands the
Lord had given… So Israel lived
among the Canaanites, Hittites,
Amorites… and they intermarried
with them…. And the Israelites
worshiped their gods (Jdgs3:4-6)
The anger of the Lord burned agst
Israel and He handed them to king
Aram for 8 years. But when they
cried out to the Lord, he raised up
a deliverer Otheniel who saved them.
Once again the Israelites did evil
and the Lord gave Moab control
over Israel for 18 years. Again the
Israelites cried out to the Lord,
and he gave them Ehud (v9, 15).
Then Deborah sang on that day:
When leaders lead in Israel,
when the people willingly offer
themselves, bless the Lord!…
I will sing praise to the Lord…
They shall recount the righteous
acts of the Lord (Jdgs 5:1-3, 11).

Lord, You allowed pagans in the
land to test your people whether
they will obey Your commands.
We will not bond with heathens
and we will abstain from idols.
And we will advise our children to
heed Your warning that marriage
between believers & unbelievers
will create countless problems.
Help us in our endeavours. Amen.

Merciful Lord, thank You that
whenever we cried out to You,
You will deliver us from misery.
We confess often trying to control
our own lives without God’s help.
Remind us that You God should
be the first place we turn to for
help when we’re facing struggles
and not as a last resort. Amen.

Lord, we note the Song of Deborah
was a prayer of gratitude to You.
We are grateful for the faithful
workers who offer their services
for the wellbeing and support
of others. We ask Lord for Your
special blessing for these workers.
Provide their needs, guide them
and protect them from evil. Amen.