Seeking God in Joshua 5

Prayer as A Challenge (Mar 9)

The Jews are poised within view of
the land promised to their ancestors
and denied their unbelieving
parents. The task seems impossible:
a turbulent river; foreign terrain
to cross; mighty walled cities to
conquer. So God begins to prepare
His people for the days of warfare
just ahead. He reminds Joshua that
careful attention to His Word brings
blessing and success. Spies are
sent to survey Jericho, the first
obstacle in the land. The priests
bearing the ark of covenant lead
the people across the Jordan.

Lord, we Submit to You:
And it came to pass, when they had
done circumcising all the people,
that they abode in their places
in the camp, till they were whole.
And the Lord said unto Joshua, This
day have I rolled away the reproach
of Egypt from off you. Wherefore
the name of the place is called
Gilgal unto this day. (Joshua 5:8-9).
And it came to pass, when Joshua
was by Jericho, that he lifted
his eyes and looked and behold
a Man stood with His sword drawn
in his hand. And Joshua said
to him: Are You for us or our
adversaries? So he said; No but
as Commander of the army of
the Lord I have now come.
And Joshua fell on his face and
worshiped and said: What does
my Lord say to His servant Then
the Commander of the Lord’s army
said: Take your sandal off for
the place where you stand is holy.
And Joshua did so (Josh 5:13-15)

Lord give me a listening ear and
a heart that accepts correction.
Grant me grace to cut whatever
needs to be cut in order
for me to achieve Your purpose.
Father give me patience to wait
and faith to keep me standing.
Lord while I wait for Your help and
promises to manifest, grant me
grace to remain in You. Amen.

Lord, help us to be like Joshua,seeking You and yielding to You.Help us  to align our lives, ourbeing and doing with Your will;so that we live for Your glory.Help us Lord to abide in You,to seek You, to be more like You,to walk in purity and in humility.Help us to love You, to love others,to proclaim Your gospel, andto make disciples of You. Amen.

Lord, I pray that no matter what
difficulties I may encounter, I would
be willing to give you control of my
life, so that I may have good success
in all I do, for Your praise and glory.
Thank You Lord for the many
reminders that without YOU I can do
nothing… but that I can do all things
THROUGH Christ, Who strengthens
me. Praise Your holy name, AMEN.