Knowing God In Luke 7 (Nov 25)

Christ Shows Mercy & Gratitude

Preaching, healing and disciplining
that summarises the daily activities
of the Son of Man. Luke records
the healings with careful attention
to detail as befitting a physician.
And those documented miracles
become the proof of Jesus’ claim
to a doubting John the Baptist and
a faithless & perverse generation.
As he preaches and heals, Jesus
patiently prepares His disciples
to carry on in His absence. The
cost is steep, but the goal of saving
lives eternally makes it worthwhile.

Lord, we’ll choose to Be Grateful:
Jesus said: Go tell John the things
you have seen & heard: that
the blind men see, the lame walk…
the dead are raised… And blessed
is he who is Not Offended
because of me (Luke 7:22-23).
Now the Pharisee spoke to himself
This Man, if He were a prophet,
would know What Manner a
woman this is who is touching Him.
Jesus answered his thoughts.
Simon, he said to the Pharisee,
I have something to say to you…
(v39-40). I tell you, her sins – and
they are many have been Forgiven,
so she has shown me Much Love.
But a person who is forgiven little
shows only little love. Then Jesus
said to the woman: Your sins
are forgiven (v47-48). Amen.

Father God, thank you for Your love
and concern for our wholeness
that You present Your Son to us.
Grateful Jesus You are not only our
Saviour but also our Lord & Master.
Help us O Lord to learn from Luke 7
to continue Your ministry of mercy.
Help us to Grateful being Forgiven.
Help us to Follow Your way. Amen.

Lord, You reward persistence
and help my heart to be strong.
And I choose not to be offended
because I know Your blessing is
on the other side of the offenses.
Lord, feel free to challenge me,
for I am open to change, leave
behind tradition and convenience.
You may reshape perspective and
move me from comfort zone. Amen

Lord, we all have committed sins,
any of which will deserve death.
And it’s just our faulty perception
that makes us think we are better.
Soften our hearts with Your love and 
help us remember to be grateful for
being forgiven and not be offended.
Help us befriend sinners and give us
heart of compassn for those hurting
so that we reach out to them. Amen.