Seeking God In Joshua 1 (Mar 7)

God Calls Us Be Courageous

Moses has died and Joshua is
appointed by God to take the reins
of leadership. The people are
poised within view of the land
promised to their ancestors and
denied their unbelieving parents.
The time has come to cross over,
conquer and possess the land.
The task seems impossible: a
turbulent river and mighty walled
cities. So God begins to prepare
His people for the warfare ahead.
He reminds Joshua that attention
to His word brings success.

Lord, we will Be Courageous:
Be Strong and Courageous,
because You will lead these people
to Inherit the land I Swore to
their forefathers to give to them.
Be Strong and Very Courageous.
Be Careful To Obey all the law
my servant Moses gave you;
do not turn to the right or to the
left, that you may be successful…
Have I not commanded you?
Be Strong and Courageous.
Do not be terrified; do not be
discouraged, for the Lord your God
Will Be With You wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:6-9). Amen and amen.

Father God, I will be strong and
courageous, I shall not be afraid
for the LORD my God goes with me.
In fact You have Promised in Your
Word an Inheritance; and You
will surely not fail nor forsake me.
And since You promised that It is
the Lord who goes before me; You
will be with me & will not leave me.
Therefore I shall not be afraid what-
ever the challenge before me. Amen

Lord, I pray that every time I read
Your Word, You will teach me all that
I need to know. Help me understand
Your truth & speak to me specifically
about how each passage relates
to my life and the lives of others.
Help me to meditate on Your Word
and take Steps of Obedience so that
I can live in Your perfect will and be
successful as You promise. Amen.

Lord, I can feel overwhelmed often;
but I know a glimpse of You can
radically change my perspective.
Thanks for Your promise of being
With Me no matter what happens.
Lord please overshadow my fears
and worries with Your strength.
Help me be strong and courageous
in every challenge that I may face.
In Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.