Seeking God In Genesis 32

Prayer of Humility & Faith

The third patriarchal character
Jacob truly lives up to his name,
stealing the family blessing meant
for his twin brother Esau. But it is
through Jacob that God’s promises
are fulfilled in a greater degree.
During a 20-year stay in Haran,
Jacob the schemer becomes
Jacob the servant of God.
After leaving his uncle Laban, he
reconciles to God, wrestling with
the angel of Jehovah that leaves
him with a new name Israel & limp.

Lord, help us Don’t Stop Believing:
Then Jacob said: O God of my father
Abraham and God of my father Isaac
the Lord who said to me: Return
to your country… and I will deal
well with you: I am not worthy of
the least of the mercies… which
You have shown Your servant…
Deliver me, I pray, from the hand
of my brother… for I fear him…
For You said: I will surely treat you well and make your descendants as the sand of the sea (Gen 32:9-12).
So Jacob was left alone and a man
wrestled with him till daybreak.
When the man saw that he could
not overpower him, he touched the
socket of Jacob’s hip so that his
hip was wrenched as he wrestled
with the man. Then the man said:
Let me go, for it is daybreak. But
Jacob replied: I will not let you go
unless You bless me… And He said:
Your name shall no longer be called
Jacob but Israel; for you have
struggled with God and with men,
and have prevailed (Gen 32:24-28).

Lord, help us earn from Jacob
in his prayer a deep sense of
self-abasement. He realised how
unworthy he was of divine mercy.
Lord, we desire to know You better
and confess not praying as much
as we would like to, and having
times of worries and doubt. But
we commit to trust You more and
to pray more. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lord,help me emulate Jacob,staying
there until he receives the blessing.
I confess at times of worries & doubt
but I commit to trust You more and
purpose to pray more each day.
Help me Lord to be watchful and
help me recognise Your presence.
Help me fight a good fight, believe
and hold on to Yr promises. Amen.

Lord, we do want to know You
in an intimate way that may only comes through intense desire, struggle and sometimes suffering.
Help us see that having Your
blessing is worth the cost
that may come along the way.
Give us Lord a new sense
of identity that comes from
encountering You. Amen.