Seeking God In Numbers 12

Prayer of the Meek (Feb 3)

The time has come for the final
journey to Canaan. After a special
celebration of the Passover, the
people watch as the pillar of cloud
begins to move. It’s time to march!
But the thrill of expectation soon
gives way to tedium of travel. And
Moses is faced with numerous
problems: complaints about travel
conditions and food, longings for
the good old days in Egypt, greedy
hoarding of the quail God supplies
and jealousy by Miriam and Aaron
toward his position of leadership.
In spite of the difficulties, the
people finally arrive at Kadesh-
Barnea, on the doorstep of Canaan!

Lord, help us be Humble & Faithful:
(Now… Moses was very humble,
more than all men who were
on the face of the earth…
The Lord came down in the pillar
of cloud and stood at the door of
the tabernacle and called Aaron
and Miriam… Then He said…
My servant Moses; He is faithful…
I speak with him face to face,
even plainly… and he sees the
form of the Lord. Why then were
you not afraid to speak against
My servant Moses (Num 12:3-8)
And when the cloud departed
from above the tabernacle,
suddenly Miriam became leprous…
So Aaron said to Moses: Oh my lord!
Plse do not lay this sin on us, in
which we’ve done foolishly (v10-11).
So Moses cried out to the Lord…
Please heal her O God I pray (v13)

Lord, we note that You God highly
commended Moses, the one to
whom You could speak directly.
He was noted to being the
most humble person on earth.
He was faithful to Your calling
at the burning bush. He kept in
close contact with God and this led
Moses to be a man of intercession.
Draw us Lord to You; and Help us
to be humble and faithful. Amen.

Lord, what a beautiful spirit Moses
manifested in his intercession
for his smitten sister Miriam.
He had no reproach, no angry
denunciations. Revenge was not
in his heart. He had forgiven her.
In his intercession, we see Moses
as a person peculiarly efficacious
in prayer. He came to the throne
with a brief and simple cry:
O God heal her. Grant us grace
Lord to pray importunately for those
who mistreat us. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, help me forgive anyone who
has hurt me, especially loved ones
or friends who have betrayed me.
Enable me to forgive them so
completely that I don’t hesitate
to pray for their need and blessing.
Deliver me from any bitterness,
and help me to live in freedom of
a forgiving heart so that there is
complete reconciliation between us.
For I don’t want to experience the
consequence of holding grudge
against someone. In Jesus’ name.