Seeking God In Joshua 6-7 (Mar 10)

Need for Obedience & Repentance

Joshua employs textbook strategy
for military victory: Divide and
conquer! He attacks the middle
of the country first, dividing the
enemy forces in half, before
mopping Up resistance among
the isolated troops in the south
and north. His stunning victory
shows the importance of following
God’s direction down to the
smallest detail, no matter how
trivial they may seem. The lesson
is painfully reinforced at Ai, where
disobedience leads to defeat
and death. But after disciplining
His overconfident people, God
patiently encourages them
and leads them to victory again.

Lord, we will Trust and Obey You:
And the Lord said to Joshua:
See I have given Jericho into your
hand. You shall march around the
city for six days, once a day. But
the seventh day you shall match
around the city seven times & the
priests shall blow the trumpets;
all the people shall shout with
a great shout , then the wall of the
city will fall down flat (Josh 6:2-5).
Sanctify yourselves thus says
the Lord: There is an accused
thing in your midst, O Israel;
you cannot stand before your
enemies until you take away
the accused thing (Jos 7:13).
And Achan said: Indeed have
sinned against the Lord (v20).
The Lord said to Joshua:Don’t
fear. I’ve given into your hand the
king of Ai and his land (Jos 8:1).

Lord, according to scripture, when
Your promise comes into contact
with our faith-filled obedience,
walls fall and obstacles disappear.
The only way our Jericho will
stand is if we believe our limited
perception instead of God’s Word.
Grant us the grace to simply trust
God’s Word & not miss opportunity
to see Your power in action. Amen.

Lord,Help us to remember when
You God calls us to battle, You
have already won the victory.
Teach us O Lord to walk by faith
and not by sight. We choose to
believe You rather than our own
perceptions and interpretations.
And we receive by faith Your
given victory in our situation.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.

Lord, reveal to me any sin I am
harbouring, and I will confess it.
For I don’t want to give place
to any hindrances to prayers,
or put up a roadblock to
all You want to do in my life.
Help me not to run off on my own,
trying to do what I think is right.
Help me not forget to consult You
even on things I can handle. Amen.