Seeking God in Joshua 2/3

The Living God is In Control

The Jews are poised within view of
the land promised to their ancestors
and denied their unbelieving
parents. The task seems impossible:
a turbulent river; foreign terrain
to cross; mighty walled cities to
conquer. So God begins to prepare
His people for the days of warfare
just ahead. He reminds Joshua that
careful attention to His Word brings
blessing and success. Spies are
sent to survey Jericho, the first
obstacle in the land. The priests
bearing the ark of covenant lead the
pple across the rampaging Jordan.

Praise be Supreme God In Heaven:
Rahab: We have heard how the
Lord made a dry path for you
through the Red Sea. And we
know what you did to the two
Amorite kings east of the Jordan
River, whose people u completely
destroyed… For the Lord yr God is
supreme God in heaven(Jos 2:10-11)
So Joshua said to the children of
Israel: This is how you will know
that the Living God… is among you
and that He will certainly drive out
the Canaanites, Hittites, Hivites…
Amorites and the Jebusites.
Behold, the ark of the covenant
of the Lord is crossing before
you into the Jordan (Jos 3:10-11).
As soon as the priests who carry
the ark of the Lord, the Lord of
All The Earth set foot in the Jordan,
its waters flowing downstream
will be cut off and stand up
in a heap (Joshua 3:13).

Lord God Almighty, who sits
in the throne in heaven above,
You are truly ruler over all.
Power and might are in Your hand.
You alone can go before us to
open doors we could not open
on our own, and lead in a path we
could not have created on our own.
Be gracious Lord towards us as we
lift up our eyes & look to You. Amen

O Living God, we praise You
for Your powerful life-giving name.
Thank You for being active and
engaged in our everyday life.
You are not a God who is distant
and not keen in what happens to me.
Just as You helped the Israelites,
You Lord are alive and moving in
the situations of our lives as well.
Thank U for Your loving care. Amen

Lord of Skl The Earth, we praise
& exalt You Lord for Your ability to
subdue all that’s in Your creation.
You are the great and awesome
God who still does mighty acts
on behalf of Your people. And
it’s comforting to know that
nothing is too difficult for You or
removed from Your control. And
in You we can find peace. Amen.