Thought for the Week: Matthew 5

Christ Teaches Be Salt & Light

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the King of the Jews. And you
will read in Matt 5-7 the Sermon
of the Mount, where He presents
His statement of heaven (Mt 5:3,10)
Relationship to God (not simply
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not merely outward action)
become focus of Christ’s message
for a lifestyle of righteousness.

Lord, we purpose Be Salt & Light:
And seeing the multitude, He went
up on the mountain & when He was
seated His disciples came to Him.
Then He… taught them, saying:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven…
You are the Salt of the earth.
But if the salt loses its saltiness,
It is no longer good for anything,
except to be thrown out…
You are the Light of the world.
A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp
and put it under a bowl. Instead
they put it on its stand & it gives
light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine
before men, that they may see
your good deeds and praise your
Father in heaven (Mt 5:1-3, 13-16).

Lord, the kingdom of God belongs
to those who realize they are
incapable to provide for themselves.
It’s in our weakness that You meet
us and displays Your power clearly.
So Lord, we freely admit that apart
from You, we are empty and weak.
Let our helplessness & dependence
on You be the condition that gives
You room to fill us with Yourself and
Your abundant blessings. Amen.

Dear Almighty God, You sent
Jesus to save us from our sins;
give us eternal & abundant life;
and to be our Master and King.
Your standards are lofty; but in
deep gratitude of what You had
done, we Your people purpose to
Live a Lifestyle of the Kingdom,
Adopt Kingdom Perspectives and
Be Salt & Light of the world. Amen.

Lord it’s an awesome responsibility
to reflect Your image & Your glory
to the world; but it’s an awesome
privilege too. Give us opportunities
to do so & help us reflect You well.
Lead us Lord to what You’re doing
& use us to bear fruit in Your world.
Help us live in such a way as to
preserve biblical values and let
our light shine for Jesus. Amen.

Reflection on Matthew (Nov 21)

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of the gospel acc to
Matthew is to prove that Jesus
is the Messiah, the eternal King.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His Shepherding Ways
in caring and providing for our needs
and urging us to care for others.
On Monday, we learn from Matt 5
that Christ Teaches Be Salt & Light.
On Tuesday, we learn from Matt 6
that Father Provides Your Needs.
On Wed, we learn from Matt 10/11
about God Cares & Gives Rest.
On Thursday, we learn from Matt 13
about God Shares Kingdom Secrets.
On Friday, we learn from Mt 18/20
about Christ Urges Servanthood.
On Sat, we learn from Matt 24/28
about Christ Charges Shares Gospel.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.

Knowing God In Mt 24/28 (Nov 20)

Christ Charges Share the Gospel

Herod’s magnificent temple sets the
stage for Jesus’ Olivet Discourse,
a prophetic look at future events.
His followers are urged to watchful
expectation with faithful service
ahead of the return of Christ.
The events in the final two days of
Jesus’ earthly life carry shadows of
the cross: the anointing in Bethany,
the Passover Observance, Lord’s
Supper, the prayer in Gethsemane.
Jesus is arrested, tried, condemned
executed and placed in a tomb. But
in triumph, Jesus comes forth from
the grave in resurrection power.
The Kings of the Jews Lives again,
a message which His followers
are commissioned to share.

Lord, we’ll Do Your Assignment:
There will be famines, pestilences
and earthquakes in various places…
And… lawlessness will abound…
And this gospel of the kingdom
will be preached in all the world…
and then the end will come…
Immediately after the tribulation…
the sun will be darkened… Then…
they will see Son of Man Coming
on the clouds (Matt 24:7-14, 29-30).
Then the 11 disciples went to the
mountain which Jesus appointed.
And Jesus came to them and said:
Go and make disciples of all the
nations… teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you;
and lo I am with you always, even
to the end of the age (Mt 28:16-20)

Lord, help us Keep Watch and
Be Ready for Your sure return
so that we may be able to give an
account of ourselves at any time.
Help us declare the word of t Lord
for righteousness being restored.
These are the days of the harvest,
The fields are as white in Yr world.
We are the labourers in Yr vineyard
Declaring the word of t Lord! Amen

Lord, there is no doubt about
the task You had left for us to do.
Help me step out of comfort zone
to find people who need to know U.
Help me witness to the people You
hv placed in my sphere of influence
Help me in my concern for the lost,
in words, deeds and attitudes.
Help me make disciples for Christ to
be like Him & further His Kingdom.
And Help me reflect as one who
has found the answer to life. Amen.

Lord, it’s easy to look at others and
think that I have nothing to offer.
But You have implanted passion
within me and blessed me with gifts
and talents that the world needs.
Help me to see where You God are
at work & watch for opportunities to
join U by sowing seeds of kindness.
Help those seeds to grow & flourish
and thank You for reaping a good
harvest. In Jesus’ precious name.

Knowing God In Mt 18/20 (Nov 19)

Christ Urges Servanthood

Matthew records many crucial
incidents from Jesus’ life in c16-20.
Though Christ takes time to heal
an epileptic boy, pay His temple tax
and confront hostile Pharisees,
His key concern is for His disciples
to continue the work He began.
Healings and discourses, miracles
and parables, all focus on Jesus’
faithful followers to prepare them
for the difficult days just ahead.

Lord, we aspire to Serve Humbly:
The disciples asked Jesus:
Who then is the greatest in
the kingdom of heaven? Then
Jesus called a little child, set him
in the midst of them and said:
Whoever takes the Lowly position of
this child is the greatest (Mt 18:1-4)
Whoever wants to become great
among you must be your servant
and whoever wants to be first must
be your slave. Just as the Son of
Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as
a ransom for many (Matt 20:26-28)

Lord, You promise that those who
are humble will be the greatest
in Your kingdom. Help us to be
gentle & lowly in heart as You are.
Help us to be humble like a child
with a sincere and trusting heart
as well as depend wholly on You.
And I pray that my humble faith
and service to You will accomplish
great things for Your kingdom. Amen

Lord, Your Word teaches that true
reward awaits those who humble
themselves in loving service.
So keep me from the tendency
to be busy, to be driven, to step
on others’ toes and to exalt myself.
Give me Lord the grace to choose
and learn the way of servanthood;
for I want to be more like You. And
Help me to consider others’ needs
and desires besides my own. Amen

Lord, You have given each of us
the freedom and calling to serve.
Thank U for freeing me from sinful
nature & giving willingness to serve.
Show me Lord where I can use Your
gifting to really make a difference for
the advancement of Your kingdom.
Make me a servant, humble & meek;
help me lift up those who are weak.
And may attitude of humble service
infuse every part of my life. Amen.

Knowing God In Matt 13 (Nov 18)

God Shares Kingdom Secrets

A turning point occurs in Matthew
12 where mounting antagonism by
the Jewish religious leaders erupts
into open denunciation of Jesus.
Because of their rejection, Jesus
begins to speak to them in parables
and explained only to the disciples.
After a rude reception in His home
town of Nazareth, Jesus withdraws
across the Sea of Galilee to the
regions of Tyre and Sidon in order
to escape growing opposition.

Lord, we’ll Respond to Your Word:
You are permitted to understand
the secrets of the Kingdom of
Heaven but others are not (Mt 13:11)
That is why I use these parables
for they hear but don’t really listen.
The hearts of these people are
hardened… they can’t understand,
and they cannot turn to me and
let me heal them (Matt 13:13-15).
The Kingdom of Heaven is like
a treasure that a man discovered
hidden in a field… He… sold every-
thing he owned… to buy the field.
Again the Kingdom of Heaven is
like a merchant on the lookout for
choice pearls. When he discovered
a pearl of great value, he sold
everything…and bought it (v44-46)

Lord, help me to be a true seeker
to hear from the personal God.
Help me to have an open mind,
ever ready to listen to You and
to believe Your Word of truth.
Give me the heart that can hear
Your mysteries, understand them
and internalise Your eternal truths.
Help me root out any attitude that
might block my hearing You. Amen.

Lord, where my heart hardened at
times, tell me I have turned You out.
For it’s tough to recognise hardness
in myself, and so I need to know.
Soften me up Lord, where there’s
any area of insensitivity in my life.
Draw my attention & heighten my
spiritual senses to Your promptings.
Renew my mind with Your Word and
help me respond with my heart in
prayer of agreement & commitment.
so that I will be transformed. Amen.

Lord, I want to see the great value
of knowing and being ruled by You.
Because I want to have everything
to be found in Christ as well as
everything the world can offer.
Even if it costs much to have You,
I believe I will not be losing out.
Don’t let me Lord gain the whole
world but then lose my soul.
Teach me to value those things
on which You place highest value.
And as I come with open heart,
let Your ancient words impart. Amen

Knowing God In Matthew 10/11

God Cares & Gives Rest (Nov 17)

Jesus came to earth to begin his
kingdom. Matthew focuses on 10
miracles in Mt8&9 demonstrating
Jesus’ power over disease, the
forces of nature & the spirit world.
Christ then bestows that same
power & authority on His chosen
apostles and sends them out
as ambassadors of the kingdom.
He first instructs them how to act,
then warns them of the dangers
they will face, as He calls them
to committed discipleship.

Lord, we Trust Your Care of us:
I am sending you out as sheep
among wolves. Be as wary as
snakes and harmless as doves…
Don’t Worry about… What to say.
God will give you the Right words
at the right time… It is not you
who will be speaking – it will be
the Spirit…speaking through you…
Not even a sparrow can fall to
the ground without your Father
knowing it. And the very hairs
on your head are all numbered.
So Don’t Be Afraid; you are more
valuable to Him than a whole
flock of sparrows (Matt 10:16-31).
Jesus said: Come To Me, all… who
are weary and carry heavy burdens,
and I will give you Rest (Mt 11:28).

Lord, give me the Words to say,
not just in pressure situations
but in every relationship I have.
Let my words be seasoned with
grace, truth and even power.
Use my mouth liberally as
You wish speaking through me.
And help me Lord make the
most of every opportunity for
Your purpose and glory. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your love
which is more than any other
person in the world. Thank You
for the assurance You do not
intend us to live in fear or worry.
Thank You for Your Watchful Care
and I have no need to be afraid.
Remind me Lord that You the
Almighty God are always with me.
And so may I go about with the
quiet confidence, knowing that
I am safe in Your hand. Amen.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your
offer to carry my burdens for me.
I give them all to You and gladly
receive Your Rest that You give.
In Your infinite care You carried
the burden of my sins on the cross.
I thank You and praise You for
Your great love and compassion.
Grant my lips the desire to sing
Your praises each day, Amen.

Knowing God In Matthew 6 (Nov 16)

Father who Provides Your Needs

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the king of the Jews. And Matthew
5 to 7 traditionally called the
Sermon on the Mount, essentially
presents His statement of heaven.
Relationship to God (rather than
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not outward action)
become the focus of His message.
Only by building upon the sure
foundation which God has provided
can we live lifestyle of righteousness

Lord, we Lift Up Our Needs to You:
Therefore I say to you, do not worry
about your life… Look at the birds of
the air, for they neither sow nor reap
nor gather into barns;yet yr heavenly
Father feeds them. Are you not of
more value than they? (Mt 6:25-26).
Do not worry saying: What shall
we eat…or What shall we wear?
For the pagans run after these
things and Your Heavenly Father
Knows that You Need them. But
Seek First the Kingdom of God
and His righteousness, and all
these things will be given to you
as well. Therefore Do Not Worry
about tomorrow (Matt 6:31-34).

Father, You promise and advise us
Not To Worry about basic needs
for You Will Provide them to us.
Grateful I don’t have to be consumed
with worry; but I can be consumed
with You Lord and Your kingdom.
For no need enters my life for
which You have already provided.
So, I choose to keep anxiety from
cluttering my heart and instead
let it be filled with You. Amen.

Father, You are all-knowing and
therefore You Know all our needs.
Praise You for Knowing everything
about us and every detail of our
situation; for nothing surprises You.
For Your Word says You Know
our needs and Will Provide them.
And so we can live peacefully and
cheerfully each day when we keep
Your kingdom as key concern. Amen

Loving Father, Thanks for caring
for us, including being our Provider.
Help me to always Seek You First,
trust Your gracious promise and
keep from worrying about the future.
Give me Lord the right perspective
and not worry over issues beyond
my control. Help me to see the
difference between needs & wants;
and do transform my life. Amen.

Knowing God In Matthew 5 (Nov 15)

Christ Teaches Be Salt & Light

Jesus claimed to be the Messiah,
the King of the Jews. And you
will read in Matt 5-7 the Sermon
of the Mount, where He presents
His statement of heaven (Mt 5:3,10)
Relationship to God (not simply
adherence to ritual) and inward
attitude (not merely outward action)
become focus of Christ’s message
for a lifestyle of righteousness.

Lord, we purpose Be Salt & Light:
And seeing the multitude, He went
up on the mountain & when He was
seated His disciples came to Him.
Then He… taught them, saying:
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for
theirs is the kingdom of heaven…
You are the Salt of the earth.
But if the salt loses its saltiness,
It is no longer good for anything,
except to be thrown out…
You are the Light of the world.
A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Neither do people light a lamp
and put it under a bowl. Instead
they put it on its stand & it gives
light to everyone in the house.
In the same way, let your light shine
before men, that they may see
your good deeds and praise your
Father in heaven (Mt 5:1-3, 13-16).

Lord, the kingdom of God belongs
to those who realize they are
incapable to provide for themselves.
It’s in our weakness that You meet
us and displays Your power clearly.
So Lord, we freely admit that apart
from You, we are empty and weak.
Let our helplessness & dependence
on You be the condition that gives
You room to fill us with Yourself and
Your abundant blessings. Amen.

Dear Almighty God, You sent
Jesus to save us from our sins;
give us eternal & abundant life;
and to be our Master and King.
Your standards are lofty; but in
deep gratitude of what You had
done, we Your people purpose to
Live a Lifestyle of the Kingdom,
Adopt Kingdom Perspectives and
Be Salt & Light of the world. Amen.

Lord it’s an awesome responsibility
to reflect Your image & Your glory
to the world; but it’s an awesome
privilege too. Give us opportunities
to do so & help us reflect You well.
Lead us Lord to what You’re doing
& use us to bear fruit in Your world.
Help us live in such a way as to
preserve biblical values and let
our light shine for Jesus. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Jer 18

Master Potter Moulds You

Jeremiah himself becomes an
object lesson to his nation, for
his very life models the reality
of what is soon to befall Judah.
The prophet is commanded to
remain celibate & avoid feast days
– a reminder to his countrymen
that they will soon experience
involuntarily what Jeremiah is
called to experience voluntarily.
Discipleship is often costly,
but it is also always profitable.

Lord, Have Thine Own Way:
The word which came to Jeremiah
from the Lord, saying… Go down
to the potter’s house and there
I will cause you to hear My words…
I found the potter working at his
wheel. But the jar he was making
did not turn out as he had hoped,
So he crushed it into a lump of
clay again and started over. Then
the Lord gave me this message:
O Israel, can I not do to you as
this potter has done to his clay?
As the clay is in the potter hand,
so are you in my hand (Jer 18:1-6).

O Lord and Sovereign God, we
acknowledge Your will is good.
Like a potter at the wheel You shape
us to the people You want us to be.
Although we may allow ourselves
to become mid-shaken by acts
of our self will; You Lord wants to
reshape us to a beautiful creation.
O Holy Spirit help us to be soft
and receptive to Your hand on us.
As we yield to You God to shape us,
we ask for mercy and grace. Amen.

Lord, like clay in the potter’s hand,
we are imperfect but You can mold
us into something beautiful & useful.
Draw us, guide us and teach us Lord
to live all of our lives thro Your eyes.
We may be pressured; but You say:
Fear not, for I am with you. I will help
you, strengthen you and uphold you.
So, take us, mould us, fill us, lead us
and walk beside us as we give our
lives to U, the master potter. Amen.

Have Thine own way, Lord!
Have Thine own way!
Thou art the potter; I am the clay.
Mold me and made me after Thy will
While I am waiting, yielded and still.
Have Thine own way Lord!
Have Thine own way!
Hold o’er my being absolute sway!
Fill with Thy Spirit till all shall see
Christ only always living in me! Amen

Reflection on Jer/Dan/Hos/Zech

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of Jeremiah is to urge
God’s people to turn from sins and
back to God; Daniel shows how God
is in control & cares for His people,
Hosea shows God’s love for sinful
people; and Zechariah gives hope by revealing God’s future deliverance.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His Shepherding Ways.
On Monday, we learn from Jer 18
that Master Potter Moulds You.
On Tuesday, we learn from Jer 28
that God Has Good Plans for You.
On Wednesday, we learn from Dan 2
about God who Gives Revelation.
On Thursday, we learn from Dan 4
about God who Fulfils Dreams.
On Friday, we learn from Hosea 11
about God who is Loving & Faithful.
On Sat, we learn from Zec 12/13
about Gracious God who Delivers.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.