Thought for the Week: Hebrews 6

God Anchors Our Souls

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Remember & Anchor Us:
For God is not unfair. He will not
forget how hard you have worked
for Him and how you have shown
your love to Him by caring for
other Christians (Heb 6:10).
God also bound Himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise could be perfectly sure
He would never change His mind…
These 2 things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God
to lie. Therefore, we who have
fled to Him for refuge can take
new courage, for we can hold on
to His promise with confidence.
This confidence is like a strong
and trustworthy Anchor for
Our Souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and thanks for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, ministry can be tough, like
a grind with endless repetition of
routines. We wish someone will
notice how hard we are working.
Thankfully this is not really so.
For You God sees what we do,
will reward the sacrifices made;
and greatly approves when we
further the kingdom of Christ.
And God has promised that He will
never forget. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
Our hope in Jesus is an Anchor
for our souls and will keep us
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.

Thought for the Week: Hebrews 6

God Anchors Our Souls

God spoke in times past through
the prophets, but He has reserved
the declaration of His glory for
His Son. By His death, Jesus lifts
mankind into the family of God.
Because of His perfect humanity,
Jesus is uniquely qualified to serve
as High Priest for sinful mankind.
And Christ will bring His people into
the eternal resting place of heaven.

Lord, You Remember & Anchor Us:
For God is not unfair. He will not
forget how hard you have worked
for Him and how you have shown
your love to Him by caring for
other Christians (Heb 6:10).
God also bound Himself with an
oath, so that those who received
the promise could be perfectly sure
He would never change His mind…
These 2 things are unchangeable
because it is impossible for God
to lie. Therefore, we who have
fled to Him for refuge can take
new courage, for we can hold on
to His promise with confidence.
This confidence is like a strong
and trustworthy Anchor for
Our Souls (Heb 6:17-19). Amen.

Lord, sometimes we struggle with
living in a world where good is
ignored or even disadvantaged.
Help us to keep our eyes on You
and on the truth of Your Word.
You are righteous in all You do;
and thanks for the promise
that You will never forget all
that we do for Your kingdom.
Grant us grace as we purpose
to continue to do good. Amen.

Lord, ministry can be tough, like
a grind with endless repetition of
routines. We wish someone will
notice how hard we are working.
Thankfully this is not really so.
For You God sees what we do,
will reward the sacrifices made;
and greatly approves when we
further the kingdom of Christ.
And God has promised that He will
never forget. In Jesus’ name, Amen

Lord, Thank You for providing
something to hold on to when
everything seems to be shaking.
Our hope in Jesus is an Anchor
for our souls and will keep us
steady in all the storms of life.
Thank You for the promise that
those who flee to You for refuge
can take new courage because
Your promises are true and You
never break Your word! Amen.

Reflection on Ths/Tim/Heb(Dec26)

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of Thessalonians is to
strengthen Christians in their faith
and give them assurance of Christ’s
return while for 2Tim is to encourage
him, the pastor of Ephesian church;
and for Hebrews is to present the
sufficiency and superiority of Christ.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His Shepherding Ways.
On Monday, we learn from 1Ths 5
that God of Peace Is Faithful.
On Tuesday, we learn from 2Ths1/2
that God Enables & Establishes.
On Wed, we learn from 2Tim 1
that God Keeos the Committed.
On Thursday, we learn from Heb 6
that God Anchors Our Souls.
On Friday, we learn from Heb 12
that Christ is Finisher of Our Faith.
On Sat, we learn from Hebrews 13 of
that Great Shepherd of the Sheep.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.