Seeking God In Exo 9-10 (Jan 21)

Prayer in Alliance with Almighty

When a person will not obey God
willingly, God will often bring to
bear circumstances that force
him to obey God unwillingly.
Such is the case with reluctant
Pharaoh of Egypt. God sends
a series of national calamities
to impress upon Pharaoh the
importance of obedience.

Lord, we’ll Pray in Alliance with You:
Then the Lord said to Moses:
Stand before Pharaoh and say
to him: Thus says the Lord God
of the Hebrews: Let My people
go that they may (worship) Me…
Indeed for this Purpose I have raised
you up, that I may show My power
in you, and that My name may be
declared in all the earth (Ex 9:13-16)
And Moses went out of the city
from Pharaoh and spread his hands
unto the Lord: and the thunders
and hail ceased, and the rain was
not poured upon the earth (Ex 9:33)
Then Pharaoh called for Moses…
in haste and said: I have sinned
against the Lord your God…
Entreat the Lord your God that He
may take away from me this death…
So he went out from Pharaoh and
entreated the Lord. And the Lord
turned a very strong… wind which
took the locusts away (Ex10:16-19)

Lord, we see in Moses contests
with Pharaoh that he leaned
heavily upon You God; and You
promptly unleashed forces of nature.
Moses stretched his hands towards
You & Open hands towards heaven
indicate human need and also
divine ability to meet those need.
Moses entreated the Lord,
inferring prayer of great earnesty.
Help us learn from Moses both
the posture of dependence on You
and the intensity of spirit. Amen.

Lord, help me to learn to pray in
power; and increase my faith to
believe for answers to my prayers.
Inspire and enable me to become
an intercessor for others,
esp those who yet to know You.
Grant that I will become a person
of great faith and power in prayer.
And that people around me can
know and rust in You God. Amen.

Lord, we note that Pharaoh
turned to Moses for help, the
one he knew could truly intercede.
And we are reminded that You
Jesus charged the disciples to
love your enemies & pray for them.
Help us Lord to be ready & willing
to pray for all, even the wicked.
And help us to control our emotions
towards others, whatever the
provocation they may heap on us.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.