Thought for the Week: Matt 17

Christ Points to Faith In God

Mathew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in M16-19.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His temple
tax and confront hostile Pharisees,
His key concern is for His disciples
to continue the work He had begun.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we’ll Exercise Faith In You:
A man came to Him, kneeling…
and saying: Lord, have mercy on
my son, for he is an epileptic and
suffers severely… So I brought him
to Your disciples but they could
not cure him. Then Jesus said: O
faithless generation (Mt 17:14-17)
The disciples asked Jesus
privately: Why couldn’t we
cast out that boy’s demon?
So Jesus said to them: Because
of your unbelief; for assuredly
I say to you, if you Have Faith
as a mustard seed, you will say
to this mountain: Move from here
to there, and it will move; and
nothing will be impossible for you.
But this kind does not go except
by prayer & fasting (Mt 17:19-21).

Lord, You promise that With Faith
In You Nothing Is Impossible.
Thank You for being the God
of the possible; for You are the
Almighty who moves mountains.
Help me Lord to realize that
my faith, even though small
and weak, can do great things.
For it’s not the amount of faith but
the Focus of the faith In You. Amen

Lord, although circumstances
seem challenging, yet You
are the source of my strength.
Although my faith seems small,
yet when placed in the Creator’s
hands, it can produce a greater
harvest than I could ever imagine.
Lord, take my tiny seed of faith
and multiply it with Your strength.
Thankful for assurance that there’s
nothing impossible with You. Amen.

Lord, we want to boost kingdom
growth by sharing the gospel as it’s
more valuable than anything else.
We purpose to regularly spend
time alone with You, to know
You more and to seek Your will.
Help us to pray in faith trusting
You Lord to do the impossible and
be wary of the spirit of unbelief.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Reflection on Matt 12-20 (Feb 27)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Matthew is to prove
Jesus is Messiah the eternal King.
This week we are challenged to
inculcate attitudes that promote growth & community in the kingdom.
On Monday, we learn from Mt 12-14
that Christ Seeks Will of Father.
On Tuesday, we learn from Matt 15
that Christ Responds to Faith.
On Wednesday, we learn from Mt 17
that Christ Points to Faith In God.
On Thursday, we learn from Matt 18
that Christ Stresses Unity in Prayer.
On Friday, we learn from Matt 19
that Christ Urges Eternal Mindset.
On Saturday, we learn from Matt 20
that Christ Casts Servant Mindset.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.