Seeking God In Numbers 6

Prayer as Benediction (Jan 31)

At Mount Sinai, Israelites received
specific directions for their life-
style in the new land God would
give to them. A census was taken
& the 2nd Passover was celebrated,
marking one year of freedom
from slavery in Egypt. Three weeks
before the people leave Sinai
for the last leg of journey to Canaan,
Moses received commands from
God to cleanse the people & prepare
them to enter the Promised Land.
They must be free from immorality
and jealousy; they must understand
the binding nature of vows made
to God; the Levites must realize
the sacred nature of their calling.

Lord, thank You for Your blessing:
And the Lord spoke to Moses saying:
Speak to Aaron and his sons saying:
This is the way you shall bless
the children of Israel. Say to them:
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine
upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord (show you His favour)
and give you peace (Num 6:22-26)

Lord, what a really good God
You are to bless us, smile on us,
extend grace to us, show us Your
favour and give us Your peace.
We know that we stand under
the stream of Your abundant
blessing only because Jesus
plunged Himself under Your wrath.
We rejoice Lord in Your unfailing
love and mercy, and we ask that
You increase our love for You. Amen.

Lord, we want to be blessed,
to be deeply content in You God,
to find our home secure in You
that circumstances can’t shake us.
We want to be blessed in that
we are happy in You God alone and
that we see You smile on our lives.
We want to be blessed in living
each day in peace for we know
You are not stingy with grace and
that You intent to show us Your favour when we turn to You. Amen.

Lord, I realize a blessing can create
a pathway into someone’s life
for fullness, completeness,
abundance and well-being.
May my tongue Lord be an
instrument of Your shalom.
May I impart Your goodness to
others through my words. And
May Your Spirit inhabit those
words in mighty power. Amen. I

Thought for the Week: Ex 17

Prayer In Times of Trouble

When Israel left Egypt, there were
two things the people could do well:
make bricks and complain. And
as supplies decrease, complains
increase. When their resources
run out, God supplies manna,
quail and water in abundance to
demonstrate that He is now their
reliable source of supply. And Israel
fights & wins its first military battle.

All Praise be to Jehovah Nissi:
Now Amalek came and fought with
Israel in Rephidim. And Moses said
to Joshua: Choose some men and…
fight with Amalek…I will stand on top
of the hill with rod of God(Ex17:8-9)
So, Joshua fought with Amalek
while Moses, Aaron and Hur
went up to the top of the hill.
And so it was, when Moses held
up his hand that Israel prevailed
and when he let down his hand,
Amalek prevailed. But Moses’
hands became heavy. Aaron and
Hur supported his hands and his
hands were steady (Ex 17:10–12)
So Joshua defeated Amelek…
Then the Lord said: Write this for
a memorial… And Moses built an
altar and called its name: The LORD
Is My Banner Jehovah Nissi (v13-15)

Lord, at Rephidim we witness
the power of prayer amid the
fluctuations of the battle field.
Moses the intercessor on the
mountain came to experience
that the weaponless hand of prayer
was more powerful than the armies.
Help us Lord even as we fight
the good fight in the marketplace
that we not neglect to lift our
hands to You for help. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Nissi, I worship You
for being the banner over my life.
When I face trials and troubles,
I can look to You to cover me.
You have said that in the world
I will face tribulation but that
You have overcome the world!
Thank You for being my banner
and for helping me to move forward
and let the past be the past. Amen.

Jehovah Nissi, You are my banner;
and without You the storms of life
come upon me and overwhelm me.
You are good and You are strong;
and I ask You to help translate
that knowledge into my emotions.
Then I will feel secure and at peace
in the midst of life’s storms even as
I look to You Jehovah Nissi as my
banner and my strong arm. Amen.

Reflection on Ex 15-34 (Jan 30)

Seeking God thru Biblical Prayers

The purpose of Exodus is to record
the events of Israel’s deliverance
from Egypt and devt as a nation.
This week we seek and implore
God through different ways.
On Mon, we learn from Ex 15
about Prayer as a Praise.
On Tuesday, we learn from Ex 17
about Prayer in Times of Trouble.
On Wed, we learn from Ex 20-22
about Prayer of the Needy Heard.
On Thur, we learn from Ex 32
about Prayer for Forgiveness.
On Friday, we learn from Ex 33
about Prayer for His Presence.
On Saturday, we learn from Ex 34
about Prayer to Reflect His Glory.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Seeking God In Ex 34 (Jan 29)

Prayer to Reflect His Glory

Whilst Moses receives God’s laws
on the mountain, the Israelites
are busy on the plains below.
Concluding that their leaders has
died in the presence of God, they
fashion their gold jewelry into a
replica of an Egyptian god and
turn the camp into a pagan party.
Moses returns and in righteous
anger shatters the 2 stone tablets,
destroys the golden calf and orders
Levites to purge guilty Israelites.
Though the covenant between
God and His people has been
shattered (as illustrated in the two
broken tablets) repentance and
restoration are only a prayer away.

Lord, help us Reflect Your Glory:
Now the Lord descended in the
cloud and stood with him there.
And the Lord passed before him
and proclaimed: The Lord God,
merciful and gracious, patient,
slow to anger and abounding in
love and faithfulness (Ex 34:5-6).
Take heed, lest you make covenant
with the inhabitants of the land…
But you shall destroy their altars…
for you shall worship no other god,
for the Lord, whose name is
Jealous, is a jealous God (v12-14)
When Moses came down from
Mount Sinai (and the two tablets
of the Testimony were in Moses’
hand), that Moses did not know
that the skin of his face shone
while he talked with Him (v29).

Lord, thanks for revealing to Moses
and to us the essential essence of
Your character. You are a God of
compassion for U deeply feel for us.
You are a God of mercy and grace,
meaning You don’t give us the
punishment that we deserve for
You lavish love and forgiveness.
Help us Lord to be gracious people
in line with Your nature, Amen.

Lord, soften our hearts to hear the
love & jealousy behind Your words.
The words You said come from a
heart of intense love for Your pple.
Your words of correction were
meant to draw Your people closer
to Your rather than to offend them.
We accept Lord Your invitation for
everthing You say is for our good.
And help us receive Your words as
expression of Your deep love. Amen.

Lord, You are indeed merciful
and gracious, slow to anger
and abundant in lovingkindness.
Thank You for Your mercy; and
whoever comes to You in sincerity
and penitence, You will not cast out.
We see even as Moses communed
with You in light of Your revelation,
He emerged with a shone face.
Likewise, we behold Your attributes
Lord Jesus, shine through us. Amen.

Seeking God In Exodus 33

Prayer for His Presence (Jan 28)

Whilst Moses receives God’s laws
on the mountain, the Israelites
are busy on the plains below.
Concluding that their leaders has
died in the presence of God, they
fashion their gold jewelry into a
replica of an Egyptian God and
turn the camp into a pagan party.
Moses returns and in righteous
anger shatters the 2 stone tablets,
destroys the golden calf and orders
Levites to purge guilty Israelites.
Though the covenant between
God and His people has been
shattered, repentance and
restoration are only a prayer away.

Lord, we will Seek Your Presence:
As Moses went into the tent, the
pillar of cloud would come down
and hover at the entrance while
the Lord spoke with Moses. Inside
the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would
speak to Moses face to face as
one speaks to a friend (Ex 33:9-11)
Moses said to God: If it is true
that You look favourably on me,
let me know Your ways so I may
understand You more fully and
continue to enjoy Your favour.
The Lord replied: I’ll personally go
with you…and I will give you rest –
everything will be fine for u(v13-14)
Moses said: Show me Your glory.
And the Lord said: I will cause all
My goodness to pass in front of you..
But you cant see my face, for no one
may see me and live. Then the Lord
said: There is a place near me where
you may stand on a rock (v18-21).

Lord, it’s when I’m in Your presence
that You reveal Your love for me.
In those quiet moments I can
express my thoughts, fears and
longings to walk with You through
joyous times and in the wilderness.
Thank You Lord for the privilege of
being able to meet You as a friend
and that You are always close by.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, if it’s true that You look
favourably on me; and You’ve
made it clear through You son
that You do – show me more.
Lord, my ears are more attuned
to convicting message than to
affirming ones; and I do need
plenty of encouragements.
Please show me Your favour and
let me hear Your uplifting words.
I know Your plans for me are good,
and I welcome Your sharing them
with me often and clearly. Amen.

Lord, thanks for revealing to Moses
and to us the essential essence of
Your character. You are a God of
compassion for U deeply feel for us.
You are a God of mercy and grace,
meaning You don’t give us the
punishment that we deserve for
You lavish love and forgiveness.
Lord, help us to be gracious people
in line with Your nature, Amen

Seeking God In Exodus 32

Prayer for Forgiveness (Jan 27)

Whilst Moses receives God’s laws
on the mountain, the Israelites
are busy on the plains below.
Concluding that their leaders has
died in the presence of God, they
fashion their gold jewelry into a
replica of an Egyptian god and
turn the camp into a pagan party.
Moses returns and in righteous
anger shatters the 2 stone tablets,
destroys the golden calf and orders
Levites to purge guilty Israelites.
Though the covenant between
God and His people has been
shattered (as illustrated in the two
broken tablets) repentance and
restoration are only a prayer away.

Lord, You Alone to be Worshipped:
Now when the people saw that
Moses delayed coming down from
the mountain, the people gathered
together to Aaron and said to him:
Make us gods that shall go before
us… And he received the gold
from their hand and he fashioned
it into a molded calf. Then they said:
This is your god… that brought
you out of Egypt (Ex 32:1-4).
And the Lord said to Moses:
(This) is a stiff-necked people.
Let… My wrath burn hot against
them and I may consume them.
Then Moses pleaded with the Lord…
Why should the Egyptians say:
He brought them out to harm them,
to kill them in the mountains…
Turn from Your fierce wrath and
relent from this harm to Your pple.
Remember Abraham… to whom
You swore: I will multiply your
descendants… So the Lord relented
from the harm which He said
He would do to His people (v9-14)
Moses returned to the Lord & said:
O these people have committed
a great sin… Yet now if You will forgive their sin – but if not I pray blot me out of Your book (v31-32)

Lord, we have tendency to shape
God to our liking & make Him into
a thing for which we just perform rituals, while we live as we please.
Yet we too know that there is
only one true God and He alone
deserves to be worshipped. God
cannot work in us when we elevate
anyone or anything above Him.
Grant us a tender heart to seek
You for forgiveness; and help
us to lead with integrity. Amen.

Lord, help me to have a greater
knowledge of Your Word so that
I will always pray in alignment with
Your will. I know the power I have
in prayer is Your power working
through me. Help me Lord to
never get in the way of what You
want to do in response to prayers.
Help me to make a difference
in the lives of my friends and
loved ones. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we are impressed by the
example of Moses. Prostrating
himself before the Mercy Seat,
Moses pled for the forgiveness
of the people who had given him
many heartache. He confessed
their great sin and again prayer
was successful. You God bent
down to listen to the humble
prayer of His servant and forgave
Israel. Thanks be to God. Amen.

Seeking God In Ex 20/22 (Jan 26)

Holy God Hears Prayer of Needy

For the first time in four centuries,
the Israelites are free to worship
and walk with their holy God.
But how do they approach God?
At Mount Sinai Moses prepares the
pple to receive the law which they
promise to obey. After two days of
purification,the nation witnesses an
awesome display of God’s majesty
as He descends in a thick cloud to
deliver the Ten Commandments,
the broad moral principles which
guide the new nation and set it
apart from its pagan neighbours.
They also receive civil & ceremonial
laws to regulate the life of Israel.

Lord, help us love u by obeying u:
I am the Lord your God, who
Rescued u from the land of Egypt,
the place of your slavery. You must
not have any other God but me.
You must not make for yourself
an idol of any kind…(Exo 20:2-17)
When the people heard the thunder
and saw the flashes of lightning…
they stood at a distance, trembling
with fear… Don’t be afraid, Moses
answered them: for God has come
in this way to test you, and so that
your fear of Him will keep you
from sinning (Exo 20:18-20).
Do not take advantage of
a widow or an orphan. If you
do and they cry out to Me,
I will certainly hear their cry.
My anger will be aroused and
I will kill you (Ex 22:22-24).

Father God, You revealed Your law
to the Israelites at Sinai. Through
the law, they learned more about
what You God is like & how You
expect Your people to live. Lord,
Grant us hunger to feed on Your
Word each day & want to be holy.
Help us love You by Obeying You;
Empower our good intentions, for
apart from You we can do nothing.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Father God, You are pure & holy;
and You are a consuming fire.
Thanks You Jesus for rescuing
us from slavery to sin and death.
In gratitude we purpose to follow
Your ways and what You want.
Help us show our love to Him by
responding obediently to what
God wants. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, we note when widows
and orphans have no language
but a cry, You God register the cry.
Lord, You are not indifferent to the
prayers of the afflicted when they plead for deliverance from injustice.
If human tribunals fail to administer
justice, God intervenes to deliver
His own who cry to Him for help
for Your truth stands secure. Amen.

Seeking God In Ex 17 (Jan 25)

Prayer In Times of Trouble

When Israel left Egypt, there were
two things the people could do well:
make bricks and complain. And
as supplies decrease, complains
increase. When their resources
run out, God supplies manna,
quail and water in abundance to
demonstrate that He is now their
reliable source of supply. And Israel
fights & wins its first military battle.

All Praise be to Jehovah Nissi:
Now Amalek came and fought with
Israel in Rephidim. And Moses said
to Joshua: Choose some men and…
fight with Amalek…I will stand on top
of the hill with rod of God(Ex17:8-9)
So, Joshua fought with Amalek
while Moses, Aaron and Hur
went up to the top of the hill.
And so it was, when Moses held
up his hand that Israel prevailed
and when he let down his hand,
Amalek prevailed. But Moses’
hands became heavy. Aaron and
Hur supported his hands and his
hands were steady (Ex 17:10–12)
So Joshua defeated Amelek…
Then the Lord said: Write this for
a memorial… And Moses built an
altar and called its name: The LORD
Is My Banner Jehovah Nissi (v13-15)

Lord, at Rephidim we witness
the power of prayer amid the
fluctuations of the battle field.
Moses the intercessor on the
mountain came to experience
that the weaponless hand of prayer
was more powerful than the armies.
Help us Lord even as we fight
the good fight in the marketplace
that we not neglect to lift our
hands to You for help. Amen.

Lord Jehovah Nissi, I worship You
for being the banner over my life.
When I face trials and troubles,
I can look to You to cover me.
You have said that in the world
I will face tribulation but that
You have overcome the world!
Thank You for being my banner
and for helping me to move forward
and let the past be the past. Amen.

Jehovah Nissi, You are my banner;
and without You the storms of life
come upon me and overwhelm me.
You are good and You are strong;
and I ask You to help translate
that knowledge into my emotions.
Then I will feel secure and at peace
in the midst of life’s storms even as
I look to You Jehovah Nissi as my
banner and my strong arm. Amen.

Seeking God In Exodus 15

Prayer as a Praise (Jan 24)

Delivering the people from
Egyptian bondage is only the first
step in God’s plan to bring the
Israelites to the Promised Land
of Canaan. Many obstacles lies
ahead. Trapped between the
Red Sea & the rapidly approaching
chariots of Egypt, the people cry
out in desperation & God answers
in miraculous fashion. And as
they proceed on arid land and as
resources run out, God supplies.

Lord, You Give Strength & Deliver:
Then Moses and the children of
Israel sang this song: The Lord is
my strength and He has become
my salvation; He is my God,
and I will praise Him.
My father’s God and I will exalt
Him. The Lord is a man of war;
the Lord is His name (Ex 15:1-3).
With the blast of Your breath,
the waters were gathered together;
the floods stood upright like a heap…
The enemy said: I will pursue,
I will overtake (v8-9).
The horses of Pharaoh went
with his chariots… into the sea,
and the Lord brought back
the waters of the sea upon them.
But the children of Israel went
on dry land in the midst of the sea…
Sing to the Lord, for He has
triumphed gloriously (v19-21).

Lord, this famous praise song of Moses and the children of Israel
is a prayer of gratitude to You God
for victory over Israel’s enemy.
The prayer song of thanksgiving
for deliverance was rightly offered
to God rather than to Moses.
We take courage from this poetic
tribute in times of trouble, for You
Jehovah is the Great Man of War
and that You’re on our side. Amen.

Lord, I praise & pray in agreement
with Moses: The LORD indeed is
my Strength and I will praise Him
for He will become my salvation.
In any difficult circumstance, I shall
not be dismayed, for You’re my God.
You will help me and You will uphold
me with Your righteous right hand.
And I pray in agreement with Ps 28:
The Lord is my Strength and shield;
my heart trusts in Him. Amen.

Lord, You give everyone Strength
for their life, including Moses in
the deliverance of Your people.
Grateful You not only allow trials
in line with Your purpose but also
give promise and strength so that
we can persevere through the trial.
Apostle Paul exhorts in Phil 4:13
we can do all things through Christ
who Strengthens us. Grant us Lord
timely recall of Your power so that
we’ll persevere doing Yr Will. Amen

Thought for the Week: Exodus 3

Prayer as a Dialogue

With his long period of desert
exile drawing to a close, Moses
becomes God’s choice to lead His
people out of bondage in Egypt.
When confronted by God in the
burning bush, Moses is far from
convinced he is the right man
for the job! But once his objections
have been answered & knowing
the Almighty All Sufficient God
can meet all his needs, Moses
goes forward to confront Pharaoh.

Lord, You’re the All Sufficient One:
God called (Moses) from the bush…
I have seen the misery of my people
in Egypt. I have heard their cries for
deliverance…Now go for I’m Sending
you to Pharaoh. You Will Lead my
people… out of Egypt (Exo 3:7-10).
But Moses said… Who am I that
I should go to Pharaoh and that
I should bring the children of Israel
out of Egypt? So He said: I will
certainly be with you… (v11-12).
Then Moses said: when I come to
the children of Israel & say to them:
The God of your fathers has sent
me to you, and they say to me:
What is His name? what shall I say
to them? And God said to Moses:
I AM WHO I AM. Thus you shall
say to the children of Israel: I AM
has sent me to you (Exo 3:13-14).

Lord, let us learn from Exodus 3
where we see a remarkable exchange between Moses & You.
After all true prayer is really a
two-way channel – we speak to
You God and God speaks to us.
When we pour our hearts to You,
help us Lord to listen for Your reply.
For prayer is quite fruitless unless
we receive some reply from You.
Perhaps as with Moses, it may be
a word we are unwilling to hear,
or a word we may argue about.
Help us to conclude our two-way
talk with You saying: Speak Lord
for Your servant heareth. Amen.

Lord, You’re the all-sufficient one,
holding the world in Your hands.
Your sufficiency is comforting for
I am after all one of Your children.
And I can see my insufficiency
in the light of Your all-sufficiency.
Pardon me the impatience I feel
when something goes wrong.
Forgive any doubts that You are
mighty and good; for You can
and will meet my needs. Amen.

All Sufficient Lord, You are beyond
our capacity of full understanding.
But we trust Your Spirit will grant
the things U want us to experience.
Empower us to cooperate with You
even as You manifest Your kingdom.
And thanks for Your lovingkindness
& praise You for being our All in All
and for supplying all that we need.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.