Knowing God In Isaiah 57 (Nov 6)

God Refreshes & Gives Courage

Backgrounder on Isaiah 52-57:
Nowhere in the OT will you see
a clearer picture of the horrible
price of your redemption than in
these six chapters. Many verses
show the anquish our Savior,
as suffering servant, endured
in paying the awful price of sin.
For instance, His visage was so
marred more than any man (52:14)
and: He was wounded… He was
bruised… the chastisement of
our peace was upon Him; and with
His stripes we are healed (53:5).

Lord, You’ll Refresh the Humble:
Prepare the way, Take the stumbling
block out of the way of My people.
The high and lofty one who inhibits
eternity, the Holy One says this:
I live in that high and holy place
with those whose spirits are
Contrite and Humble. I Refresh
the humble and give new Courage
to those with Repentant hearts.
For I will Not Content Forever,
nor will I always be angry…
I have seen his ways, and will
heal him; I will also lead him, and
restore comfort to him(Isa 57:14-18)

Lord, You are high and lifted up,
glorious and exalted! And I am not.
I bow before You and ask You to
develop in me a heart of Humility.
Your Word says that You will not
despise a Repentant heart, and
so I ask You to work that in me.
Thank You for meeting me right
where I am and for bringing
renewed courage for my life. Amen

Lord, help me live in Your power
& to rise above circumstances.
Help me to humbly rest in You
and grant me the needed strength.
Help me Lord to live as one who
is constantly Refreshed by You.
Help me to be lowly and be lifted
up in boldness and new Courage.
For I want to be in syn with You and
be drawn into Your purposes. Amen.

Lord, a broken spirit
and a contrite heart
You will not despise,
You will not despise
You desire truth in the inward parts
A broken spirit and a contrite heart
Lord, my heart is prone to wander
Prone to leave, the God I love
Here’s my heart, Lord take & seal it
Seal it for, Your courts above. Amen