Preview on Paul’s letters to Gal-Eph-Phil-Col (May 22)

To enhance understanding biblical
context we had been meditating
scripture by time sequence:
OT1: Five Books of Laws & Job
OT2: Conquest to United Kingdom,
including Psalms & Wisdom Poetry.
OT3: Divided Kingdom, Exile, plus
Post-Exilic period & the Prophets.
Then gospels ending John where
we learnt Jesus Christ as Son of God
& believing we have life in His name.
Acts records fulfilment of Jesus’
Commission as Spirit-transformed
disciples spread the gospel. In
Romans, Paul gives a sample of his
message before he arrives in Rome.
And First and Second Corinthians,
Living for Christ in corrupt society.

Next, Paul’s letter to the Galatians
doesn’t open with his usual greeting
of praise and prayer for the saints.
There is an emergency at hand!
The Galatians have listened to
false teachers who have come into
the church teaching that salvation
in a mixture of works and grace.
Paul warns the believers about
the bondage this type of deception
brings and exhorts them to return
to the freedom that is theirs in Christ.
He goes on to show that it is in
the Spirit, not the flesh, that the
Christian life is successfully lived.

The Ephesians had unlimited
spiritual wealth at their disposal,
yet they lived as spiritual paupers.
So Paul wrote to encourage them
to understand and claim their
heavenly resources. Only then
could they draw on them for their
early walk. In the first half of
his letter, the apostle outlines
the heavenly wealth – adoption,
redemption, inheritance & power.
In the second half he shows the
practical application of those
doctrines. Paul made it clear –
believers are not to have merely
an earthly viewpoint. For God
has given to us His riches.

In Philippians, Paul is a prisoner
in Rome. In spite of his difficult
circumstances, he remains joyful
and writes to commend the
Philippians for their faithfulness
and to challenge them to make
Christ the center of their experience.
Jesus’ life and ministry, described
in 2:6-11, is the life pattern all
believers must follow so that
their faith might become evident
to others. Paul acknowledges
that divisions sometimes exist
among believers but is confident
that unity will be restored as they
imitate the servanthood of Christ.

Paul is imprisoned in Rome when
he receives word that heretical
doctrines are threatening the
church at Colosse. To refute
the spiritually lethal combination
of eastern mysticism and Jewish legalism, Paul reestablishes
the truth of the gospel and demonstrates the supremacy
of Christ. As Lord of all, Jesus
Christ is the giver of salvation and
sufficient for every need. No rituals
or legalistic practices are needed.
Since Christ is all in all, Paul
encourages the Colossians
to pursue a godly lifestyle befitting
those who are risen with Christ.

Preview on 1&2 Corinthians (Apr 24) Living For Christ in Corrupt Society

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we had been meditating scripture
by time sequence over 3OT phases:
OT1: Five Books of Laws & Job
OT2: Conquest to United Kingdom,
including Psalms & Wisdom Poetry.
OT3: Divided Kingdom, Exile, plus
Post-Exilic period & the Prophets.
Then we meditated on the gospels
ending with John where we learnt
Jesus Christ as Son of God and
believing we have life in His name.
Acts records fulfilment of Jesus’
Commission as Spirit-transformed
disciples spread the gospel. And in
Romans, Paul gives a sample of his
message before he arrives in Rome.

Next First and Second Corinthians.
In New Testament times, Corinth
was famous as the commercial hub
of southern Greece. But it was also
infamous as a center of immorality.
Despite that, Paul established
a church there near the end of
his second missionary journey
(Acts 18:1-17). Though the church
was in Corinth, Corinth was also
in the church, infecting its fellowship
and witness. Paul recognises
the gifts and strengths of the
church but he also deals decisively
with the problems plaguing it.
His goal is that all things be done
decently and in order (1Cor 14:40).

Paul’s troubles with the Corinthians
continued. After his first letter,
Paul’s teaching, character and
motives were brought under attack.
Paul writes back to set forth
his credentials and vindicate
his conduct, thanking those
who support him and appealing
to the rebellious minority. The book
is heavily autobiographical, offering
glimpses into the life of Paul:
his preconversion background,
his visions from Goa, his thorn
in the flesh and his persecution
for the cause of Christ.

We’ll meditate I&2 Corinthians over
4 weekends in following divisions:
1C1-6: Problems of Factions
1C7-10: Perspectives on Liberty
1C11-14: Perspectives on Worship
1C15-16: Perspectives on Resurrectn
2C1-5: Minister of the Gospel
2C6-9: Motivation in the Gospel
2C10-13:Authority as Gospel Minister
Lord, You are a holy God and
we recognise the importance that
all things be done decently and
in order. Grant us Lord the grace
of wisdom and strength to do so.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.

Preview on Letter to Romans (Apr 3) Righteousness thru Faith In Christ


As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we had been meditating scripture
by time sequence over 3OT phases:
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Post Exilic Period & Prophets
Then we meditated on John where
we learnt Jesus Christ as Son of God
and believing we’ve life in His name.
And Acts records fulfilment of Jesus’
Commission as Spirit-transformed
disciples spread the gospel.

Next, Romans. Although Paul had
not founded the church in Rome,
he had heard of the exemplary faith
and service of the Roman believers,
and he intended to visit them.
Thus the letter to the Romans
served to introduce both Paul
and his messages. As such, it has
been called the gospel according
to Paul. Writing perhaps from Corinth
on his third missionary journey,
Paul sets forth some of the central
doctrines of the Christian faith:
justification by faith, life in the Spirit,
unity in the body & God’s redemptn
program for Jew and Gentile alike.

We will meditate Romans over three
weekends in the following divisions:
R1-3: Problem of Unrighteousness
R4-5: Provision of Righteousness
R6-8: Pursuit of Righteousness
R9-11: Program of Righteousness
R12-16: Practice of Righteousness
Lord, thank You that we have
been justified through faith; and
thanks that we have peace with God
through our Jesus Christ. Amen.

Preview on Acts of Apostles Growth of the Church (Feb 27)

As the Bible is arranged by genre,
to enhance understanding context
we had been meditating scripture
by time sequence in 25 months
over three Old Testament phases:
OT1A: Genesis
OT1B: Poetry Book of Job
OT1C: Life of Moses (Exo to Deut)
OT2A: History to David (Josh-1Chr)
OT2B: Five Books of Psalms
OT2C: 1 Kings & Wisdom Poetry
OT3A: 2 Kings & Prophets
OT3B: 2 Chronicles & Prophets
OT3C: Post Exilic Period & Prophets
Earlier this month we meditated
on John gospel where we learnt
Jesus Christ as Son of God and that
believing we have life in His name.

Next, beginning with a frightened
band of disciples in an upper room,
Acts traces the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit in Jerusalem following
the ascension of Christ, and the
subsequent spread and growth
of Christianity throughout the
Roman Empire. Written by Luke,
Acts records the fulfilment of
Jesus’ Great Commission as
Spirit-transformed disciples carry
the gospel to Jerusalem… Judea
and the uttermost part of the earth.

We will meditate Acts over five
weekends in following divisions:
Acts 1-4: Spirit of the Church
Acts 5-7: Growth of the Church
Acts 8-12: Persecution & Expansion
Acts 13-20: Paul’s Mission Journeys
Acts 21-28: Lessons fr Paul’s Trials
Lord, even as we learn of the growth
of the church, may we be challenged
to witness for Christ for His glory.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Knowing God In 1Cor 12/14 (Aug26)

Spirit Distributes Spiritual Gifts

Paul’s letter so far has dealt with
problems of a personal nature.
But now he addresses public issues
in the Corinthian church: the veiling
of women, the importance of the
Lord’s Supper & the use of spiritual
gifts. Worship must be characterised
by propriety and orderliness. And
spiritual gifts must be exercised
in love, for the building up of the
whole body of Christ. Only then
is the church of God properly
worshipping the God of the church.

Lord, we desire Spiritual Gifts:
There are different kinds of gifts,
but the same Spirit distributes
them… for the Common Good.
To one is given the word of wisdom…
to another the word of knowledge…
to another faith… to another gifts
of healings… The same Spirit…
distributes to each individual
as He wills (1 Cor 12:4-11).
Pursue love & desire spiritual gifts,
especially that you may prophesy.
(For) one who prophesies is
helping others grow in the Lord,
encouraging & comforting them.
Ask God for those (gifts) that
will be of Real Help to the whole
church (1 Cor 14:1-3 & 12) Amen.

Lord, Your Word says that You give
Your people special gifts that they
can use to build Your kingdom.
Thank You for the different kinds
of gifts that the Spirit has given me.
Give me wisdom & discernment
and opportunities to use them
so as to help accomplish the
Lord’s will on earth. Amen.

Lord, Make me aware of the
creative ways You may speak.
May I never place limits on what to
expect You to say. Instead open my
mind to anything that’s on Your heart.
Teach me to ask: What are You
saying Lord; rather than thinking:
Why is this thing happening?
Help me Lord to hear Your voice
in others; to see past their flaws and
to recognise what You are saying through them. In Jesus’ name.

Lord, I ask You to give me
the spiritual gifts that You know
will be of Real Help to the church
and will fulfil Your purpose.
Thank You for creating me with
particular interests and talents.
Help me to see opportunities
to use them to serve others,
to fulfil Your destiny for my life
and glorify Your name. Amen.

Knowing God in 1Cor 10 (Aug 25)

God Provides Way Out 

The Corinthian Church had sent
Apostle Paul a list of questions
on marriage, morality, liberty,
worship and resurrection.
Building on Old Testament
quotations and Christ’s teaching,
Paul answered them in a way meant
to correct abuses in the church
and to show how important it is
that they live what they believe.

Lord, we will Resist Temptation:
We should not lust after evil things…
And do not become idolaters…
Nor let us commit sexual immorality..
nor complain as some of them
complain (1 Corinthians 10:6-10).
Therefore let him who thinks
he stands take heed lest he fall.
No temptation has overtaken
you except what is common to
mankind. And God is faithful;
He will Not let u be Tempted
Beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted,
He will also Provide A Way Out
so that you can endure it (v12-13)

Lord, it is a tough world out there,
with temptations lurking around
everywhere. Whilst You don’t
promise to protect us from
temptation, You clearly do
promise Your help In Resisting temptation when we face it.
Thank You Lord for Your promise
that No temptation will ever
be so strong that we can’t
stand up against it. Amen.

Lord, Thank You for Your promise
in 1Cor 10:13 that those who
love God Can Always Escape the
temptation that comes our way.
We trust You O God to keep any
temptation from becoming so
strong that we have to give in.
Help us Lord to Resist or Flee
from temptation for although it’s
not easy to escape temptation,
it is always possible. Amen.

Lord, at times we may feel that
temptation is overpowering or
impossible to resist. But thank
You for Providing A Way Out.
Thank You for Holy Spirit to help
us recognise tempting situations
and show the way to escape.
Help us stay away from every
activity we know that is wrong.
Help us consciously choose
to do only what is right.
Help us O Lord for apart from
You we can do nothing. Amen.

Knowing God In 1Cor 5-6 (Aug 24)

Live Worthy of Passover Lamb

Churches aren’t perfect because
churches are full of imperfect people.
Paul writes to the believers at Corinth
to correct errors in their public
and private behaviour which
are detracting their gospel witness.
These include factions, immorality
and lawsuits between believers.
Paul sets forth godly guidelines
for conduct consistent with the
grace of God given by Christ.

Lord, we’ll live Worthy of Passover:
Purge out the old leaven so that
you can stay pure. For Christ
our Passover Lamb has been
sacrificed for us (1Cor 5:7).
Your sins have been washed away
and you have been set apart
for God. You have been made
right with God because of what
the Lord Jesus and the Spirit of
our God have done for u (1C6:11).
Flee sexual immorality…
Do you not know that your body
is the temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you… For you were
bought at a price; therefore
glorify God in your body (v19-20).

Lord Jesus, our Passover Lamb,
You had indeed bought us at
a high price; and being indwelt
by the Holy Spirit, we belong to U.
And in the world, we can see
families torn apart and much pain,
from the misuse of Your good gift.
Lord tell us to flee from sexual sins.
Help us to appreciate Your gift of
sex & use it as You intended. Amen

Lord, as we seek a deep sense
of holiness, we find ourselves
pushing against a very strong tide.
Only the power of Your gospel
and the reality that we belong to You
have pushback power against
this tide. Give us the word and
the Will to keep up the fight,
realising that our bodies indeed
belong to You. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Lord Jesus, You indeed bought
us at a heavy price and rightly
we purpose to love You and
consecrate for faithful service.
O Lord, I give myself to You
I am born to be Yours, to be
Your instrument to serve You.
Grant me the grace to abide
in You, to seek Your ways and
to be obedient to You. Amen.

Knowing God In 1Cor 2 (Aug 23)

God Gives the Mind of Christ

Churches aren’t perfect because
churches are full of imperfect pple.
Paul writes to the believers at
Corinth to correct errors in their
public & private behaviour which
are detracting from their witness.
These include factions, immorality
and lawsuits between believers.
And Paul set forth godly guidelines
for conduct consistent with the
grace of God given by Christ.

Lord, we Seek Your Insight:
God, no eye has seen, no ear heard,
no mind has conceived what You
have prepared for those who love
You, but You have revealed it to us
by Your Spirit. The Spirit teaches
us all things, even the deep thing
of God (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).
What we have received is..the Spirit
who is from God, so that we may
understand what God has freely
given us. This is what we speak…
in words taught by the Spirit,
explaining Spiritual Realities with
Spirit-taught words (1Cor 2:12-13)
Who can know the Lord’s thoughts?
Who knows enough to teach him?
But we understand these things,
for we have the Mind of Christ (v16)

Lord, I bring this issue before You.
As I consider the circumstances,
I see evidence of Your leading.
As I consider my convictions,
they lead me to see Your direction.
As I think about the things people
are saying, I can sense Your voice.
As I meditate Scripture each day,
I find direction for my life in this.
When I take all these together,
I get a sense of how You may be
leading me in this issue. Confirm
Lord the inner impression with Your
Secrets and with Your peace. Amen.

Lord, when we need insights and
direction or facing challenge,
we tend to seek worldly counsel.
But there is a more reliable and
excellent source of ultimate
knowledge, the Holy Spirit.
Father, Thank You for giving us
Your Holy Spirit, who lives inside
us when we trust Jesus as Savior.
Spirit, please make clear spiritual
realities to me and enable me to
make the correct decision. Amen.

Lord, I want to see as You see
and act according to Your vision
within me. I need to know clearly
Your will for only then can I be
confident of doing the right thing.
Lord I am tired of trying to decipher
Your sovereign will. Please plant
Your thoughts within me & move me
as You desire; for Your Word says:
we have the mind of Christ. Amen.

Thought for the Week: Rom 8

Spirit of Life Helps In Prayer

Paul anticipates questions that
will naturally arise as the result of
hearing a gospel of grace. If God’s
grace is free, then am I free to sin?
If I am free from the law, then can
I ignore the ethical demands of
the law? Paul has no illusions that
becoming a Christian means the
end of your troubles. But the life
-giving Spirit provides confidence,
for victorious Christian living
in the storms of everyday life.

Lord, help us Pray with Your Spirit:
There is… no condemnation to
those who are in Christ Jesus,
who walk according to the Spirit.
For the law of the Spirit of Life
In Christ has made me free from
the law of sin and death (Rom 8:1-2)
Those who are controlled by the
Holy Spirit think about things that
please the Spirit… (And) if the
Holy Spirit Controls your mind,
there’s life and peace (v5-6).
The Spirit Helps us in our weakness.
We do not know what we ought to
pray for, but the Spirit Intercedes
for… the saints in accordance with the will of God. And we know that…
God Works for the Good of those
who love him, who have been called according to His purpose (v26-28).

Father God, let Your Holy Spirit
Control my mind, heart and thoughts
so that I can experience life & peace.
Direct my thoughts even as I yield
my mind to You Lord each day.
Cause me to think about things
that please You. And guard my
mind from being controlled by any
-thing that is contrary to Your ways.
Thank You for setting me free from
sin and death through the power
of Your life-giving Spirit. Amen.

Holy Spirit, I don’t know how to pray
about certain things, but You do.
Help me Lord in my weakness by
interceding for me and through me.
You know the will of the Father
and You know what to pray for.
Guide me and teach me especially
when I have exhausted all words.
Help me to communicate to God
my deepest thoughts, feelings,
fears and doubts, so that my
prayers are pleasing to God. Amen

Lord Jesus, Thank You for praying
through us in perfect agreement
with the Father’s will. And thank
You Lord for interceding for us
at the throne of Almighty God.
In the midst of intense trials and
great pain, we often can’t pray.
We don’t know what to say; and
don’t have the strength to muster
the right words. And we trust You
to take our distress & work things
out for our Ultimate Good. Amen.

Meditating 1 Peter 3-5 (Aug 22)

Pursue Purpose With Endurance

Peter writes to scattered Jewish
Christians who are undergoing
intense persecution for their faith.
He reminds his readers God has
begotten us again unto a living hope.
So don’t be surprised when suffering
comes your way; expect it, prepare
for it and responds to it correctly.
And be sure you are doing what is
right, not for doing what it wrong.
If you do, God will richly reward
you when the trials of life are over.

Lord, Thank You for Your gracious
gift of salvation with provides us
eternal life and a secured future.
Thank You Lord that as Your special
people You have set us free and
given us a priceless inheritance.
Help us serve U with commitment
as well as endure suffering faithfully.
For You Will Hear Our Prayers;
For You Will Strengthen Us;
For You Will Equip Us; & above all
For What A Faithful God U Are. Amen

Lord, You Will Hear our prayers:
For the eyes of the Lord are on
the righteous and His ears are
attentive to their prayers, but
the face of the Lord is against
those who do evil (1Pet 3:12).
Lord, Thank You that You see
my heart and hear my prayers.
Grateful that when You see me,
You see the righteousness of Jesus
in me and not the sinner I was
before I received Him into my life.
Thank You that You not only hear
my prayers, but You also see my
need and will answer the cries
of my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, we Seek Your Equipping:
As each one has received a gift,
minister it to one another, as good
stewards of the manifold grace
of God. If anyone speaks, they
should do so as one who speaks
the very words of God. If anyone
serves, they should do so with the
strength God provides (1Pet 4:10-11).
Lord, thanks for giving me unique
gifts and special abilities with
which to serve others. I want
to be a blessing to others and
most of all to bring You glory.
Help me declare Your Words and
let me recognise them in others.
So work in me Lord and work
through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lord, You Care & Strengthen Us:
God resists the proud, but
gives grace to the humble.
Therefore humble yourselves
under the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you in due time,
Casting all your care upon Him,
for He cares for you (1Pet 5:5-7).
May the God of all grace… establish,
strengthen and settle you (v10).
Lord, we are prone to be anxious
with the heavy weight of problems.
Yet Your Word says You don’t want
Your children to be anxious about
anything but to pray everything.
Grant us deep humility and renewed
dependence on U to do this each day.
Help us rest the full weight of
our worries in Your capable hands;
and thank You Lord for the peace
You give us in return. In Jesus’ name.