Seeking God in 1 Samuel 8

Prayer to Follow the Lord (Mar 25)

When faith in God wavers, faith
in man-made objects increases.
The people of Israel carry the
ark of the covenant into battle,
confident that its presence will
ensure victory over the Philistines.
Instead they suffer a shattering
defeat in which 30,000 lives were
lost the ark of covenant captured.
Upon hearing the news prophet
Eli falls back and breaks his neck.
It remains for Samuel to assume
the reins of leadership and guide
the people back to repentance.

Lord, we need to Follow Your Will:
But Samuel’s sons did not walk
in his ways; they… took bribes
and perverted justice. Then
all the elders of Israel came to
Samuel and said: Look, you are
old and your sons do not walk
in your ways. Now make us a king
to judge us like all the nations…

But the thing displeased Samuel when they said: Give us a king to judge us.           So Samuel prayed to the Lord.
And the Lord said to Samuel: the
people… have not rejected you but
they have rejected Me, that I should
not reign over them (1 Sam 8:3-7).

Lord, it must had been with a sad heart that Samuel prayed that Israel was tired of theocracy, directly governed by You God and yearned for a king like the Gentile nations. But how precious was Your tribute  and encouragement to Your servant. And subsequently You promised sending a man from Benjamin to save Your people from their troubles.  Grateful that You are good, in control and reign over our lives. Amen. 

Lord, thank You for the times
we prayed for something and
You did not give it to us because
it would not have been good.
Help us O Holy Spirit to seek
Your will and pray according to it.
Speak to us as we read Your Word
so that we’ll grow in understanding.
And enable us to pray in alignment
with what really pleases You. Amen.

Dear Lord, You are almighty and in
control to execute Your perfect plan;
and You desire our devotion to You.
Having learn from the experience
of the Israelites in Your Word, we
purpose to turn to You for needs.
We will rely on You for deliverance
and have no other gods before You.
And we need to Follow Your will,
for nothing can substitute Your
rule in our heart and life. Amen.