Meditating on Colossians 1/2

Complete In Christ(Jun 12)

All is not well in Colosse.
A dangerous heresy – that
Jesus Christ is neither central nor
supreme is undermining the church.
Apostle Paul’s response to
these false teachings is two-fold.
First, he upholds Christ as the
preeminent Head of the church.
Next, he speaks out against the
rituals and man-made regulations
which typify worship at Colosse.

Dear Jesus Christ, we praise You
for Being Supreme for You are God
in the flesh, Lord of all creation
as well as head of the Church.
Because our sin has been forgiven
and we have been reconciled
to God, we have a union with
Christ that cannot be broken.
Help us to Know Your Will.
Help us to Submit Your Preeminence.
Help us to Be Complete In You.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord, we seek to Know Your Will:
We have not stopped praying for
you & asking God to fill you with the
Knowledge of His Will through all
spiritual wisdom & understanding
that u may walk worthy of the Lord,
fully pleasing Him, being fruitful
in every good work and increasing
in the knowledge of God (Col1:9-10)
Lord, I pray for the people You
have put in my life & in my heart.
Fill them with wisdom and under-
standing and the knowledge of
Your Will so that they will stay
on the path You have for them.
I pray they will learn to hear Your
voice and come to know You
better, so that they can have
a closer walk with You. Amen.

Lord,You’re Supreme & Preeminent:
(Christ) existed before anything
was created and is supreme
over all creation, for through Him
God created everything in the
heavenly realms and on earth…
Everything was created through
Him and for Him. He existed
before anything else & He holds
all creation together. And He is
the head of the body, the church..
that in all things He may have
the preeminence (Col 1:15-18).
Lord, You created me for
a purpose and help me be all
that You have created me to be.
Lord Jesus, I adore You not only
for Your sacrificial love, but also condescending to live in me.
Help me to let You have the preeminence in all things.
In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.

Lord Jesus, we’re Complete In You:
As you have received Christ Jesus
the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted
and built up in Him & established
in the faith… abounding in it
with thanksgiving (Col 2:6-7).
In Christ the fullness of God
lives in a human body, and
you are complete through your
union with Christ (Col 2:9-10).
Lord, You are completely great
for You have chosen to live in me.
Help me to fully trust You, knowing
You are in control of all situations.
And that You are using everything
that happens in my life to show me
that I Am Complete In You. Amen.