Seeking God In 1Sam 1 (Mar 21)

Earnestly Implore the Lord

The period of the judges is nearly
at an end. One last judge remains:
Samuel, a man of godly character
and integrity who will guide the
nation from judgeship to kingship.
Samuel is the offspring of barren
woman and the answer to fervent
prayer; and he is consecrated
to the Lord’s service from birth.
He enters a society marked by
moral decline and spiritual apathy.

Lord, we Cast Cares Upon You:
Hannah was in bitterness of soul,
and prayed to the Lord and wept
in anguish. Then she made a vow:
O Lord of hosts, if You will indeed…
give Your maidservant a male child,
then I will give him to the Lord all
the days of his life (1Sam 1:10-11).
… So Eli thought she was drunk.
But Hannah answered: No my lord,
I am a woman of sorrowful spirit.
I’ve poured my soul before the Lord..
Then Eli answered: Go in peace
and the God of Israel grant your
petition which you’ve asked of Him…
So the woman went her way, ate,
and was no longer sad (v14-18).
I asked the Lord to give me this boy
and He has granted my request.
Now I am giving him to the Lord,
and he will belong to the Lord
his whole life (1 Sam 1:27-28).

Lord, although we are not in the
position to barter with Almighty God,
You may choose to answer a prayer
that has an attached promise to it.
You God keep Your promises and
will expect us also to keep ours.
Help us Lord to be earnest by
asking ourselves whether we will
follow thru on the promise we make
if God grants our request. Amen.

Lord, Your Word says in 1Pet 4:7
to Cast all our anxieties on You
God because You care for us.
Yet sometimes we take back the
worries we claim to give to You.
Help us learn from the example of
Hannah to rest the full weight of
our worry in Your capable hands.
Help us know You care for us and
thanks for the peace You give. Amen

Lord, grateful in our hour of need,
we can enter Your throne of grace.
Realize that our children are God’s
gift and that we should prepare
them for His service and glory.
We purpose not to forget our vows
but remember to perform them.
And when You God answers us
favourably, we’ll be mindful to give
You all the praise and glory. Amen.