Meditating Revelation 10-13

The Lord In Power & Glory (Sep 26)

John sees a mighty angel carrying
a little book. He is instructed
by the angel to eat the book,
which proves sweet to the taste
but bitter to the stomach. Next
John is told to measure the temple,
altar and courtyard in preparation
for the arrival of two witnesses
who will prophesy, perform miracles
and finally suffer martyrdom
for their testimony. The seventh
and last trumpet sounds, ushering
in a grand chorus of praise.
Then the scene shifts to heaven,
where a mighty conflict takes place
involving a woman, a dragon, a child
and Michael the archangel; followed
by a description of two beasts.

Lord, we will Overcome with You:
These two prophets are the two
olive trees and the two lamp stands
that stand before the Lord of all the
earth. If anyone tries to harm them,
fire flashes from their mouths and
consumes their enemies(Rev 11:4-5)
Then the seventh angel sounded:
And there were loud voices in
heaven saying: The world now
become the Kingdom of our Lord
and of His Christ, and He will
reign forever and ever (Rev 11:15).
They have defeated (the accuser)
by the blood of the Lamb and
by their testimony (Rev 12:11).

Lord, we purpose to stand up
for what is right no matter how
few people share our conviction.
For those who have closed their
minds to God’s Word will have
to answer for themselves.
God’s truth will stand on its own,
even if there are few people
defending it. In Jesus’ name.

Father God, it has been Your plan
from the beginning that every
kingdom on earth will be the
Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We realise God ensures that
everything He has promised us
will be fulfilled; for He will do it.
Help us Lord to do our part by
waiting patiently and let You
God work it out all the way. Amen.

Lord, we praise You for You are
In control and we surrender to
Your timing and to Your ways.
For You will defeat evil by the blood
of the Lamb and by our testimony.
And I rest all my expectations
on You at Your Word of promise.
May my every moment stand
as proof that You are utterly
faithful. In Jesus’ name, Amen.