Seeking God In Num 20/21(Feb 5)

Respecting & Obeying Holy God

As the Israelites march to Canaan,
they defeat three enemies, the
Canaanites, Amorites & Bashanites.
But on the heels of victory they
suffer defeat at the hands of a
persistent foe: grumbling. Because
of people’s constant complaining,
God sends fiery serpents to
chasten His rebellious nation. The
threat of Israel’s advance prompts
neighbouring pagan nations to hire
Balaam to bring down a curse upon
God’s people. But instead of curse,
Balaam delivers a sweeping witness
to the glorious future of Israel.

Lord, we will Respect & Obey You:
There was no water, so the people
rebelled. They blamed Moses: Why
did you make us leave Egypt and
bring us to this horrible place? This
land has no grain, no figs, no grapes
& no water to drink! (Num 20:2-5)
Speak to the rock before their eyes
and it will yield its water. So Moses
took the rod from the Lord…and he
said to them: You Rebels! Must we
bring water for you out of this rock?
Then Moses…struck the rock twice
with his rod and water came out…
The Lord spoke to Moses: Because
you did not…hallow Me… (so) you
shall Not bring this assembly into the
land which I have given them (v8-12)
The people came to Moses & said:
We sinned when we spoke against
the Lord and against you. Pray that
the Lord will take the snakes away…
So Moses prayed for the people.
The Lord said: Make a snake & put
it up on a pole; anyone who is bitten
can look at it & live (Num 21:7-9)

Father, when Israelites complained
against You God and rebelled
against Moses, that led to disaster.
Help me to Be Careful when under
difficult and confusing situations.
Help me to beware of grumbling
and bitterness which can lead
to resentment and even rebellion.
Help me Lord to choose a better
attitude and focus on what You
God has done & blessings. Amen

Holy Spirit, help me be gracious &
Careful with my words when under
pressure or when I am frustrated.
Help me not to trust and rely on
past experience of doing things;
but instead respond in faith, trusting
You and obeying Your instructions.
Help me Honor Father as holy God.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, I look to You as Saviour
and to what You accomplished
on the cross as guarantee of
my salvation. Thank You Lord for
paying the ultimate price for my sin.
Forgive me Lord if I have spoken
against You in any way, or have
been motivated by fear and doubt.
I come to You in Faith, believing
that You’ll hear & answer my prayer.
Help me to always Obey You. Amen.