Reflection on the Torah (Oct 24)

Knowing God thru His Shepherding

The purpose of Genesis is to record
God’s desire to have a people
set apart to worship Him; while
Exodus records Israel’s deliverance
from Egypt and devt as a nation and
Deut reminds Israel what God had
done & urges rededicating their lives.
This week we understand God better
thru seeing His shepherding ways.
On Monday, we learn from Gen
22 about the Lord Will Provide.
On Tuesday, we learn from Gen 48/49
about the Shepherd of My Life.
On Wednesday, we learn from Exo 3
about God Whi Meets Our Needs.
On Thursday, we learn from Exo 15
of God who Heals & Gives Strength.
On Friday, we learn from Exo 40
that God Shows the Direction.
On Saturday, we learn from Deut 7
that God Affirms His Faithfulness.
Let us humble ourselves and pray
and seek His face…In Jesus’ name.